***FOM (Required) (r. 78) Flashcards
New Approach Terms (1.07)
PA: Precision Approach
New Approach Terms (1.07)
NPA: Non-Precision Approach
New Approach Terms (1.07)
APV: Approach with Vertical Guidance
(An instrument approach based on a navigation system that is not required to meet precision approach standards but provides course and glide path deviation information.)
EAML and eMR (1.07)
EAML: Electronic Aircraft Maintenance Log (log on Workbench)
Wrench: Where you log ACFT discrepancies
eMR: Electronic Maintenance Release (generated from Workbench, mx history, MEL/CDL items, etc.)
(old ARD)
FACT (1.07)
FACT (Final Action Taken)
Closing of discrepancies in the AML/EAML
WorkBench (1.07)
WorkBench - Maintenance Electronic Database
Wrench (1.07)
Input aircraft discrepancies
New Approach Terms (3 of them) (1.07)
PA: Precision Approach
NPA: Non-Precision Approach
APV: Approach with Vertical Guidance
(An instrument approach based on a navigation system that is not required to meet precision approach standards but provides course and glide path deviation information.)
Block-Turn-Back (BTB)(1.07)
Occurs when a flight is pushed back from the gate and later returns to a gate or designated parking spot and;
-AMT is required to board the aircraft
-Crew replacement/duty time limitations
-Changing of cargo/load
-Natural phenomenon (weather or ATC delay)
Required documents to legally depart:
1. New Flight Release
2. New Weight and Balance
3. Fuel Service Form (if additional fuel required)
4. New eMR (when in use)
Returning to a gate or designated parking spot for the sole purpose of deconflicting aircraft movement area to accomplish PDM is not a BTB. Movement to a maintenance area is not a BTB.
RPF (1.07)
Reliability Protection Fuel
Plans fuel for possible unanticipated situations, historical delays (maintenance after push-back, payload above planned, departure, arrival, and terminal area), possible go around.
RPF fuel is not part of the required fuel calculation.
Max RPF (1.07)
Max Reliability Protection Fuel accounts for higher historical delays than RPF
Beginning of Flight for MX (1.07)
Advancement to the throttles (MEL no longer applies)
Beginning of Flight for Planning (1.07)
Block out
Alternate vs Operational Alternate (1.07)
Alternate: Required by FAR’s
Operational Alternate: Destination indicate a higher likelihood of diversion
ETOPS (1.07)
Extended Operations
ACFT with 2 engines have to be within 1 hour flight time of an adequate airport unless ETOPS certified.
E-Extended Range
T-Twin Engine
FDX Flight Crew Responsibilities (2.03)
Safety / Legality / Reliability
FSR (2.13)
ASAP (2.14)
Mandatory Reports (2.15)
ASAP satisfies FSR & Mandatory Report requirement
24 hours for a Non-Sole Source
Crew MTOB (2.23)
Must Take-Off By
The flight must takeoff by this time on the release for crew duty rest requirements. If getting close, contact dispatcher.
Must be briefed by CA
Aircraft MTOB (2.23)
Aircraft Must Take Off By time shown on the eMR is determined by required maintenance inspections and MEL expirations together with the scheduled flight time.
@ Pilot and ACFT Authorization (2.30) (4.67) (6.13)
C078: Lower than standard takeoff minima (<500 RVR)
-With HUD guidance RVR 300 [75m].
C048: Enhanced Flight Vision Systems
-Domestic only, CAT I, 15 kts Max x-wind
-Begin the approach based on the Derived Visibility Value from the EFVS Operational Credit Tables (Which is lower than Jepp)
-Descend below DA to 100 feet above TDZE using enhanced vision if enhanced flight visibility meets the Charted Visibility Value(Jepp)
-Descend below 100 feet above TDZE using natural vision of the required items
MD11: Only domestic Cat 1
757-767-777: Domestic CAT I PA, APV, or NPA, with straight-in minimums
Domestic: Alaska, Hawaii, 48 contiguous United
States, District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, and U.S. Military Airports worldwide.
