Food Science 2019 Flashcards
When a company replaces atmospheric air in a bag of potato chips with a pre-defined mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and/or nitrogen to preserve product appearance and extend shelf life, they are using ____________ technology.
Modified-atmosphere packaging
The largest shell egg recall in U.S. history occurred this year due to ____contamination, a pathogen that may be found in eggs.
Salmonella enteritidis
The flavor enhancer _________ has no flavor of its own but is used in food products to help bring out the flavor already present in food.
Monosodium glutamate
When rice grains are stored for long periods of time, they are less sticky after cooking than fresher grains of rice because ______ acts on amylose, breaking down the amylose chains.
When glucose reacts chemically with oxygen, water and ______ are formed.
Carbon dioxide
The protein molecules of collagen and elastin form rope-like fibers so they are considered to be _______ proteins.
To make vinegar from apples takes several steps. In the first step, sugar from the fruit is converted to ______ in the presence of yeast.
Ethyl alcohol
The pH of a food ingredient, measured on a scale from ________, influences the functionality of the ingredient in a food product.
Food companies sometimes use potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride to lower the sodium content of a food product; however, potassium chloride can have a _________ aftertaste.
Food ingredients that are GRAS, also known as _______, are considered safe for human consumption.
Generally recognized as safe
________ in eggs acts as a natural emulsifier.
In a commercial bread operation, baked bread is conveyed to a depanner which uses suction cups and _______ to remove the baked loaf from the pan.
Vacuum pressure
Liquid may form on the surface of pudding that has been stored refrigerated due to water leaking from the gel as it ages. This is also known as ___________.
An alternating electric current is a(n) _____________ coil produces an alternating magnetic field causing iron cooking utensils placed on the cooking surface to become hot while the surface itself remains cool. The hot cooking utensil then transmits heat to the food.
When a thermometer is used to monitor product internal temperature, it should be __________ before it is used to ensure the readings are accurate.
The protein found in the liquid that remains after fat and casein have been removed from milk is called _____________.
The chemical formula NaHCO3 represents ____________.
Sodium bicarbonate
Vitamins A,D,E, and K _____________.
are fat soluble vitamins.
A(n) ___________ is used in the production of peanut butter to keep the peanut oil from separating out to the top of the jar.
_________ is the form of carbohydrates that is found in meat.
The frozen food industry was born in the 1920’s when __________ invented, developed, and commercialized a method for quick-freezing food products.
Clarence Birdseye
The functional component __________, found in tomatoes, is associated with a reduced cancer risk of the prostate, breast, digestive tract, bladder, and skin.
Sucrose is the main disaccharide in table sugar, honey, and _____________.
Maple syrup
The length of time required at a specific temperature to destroy 90% of a pathogen is called the ____________.
Food scientists often need to know how much solute a solution contains. What would be the mass percent of sodium chloride in a solution if 15 g of sodium chloride was dissolved in 85 g of water?
An apple that has been peeled for processing will turn brown quickly as a result of __________.
Enzymatic reaction
The meat industry is regulated by the ____________.
United States Department of Agriculture
When fruits and vegetables are dehydrated, temperatures used during drying ____________.
are not high enough to kill bacteria.
Based on the principles of HACCP, the presence of a walnut in vanilla ice cream is an example of a ___________ hazard.
Carbonated colas ___________.
have an acidic pH.
By federal law, baking powder must yield at least ________ of carbon dioxide for every 100 g of powder.
12 g
Chicken does not discolor in the same way as ground beef because chicken muscle has less ___________.
_________________ is a pathogen that causes a food infection.
Escherichia coli O157:H7
To evaluate product characteristics such as flavor, texture, and shape, food scientists rely on _____________ who are specialized groups of people who evaluate food samples.
Sensory evaluation panelists
Oxidation of fat involves the loss of a ____________ atom from a single-bonded carbon next to a double bond and leads to rancidity.
_____________ of milk is a heat treatment that destroys all pathogenic organisms but does not destroy all spoilage organisms.
Ice at 0 degrees C will keep food colder longer in an ice chest than water at 0 degrees C because of ____________, or the energy required to cause a phase change without a change in temperature.
Latent heat
Papain contains three enzymes from _______________ which is used as a meat tenderizer.
The _______ provided sweeping legislation requiring almost all foods produced in the U.S. to have labels with specific facts about nutrition labeling.
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990
To determine when a food has been heated sufficiently during the canning process, canners check the _________, which is the last point in the food to reach the temperature considered safe for killing microorganisms in the food.
Cold point
Frankfurters are an example of a ____________ meat product.
Gelatin can bind __________ times its weight in water.
To measure the sugar concentration in a beverage, food companies will measure the __________ of the solution.
Brix value
When people consume carbohydrates, digestion begins _____________.
in the mouth when amylase in saliva breaks down starch into simpler sugars.
Unripened cheese such as ___________ has a high moisture content resulting in a shorter shelf life than ripened cheese.
Cream cheese
Food processors promote products containing omega-3 fatty acids because they ________.
promote heart health
Flour with a strong __________ quality produces yeast bread with high volume and fine texture.
By _________ cocao beans, the cell walls break down, bitter-tasting compounds react with each other, and the seed temperature increases leading to biochemical changes.
The spores of __________ can germinate under anaerobic conditions to produce vegetative bacteria that can grow and produce a deadly toxin if foods are not adequately heat processed during retorting.
Clostridium botulinum
The process of __________ is used to add nutrients lost in processing to food at levels that are higher than what existed before the food was processed. For example, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and iron are added to flour through this process.