1930's History Test Flashcards
Herbert Hoover
Becomes president at the start of the Great Depression. Feels the Gov. Should be hands off but that doesn’t work so he switches to local-ism. This didn’t work.
Sky rockets to 25%
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Passed to raise taxes on foreign goods to promote the buying of U.S. goods but then the country’s put a tax on us so it was bad.
Homeless camps and Shanty towns. Really anything bad.
Trickle down
Money is lent to the top earners and or given tax breaks in hopes that they will invest/ create jobs. Didn’t work.
October 29, 1929
Known as Black Tuesday. The stock market crashes. Direct cause of the Depression.
Causes of the Dust Bowl
High winds, prolonged drought, and poor farming practice.
Dust Bowl refuge’s. Treated poorly.
Bonus Army
War hero’s were promised a bonus but later on down the road. They needed it now. They were refused. Thus, they lobbied in D.C.. FDR didn’t like this and said to get rid of them. It was forceful and FRD got the blame, making sure he couldn’t get re-elected.
Eleanor Roosevelt
FDR’s wife. More involved that past First Lady’s.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Built dams in the Tennessee River Valley.
Public Works Authority (PWA)
Built highways and public buildings.
Senator Huey Long
Against New Deal/FDR. “Share the Wealth” tax the wealthy and give it to the poor. Could have ran but was killed in 1935.
3 R’s.
Relief, Recover, Reform
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
8 million people employed. Built 650,000 miles of road/ 125,000 buildings.
Pump Priming
Gov. Spends money/ spreads it, by putting people to work, then they spend the money, stimulating the economy.
Wagner Act
Gives employees the right to labor unions/ collective barging.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Provided jobs for over 2 million men. Replanted forests/ built fertilizer plants.
Fair labor Standards Act
Establish minimum wage and maximum work hours.
Court Packing
Congress tried to shut down New Deal, saying it was unconstitutional. Thus he tried to bring on more Justices so he could control more of the votes.
Mary Mclead Detaure
Member of the black court. Believed that the New Deal created a new day for blacks.
New Deal Coalition
Supported the Democratic Party. Brought together southern whites, northern blue collar workers, poor mid-western farmers, and blacks politically.
Dorotea Lange
Popular photographer of Depression
Social Security Act (SSA)
Established a pension system for retirees, unemployment insurance, and insurance for work place accidents.
FDR’s Effect on Presidency
-Increased power of Gov.
-Mass media is used for promoting politics
-President manages economy
-22nd Amendment limits presidential terms
-Expand white house staff
-President’s image is caretaker of American people
-Fed. Gov. is more involved