@ OpSpec C048 (2.30) (6.13)
C048: Enhanced Flight Vision Systems
-Domestic only, any domestic CAT I PA, APV, or NPA (MD CAT 1 only)
-15 kts Max x-wind
-Begin the approach based on the Derived Visibility Value from the EFVS Operational Credit Tables (Which is lower than Jepp)
-Descend below DA to 100 feet above TDZE using enhanced vision if enhanced flight visibility meets the Charted Visibility Value(Jepp)
-Descend below 100 feet above TDZE using natural vision of the required items
MD11 only domestic Cat 1
757-767-777 domestic CAT I PA, APV, or NPA, with straight-in minimums
Domestic: Alaska, Hawaii, 48 contiguous United
States, District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, and U.S. Military Airports worldwide
High Mins Capt not allowed to descend below DA or MDA
@ ETOPS with 2-engine airplanes B342 (2.30)
Allowed 180 minute (with waiver, 207 minutes in NoPac) maximum diversion time to an adequate airport.
ETOPS = extended-range / twin-engine / operational / performance / standards
Non-ETOPS only 1 hour
@ VNAV Approach using DA in lieu of MDA C073 (2.30)
MD-11: Only with 923 Load (Currently N/A)
757-767-777: To treat MDA(H) as DA(H) if using VNAV for a LOC and for a non-precision approach with ball note “Only authorized operators may use VNAV DA(H) in lieu of MDA(H)”
@ RNP AR Approaches C384 (2.30)
757-767-777 are authorized RNAV (RNP) or AR procedures
“Radius-to-Fix” turn (RF) (2.30)
RNAV Approach Turn
757-767-777 and MD-11/10
PM Duties (2.36)
Identify / Command / Intervene
10 kts slow / increase speed / Go-Around
Monitoring Procedures (All Crewmembers) (2.36)
Verbalize / Verify / Monitor
$$$ Flight Deck Authority (2.37)
The Captain of record (listed on the Release) is designated the PIC
PIC has full control and authority in the operation of the aircraft, without limitation, over other crewmembers and their duties from block out until block in
Each crewmember and additional personnel on board must comply with the instructions issued to him by the PIC
The SIC should immediately notify the Captain if there is an emergency, an abnormal, a waypoint/routing change in Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance Specification / North Atlantic High Level Airspace (CMNPS/NAT HLA)airspace, or anytime prudence dictates.
Fuel Policy (2.58)
Efficiency / Protecting Safety / Reliability
Fuel Loads: Discussed in Minutes
When to start APU (2.58)
Final Weight and Balance or no later than 5 min prior to departure (if no ACARS)(reference in the country rules)
Packs use: WX dependent
@ Max Cruise Speed (2.58)
MD-10-10 = .84 (CI=500)
MD-10-30= .86 (CI=400)
MD-11 = .86 (CI=500)
757 = ? (CI=200)
767 = .86 (CI=200)
@ What Speed To Fly (2.58)
767 CI and CI range
Fly in ECON SPD with the CI in the FPR,
Unless there is a Mach number, then climb/decent CI80,
Then in cruise set MACH in header or needed for Oceanic
767 Range 0-200 CI
$$$ Use of HUD/EFVS (2.64)
PF: 50% of legs
PM: 100% of legs
1. Takeoff or approach with windshear reported in the vicinity of the airport.
2. EFVS operation.
3. CAT II ILS approach (EFVS use optional).
4. CAT III ILS approach (EFVS use optional).
5. HUD Takeoff Guidance required < RVR 500ft/150m (EFVS use optional).
6. Low-visibility taxi ≤ RVR 1200 (EFVS use optional).
Low Visibility Taxi Procedures (2.82)
1200 RVR or less
No check list
Low vis taxi chart
Consider starting all engines
HUD required (Use of EFVS is optional)
Takeoff and landing minima is operator specific.
Taxi capabilities are airport and ATC specific.
