1920's History Test Flashcards
Popular silent film actor
Charlie Chaplin
Baseball player
Babe Ruth
Jazz musician
Louis Armstrong
First to fly a solo non-stop trip from New York to Paris
Charles Lindbergh
Women wanted to be equal to me (wore short skirts and a bob hairstyle)
Powerful writer of 1920’s
Langstion Hughes
Police arrest thousands of people who are suspected to be radicals .
Palmer raids
Idea that intelligent’s is passed down fro your parents and that it is found more in some races then others
Allows a certain amount of people to immigrate to U.S. and depends on your country of origin
Quota system
Sold illegal alcohol
Boot legger
President of the time; silent Cal
Calvin Coolidge
Period of rising stocks
Bull market
Period of declining stocks
Bear market
Revolutionized production, wages, work conditions, and daily life
Henry Ford
Promoted black nationalism and the separation of the races. Highly influential; traveled the world and settled in Harlem; Jamaican.
Marcus Garvey
Growth and influence of Black culture in music, art, and literature
Harlem renaissance
Hurt the citizen’s trust in the Government and it’s leaders. Albert Fall transferred oil from the Navy reserves to Teapot Dome and California to make quick and easy money for himself. This was stopped in 1924 and he went to jail for a year.
Teapot Done Scandal
U.S. let Germany take loans from the U.S. so they can pay Britain and France. Thus, Britain and France could pay the U.S. back. Then the stock market crashed. Germany couldn’t take any loans and the plan stopped working.
Dawes plan
Revival of the KKK on the top of stone mountain, with the influence of “ The Birth of a Nation”. Targets are blacks, Jews, immigrants, and Catholics. Between 4-5 million member’s.
Ku Klux Klan
Prohibition of alcohol in the U.S. (Only amendment to be repealed and was enforced with the Volstead act).
18th Amendment
Tennessee outlaws the teaching of evolution. John Scopes teaches the theory in Dayton, Tennessee to try and challenge this law. He gets arrested and the trial gains nation-wide attention. Clarence Darrow is the defense and William Jennings Bryan is the prosecution (Both famous people and makes the trial bigger). Scopes is found guilty and fined $100. The trail caused a major cultural division within the U.S.
Scopes Trial
Widespread fear of suspected communists and radicals, starting a revolution in America. Eventually fizzled out but negative feelings remained towards immigrants and Union’s.
Red Scare