Movement Area: ATC Controlled
Non-Movement Area: NOT ATC Controlled
For operations with less than 600 RVR, taxiway centerline lights must be installed and operational from the landing runway to the non-movement area.
Taxiway centerline lights alternate Amber and Green: ACFT still in the ILS critical area.
Taxiway centerline lights become all Green: ACFT is clear of the runway and the critical area.
Early Block-Out (3.05)
Must contact GOC to block-out > than 5 min early.
$$$ Initial Crew Briefing (3.06)
Threat Awareness and Management
MEL items
Crew experience
Alertness and preparation
Airport and route familiarity
Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) risks
GO-Around Procedures if first flight
Error Detection and Correction
FCIFs, Bulletins, and Hot Topics
$$$ Currency HUD / EFVS (3.07)
HUD: 1 T/O or Landing using HUD in 90 days
EFVS: 6 approaches in 6 months using EFVS
(one must be to a full stop)
(just used, WX can be clear, day or night)
(Y/N on Flight Release indicates currency)
@ 757/767 Segment Currency Requirements (3.07)
757: Minimum of 2 flight legs every 90 days AND
767: Minimum of 2 flight legs every 90 days
Performing duties as either PF or PM
Still need 3 in 90 for general lading currency
If no 757 legs, just not current to fly 757
$$$ First Officer has less than 100 hours Line Operating Flight Time (3.11)
If the First Officer has less than 100 hours Line Operating Flight Time as a First Officer in Part 121 Operations in the type airplane being flown, the Captain must make all takeoffs and landings in the following situations:
- At Special Qualification Airports.
- Prevailing Visibility at or below 3/4 mile.
- Runway RVR is at or below 4000 feet.
- Runway has water, snow, slush or similar conditions that may adversely affect airplane performance.
- Braking Action reported less than GOOD.
- Crosswind component in excess of 15 knots.
- Windshear reported in vicinity of airport.
- Any other condition in which the Captain determines it to be prudent
$$$ CA less than 75 hours (3.11)
Can’t fly with FO with less than 75 hours in type aircraft.
100 hours Flight Time (including IOE) within 120 days after Type Rating (can extend to 150 days if checked)
Regardless of the seat position if there is a Relief Pilot, 2/3 of the flight time counts for consolidation on a 3 pilotflight crew and 1/2 of the flight time counts on a 4 pilot flight crew.
757/767 Consolidation: If checked out on both, different rules apply
C078 (HUD) and C048 EFVS Training Consolidation:
Newly activated Captains: must conduct and log,
-(6) takeoffs using the HUD, with or without takeoff guidance
-(6) approaches using the HUD/EFVS in conditions greater than or equal to current applicable weather minimums in order to consolidate their training.
Once complete, the currency status for HUD and EFVS is shown under the “H” and “E”columns of the crewmember’s information section of the Release.
ACARS ACFT Performance (3.21)
NextGen APS
These performance calculations are from performance software hosted on an FAA certified ground-based server. The flight crew accesses the performance software via ACARS. Current METAR data, MEL/CDL affecting performance, and runway NOTAMs are included in the performance data calculation for the runways requested.
The performance software is continually updated and is valid anytime it is accessed.
If the performance software cannot be accessed, use the EFB APS as outlined below.
Aircraft Group Designation (3.23)
All: IV / D
777: V / E
RNP Requirements (3.25)
En-route: 10
Approach (IAF-FAF): 1
T/O and Landings (FAF-Minimums): 0.3
RVSM Must Report to ATC (3.25)
- Failure of all autopilots
- Loss of any altimeter (+/- 200’ of each other)
- Failure of altitude hold function
- Encountering severe turbulence
- Encountering mountain wave activity
- Situation that requires immediate altitude deviation
altimeter must be check once prior to RVSM entry and every hour
757-767-777 and MD-11/10 altimeter comparator system counts as check
Ceiling less than 1000 feet above the lowest MEA, MOCA, or initial approach altitude and the visibility is less than 3 miles
- Either the Captain or the First Officer must have made a takeoff and landing at that airport within the preceding 12 months.
- The Captain must have reviewed (within the preceding 12 months) Special Airport Qualification pages.
- If photographs are not available for certain airports in China and the former USSR, Topo-graphical Planning Charts (TPC) may be used as a suitable substitute.
Destination WX Requited (3.35)
Reports / Forecast / Combo; must be at or above mins at ETA
1. Steady State Winds (gust only on actual T/O and Landing)
2. Conditional Wording (when less than main body of forecast)
3. Lowest RVR (RVR takes priority)
Time to destination 90 min or <
-At or above current and below min forecast (if WX is within 2 hours of ETA)
-At or above mins forecast and below mins current (provided a favorable trend)
Time to destination > 90 min
Solely an at or above forecast (even if current WX is below mins)
Destination WX Requirement use of C048 (3.35)
For dispatch: WX must be at or above mins at ETA of destination
To start approach using EFVS OpsSpec C048: Domestic Cat I with vis off the Derived Visibility Value from the EFVS Operational Credit Tables
Extended Overwater Destination Minimums (3.35)
For extended overwater operations, or operations within the State of Alaska,
Destination airport may be forecast to be below required minimums at the ETA,
Provided the alternate airport is forecast to be at or above derived alternate minimums at the ETA at the alternate.
Exemption 18402 (3.37)
Removed 12/31/2021
Authorizes FedEx to dispatch flights to airports in the contiguous United States without an alternate:
+/- 1 hour of ETA the destination airport, the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination of thereof indicate:
CAT I ILS approach procedure:
The ceiling will be at least 1,000 feet above the airport elevation; and
Visibility will be at least 3 miles.
CAT II or III ILS approach procedure:
The ceiling will be at least 1,000 feet above the airport elevation; and
Visibility will be at least 2 miles.
Flag Ops, Alternate Always Required (3.37)
Flight leg exceeding 6 hours
Once less than 6 hours, alternate can be removed and fuel used as contingency
$$$ Exemption 5549 (3.45)
High Mins Capt Exemption
Authorizes High Mins Captain to flight plan, release, and fly to the lowest published CAT I or CAT II Mins during his first 100 hours
* CA must be PF*
Approach Coupler or HUD system used until DH or MA (HUD req “Y”)
WX CAN’T be below 4000’ RVR (3/4 mile visibility) and the crosswind component exceeds 15 knots combined with a braking action report less than “good.”
ACFT CAT II/III certified
Approach Coupler and Autoland System used until Landing or MA
Crosswind 15 kts or less
Ex 5549 may only be used on
flights within CONUS and OpSpecs A012 flights inbound to the US only
FOD (3.47)
Fuel Over Destination:
Defined as the fuel on board minus the burn (DEST + TAXI)
65 min
MD-11/10 If min FOD is below 14,000 lbs, contact the dispatcher
Weight and Balance vs. FOB variance (3.47)
Greater than ± 1,000 lbs require an amended W and B
Exemption 3585 (3.42)
North American flight operated into the US,
when destination and/or alternate WX could be less than WX mins for those airports at the ETA.
$$$ What must the PIC do if he signs the release manually (3.49)
Send an OPSCTL message stating they signed a paper copy, including the Release number signed.
@ FOB vs. Release Fuel variances (3.49)
1000 lbs. 757-767
1500 lbs. MD-11/10-777
Must Contact Dispatcher and new release
Documents Mandatory For Departer (3.51)
Manually signed release, ACARS message to GOC is required
- Flight Plan/Release (paper or electronic)
Dom: If on one crew members iPad
Int’l: If on all crew members iPads - Valid eMR or ARD/AML (when ARD/AML procedures are in use)
- Weight and Balance
- WX and Forecast
- FSF (fuel service forms)
- DG (dangerous goods)
- Gen Decs (General Declarations)
If a release is signed electronically via Vector or PFC, there is no requirement to sign a paper copy
When the release must be signed manually at a Ramp, a copy must be left with the Ramp Agent
Amendments must be kept via paper, ACARS, or notes app until end of flight.
Any flight issued a new Flight Release (e.g., up-numbering due to BTB, fuel uplift, MEL added, etc.) may be dispatched with ACARS fuel number if fuel total or burn is different from original Release.
If unable to obtain a WX data-com number, a copy of the Release and weather packet must be turned into the local ramp or to Flight
How to verify the eMR is current (4.09)
The eMR number on the ACARS message must be checked against what is displayed on Vector.
The current eMR number can be cross checked at any time using ACARS, Downlinks >Ops Control>“eMR”.
Circuit Breaker Policy (4.12)
May pull and reset CB if directed by:
-QRH or MX
May reset a tripped CB if:
-No ARD history
-Only one attempt
-Fuel Boost Pump
-Fuel Quantity
-Aux Hyd Pump (MD11/10 only)
*If this resolved the problem, the flight may continue
*Always make an AML entry
PDM (4.13)
After Pushback - Prior to T/O
Use Flow Chart
Items needed before T/O:
1. The MEL item number,
2. The MOC-assigned Control Number
3. Time and initials of the Dispatcher
Submit PDIS via Wrench (if eMR is used)
PDM delay code (MG)
@ Preflight Fuel Verification (4.15)
FO’s Duties
Calculate previous “block-in-fuel” + “total pounds added” = FOB
Block-in-fuel: Off previous flight message on yoke clip or AML entry
AML entry if:
1. FSF is missing
2. Difference between “previously flight block-in-fuel” and “FSF block A” of
+1000 lbs (757-767) / +3000 lbs (MD-11)
3. Difference between “calculated FOB” and “indicated FOB” of +5% or 5000lbs (which ever is less)
Which one to use
28-Day Cycle
Starts: 0901Z (on first day)
Ends: 0900Z (first day of next cycle)
Should use based on the anticipated Flight Release Takeoff Time
Weight and Balance Verification Process (4.21)
CA and FO must independently verify on prelim or final;
1. Flt #
2. Tail #
3. Manifest #
4. Particular Flt Sequence
5. Fuel load distribution
6. Jumpseaters
7. Overwater kit if applicable
CA and FO must verify final for;
Manifest #
Written Format of ZFW / ZFWCG / TOCG / TOGW
When must new performance calculations be made after numbers change (4.21)
If a subsequent PRELIM is received (as indicated by a new manifest number) showing a change in ZFW/ZFWCG or TOGW/TOCG, then a newTakeoff Performance Data Brief shall be accomplished.
When is Final W and B Received (4.21)
After aircraft loading is complete (final position is locked and scanned)
Manually Entering Manifest Number on the W/B ACK PAGE (4.21)
Only during paper WT & BAL manifest Ops
LMC (4.21)
Last Minute Change (LMC) procedures don’t apply ACARS Weight and Balance and results in a new ACARS Weight and Balance
Wide Body’s: 999 lbs.
Narrow Body’s: 400 lbs.
An asterisk next to ZFW (4.21)
Reduction in maximum ZFW due to MEL or other factors, such as reduced fuel tank quantities
Air or Block Turn Back requirements (4.21)
Air or Block Turn Back: Return to the gate after taxi
1. NEW Weight and Balance
2. Complete Close-Out (provide GOC with Out/Off/On/In times)
Accomplish by:
1. SEND the ACARS summary
2. Re-Initialize
Any Wt & Bal for the flight will then be automatically sent to the aircraft
Clearance (4.27)
Valid Times: 30 min prior - 2 hrs after proposed departure time
The Captain and one other flight crew will monitor receipt of all ATC departure clearances
$$$ CA Departure Brief (4.33)
- Identify pilot flying the leg
- Review FedEx Express airport specific pages
- Any special procedures, crew duties, or NOTAMs
- MEL/CDL deferrals/restrictions that may affect the takeoff
- Most restrictive of:
Flight Crew “Must Take Off By” (MTOB)
Aircraft Must Take Off (T/O) By Time - Other abnormal conditions
Standard Procedures (4.33)
- Less than all engine taxi
- Standard callouts
- Sterile cockpit
- Autothrottle and autobrakes will be used, if available
- Autopilot will be off for the initial climb
- The Captain will make the decision to reject the takeoff and perform the RTO
- The FO will notify ATC as soon as practical of the reject
- In the event of an emergency after V1, the PF will continue to fly the airplane
ACFT departing, the only allowable items inside the silhouette (4.39)
- Pushback tug and tow bar
- Aircraft chocks
- Aircraft nose tether
- Ground power cord
- Wing walkers (if required or needed)
- Ground crew blocking out the aircraft Follow Me vehicle
Permanently installed crew stairs (retracted), nose dock loaders (retracted), ground power units, light poles, and other non-movable items are considered to be outside the silhouette. Minor deviations from these silhouette policies may be approved for certain ramps. Once approved, these deviations will be communicated via the route manual FedEx parking chart or a Company NOTAM.
T/O without RWY lights fully operational (day or night) (4.47)
Ok if, vis 1/4 mile or RVR 1600 or greater
Runway lights and/or markings or EFVS image provides adequate forward visual reference, in the Captain’s judgment.
$$$ What vis must CA make T/O (4.51)
-RVR less than 500’ [150m]
-Should in adverse conditions
(Except Check Airmen)
RWY Verification Items (4.51)
1. Verification of runway identification signs prior to crossing the hold short line
1. RWY on the FMS
2. Aligning with RWY Heading
3. ND Heading matched expected RWY
RWY Change (4.51)
- PERF Brief
- DEP Brief(including Engine-Out SID [EOSID])
- FMS verification.
At the Captain’s discretion the aircraft should be stopped at an appropriate point
All briefings must be completed prior to crossing the hold-short line
Reject T/O less than 500’ RVR for loss of EFVS guidance (4.54)
Only if EFVS is required for T/O
Less than 80 kts and guidance loss;
More than 80 kts and guidance is lost;
Use all available means to continue
RTO Prior to 80 knots (4.54)
All the +80 knots
- Activation of the Master Warning/Caution System
- System Failures
- Unusual noise or vibration
- Tire failure
- Abnormally slow acceleration
- Unsafe takeoff configuration warning
80kts - V1 RTO for what (4.54)
- Fire
- Engine Failure
- Wind Shear
- Unsafe to Fly
0-80 kts = low speed regime
80-V1 = high speed regime
Lower than standard T/O mins (what to use) (4.63)
Route Manual Charts and Lower Than Standard T/O Minimums Table
are to be used in conjunction with to determine takeoff minimums.
The table may not be used to lower charted minimums.
FedEx is not authorized to use charted minimums that are lower than the table.
RVR take precedence
Standard T/O Mins (4.65)
Two-engine Aircraft - RVR 5000 / 1 SM
Lower than standard T/O Mins RVR Required (4.67)
For operations at or above RVR 1600 ft [500 m]:
-The TDZ RVR report, if available is controlling
-The MID RVR report may be substituted for an unavailable TDZ report
For operations below RVR 1600 ft [500 m]:
-A minimum of two operative RVR reporting systems are required
-All available RVR reports are controlling, except for a FAR END RVR report, which is advisory only
Lowest T/O mins (4.67)
300 ft [75m] RVR using C078
- Charted minimums take presidents
- Can only go below 150m if there is a ball note authorizing 75m with HUD (exception Australia ok 75m without ball note)
If the SID does not state that it is ok to use minimums that are “standard (or lower than standard, if authorized),” then ok to use 10-9
Required to T/O with vis less than 500’ RVR (4.67)
- Jeppesen 10-9A, verify RWY is approved for 300 RVR T/O
- ACFT and Crew certified (CA 90 day HUD currency)
- HUD T/O guidance is mandatory
- Max x-wind 15 kts
- Enter RWY length and elevation (RWY shorting “D” departures {behind you} / “A” {ahead of you}) (RWY length/actual RWY length, 8946/D8446
- ILS freq and course on LSK 4L on NAV/RAD
- Capt, select FPV to CAGED for T/O
- Capt, verify GND ARM and LOC deviation symbols on HUD
OpSpect C078 (4.67)
-HUD T/O allowing less than 500’ RVR, as low as 300 ft [75m] RVR
-Both International and Domestic
-No EFVS required
US Holding Speeds (AIM)
Up to 6000’ = 200 kts
6001’ - 14000’ = 230 kts
> 14000’ = 265 kts
Up to 14000’ = 1 min legs
> 14000’ = 1.5 min legs
Required Company En-Route Reports (5.23)
- ETA change > 15 min
- > 100 NM course deviation
- Cruise alt change 4000’ or more
- Holding
- ATC re-route
- Diversion
- Fuel on board differs significantly from plan due to weather, aircraft systems or ATC considerations.
- Any conditions that affect flight safety
- En route equipment failures that may cause a delay at next station
- Declaration of emergency
- Fuel dump
What must crew do if ATC re-routed (5.37)
Notify Dispatch
“DESCEND AND MAINTAIN (altitude)” clearance (6.03)
US: Expected to descend to immediately
Int’l: Expected to descend but comply with altitude restrictions, unless receiving “CANCEL LEVEL RESTRICTIONS”
For aircraft already descending via a STAR, published altitude restrictions are deleted unless re-issued by ATC
@ Descent Speed (6.03)
Descent at ECON speed (unless directed by ATC)
MD-11/10 three ECON options,
CI 65=MD10
CI 75=MD11
CI 200=if MACH # in header
Altimeters Settings Above 31.00” (6.06)
Reference FOM (6.06)
Aircraft Capable Of Setting Altimeter Above 31.00”
757-767 LDS
Instrument Approach, the preferred order of approaches for any given runway is: (6.07)
PA (ILS): Precision Approach
APV: Approach with Vertical Guidance
NPA: Non-Precision Approach
Landing Data Software Required (6.09) ?
- RWY contamination (Unless the runway is completely dry, it should be considered wet or contaminated enter the RCC 1-5 (6=best/0=worst)
- Airport > or = 1000’ MSL
- OAT > 38°C or 100°F
- INOP: Anti-skid, Wheel brakes, Auto spoilers, Idle control, or Center gear retracted
EFVS Operational Credit Table (6.13)
C048 OpSpec, If enhanced vision will be used during the approach, the Derived Visibility Value from the EFVS Operational Credit Table is required to begin the approach.
Min Approach and Landing Minimums CAT III (6.15)
50’ AH
@ CAT I/II/III Max Crosswind (6.17)
CAT I: (767 = 30 kts )(MD-11/10 = 35/31 kts) (EFVS landing 15 kts)
CAT II Manual landing: 15 kts (MD-11 = 10 kts)
CAT II/III Auotoland: 15 kts
$$$ CA responsibility of conducting CAT II/III when WX is above CAT I Mins (6.23)
The Captain must request a CAT II/III approach if he wishes to use the published CAT II DA or DH when the reported visibility is at or above CAT I ILS minimums or he wishes to use the published CAT III DH or AH when the reported visibility is at or above CAT II minimums. This includes approaches flown to check the aircraft’s CAT II/III equipment.
FedEx is not authorized to use what minimums (6.29)
LPV or LP minimums
RNP AR Approaches (what ACFT are authorized) (6.19) (6.29)
Only: 757-767-777
Other Approach Authorization (6.29)
-“Prior Authorization Required from Transport Canada”
-RNAV Visual Approaches
(if the RNAV Visual approach-chart is in both the Jeppesen subscription and the FMS navigation database)
-“Special Aircrew and Aircraft Certification Required”
-Domestically, Substitute VNAV DA(H) for MDA(H)
(for those approaches that have the ball note “Only authorized operators may use VNAV (DA(H)in lieu of MDA(H).” VNAV DA(H) may also be substituted for LOC MDA(H) on ILS approaches with the glideslope out of service, when selecting the associated approachfrom the NAV database)
RNAV Substitution (6.30)
RNAV systems may be used as a navigational substitute worldwide for unmonitored or out-of-service ground-based Navaids
May be applied even if a facility is identified as Required on a procedure.
Pilots planning to use their RNAV system as a substitute means of navigation guidance in lieu of an out-of-service Navaid should notify ATC of this intent and capability.
Needed for RNAV GPS, RNAV GNSS (6.33)
-GPS equipment must be installed on the aircraft and operating per CFM guidelines.
-Adequate satellite coverage must be available.
Contact Approach (6.35)
Not Authorized
PAR Approach Mins (6.35)
MD-11/10 Only
DA 200’
1/2 mile (1800 RVR)
Visual Approach (6.35)
Visual or a Charted Visual Approach
1. ARPT 1000’/3SM
2. Basic VFR cloud clearances
3. ACFT or APRT in sight
4. 35 NM from ARPT
- If CVFP (Charted Vis Flt Proc), must have APRT or charted vis landmarks and CVFP WX mins
A clearance for a visual approach at an airport with Class B airspace is not authorization to operate below the designated floors of that airspace
Circling Approach (6.35)
- ARPT 1000’/3SM (or higher MDA/Vis)
- APRT in site to commence circle
- Don’t descend until in a position to land
Sidestep Maneuver (6.35)
RWY must be 1200’ or less from each other
Circling WX applies
RNAV Visual Flight Procedure (6.35)
- The procedure must be line-selected from the FMS database
- Aircraft-specific expanded guidance may be provided on the airport’s Jeppesen 10-10page
- The reported ceiling and visibility must be greater than or equal to the ceiling andvisibility depicted on the approach chart
- VFR flight visibility and distance from clouds must be maintained at all times
- Terrain and obstacle clearance is to be maintained visually by the flight crew
- RVFPs must be requested by the pilot on initial contact with Approach Control
- The airport or preceding traffic must be reported in sight to receive clearance for anRVFP
- RVFPs must be flown in LNAV, and should be flown in VNAV mode, subject to PHB limitations
- Autopilot use is strongly recommended
RVFP = RNAV Visual Flight Procedures
Pilot landing must have controls no later than (6.43)
1000’ AFE
When must the CA make the approach (6.43)
- EFVS Approaches
Coupled Approach req (6.43)
- Non-ILS Instrument Approach (APV or NPA)
CAT I (if visibility is less than 3/4 mile or RVR less than 4,000 ft)
Coupled Approach: Connected to the autopilot until RWY in sight (even with enhanced vision)
Autoland req (6.43)
CAT II (RVR less than 1200’)
Use APS for landing performance for all auto-landings
Approaches with Vertical Guidance (APV) and Non-Precision Approaches (NPA) Requirements (6.43)
A coupled approach is required until adequate natural or enhanced vision of required items to continue descent below applicable approach minimums is achieved.
CAT I ILS Vis less than 3/4 miles or RVR less than 4000’ [1200m] (6.43)
A coupled approach is recommended.
CAT I ILS RVR less than 2400’ [750m] (6.43)
Use of FD, AP or HUD to DA is required
CAT I ILS Approach Requirements (6.43)
Vis less than 3/4 mile or RVR less than 4,000 ft [1200 m]:
-A coupled approachis recommended
RVR is less than 2,400 ft [750 m]:
-Use of FD, AP or HUD to DA is required
-Flight Directors must be used if available
CAT II Approach requirements (6.43)
Coupled Approach: Mandatory
Autoland: Recommended
Autoland: Required RVR less than 1200’ [350m]
CAT III Approach requirements (6.43)
-Coupled Approach and Autoland is required
-Rollout required: TDZ or MID RVR less than 600’ [175m] or 700’ [200m] in Europe
Stable Approach and Go-Around (6.45)
1000’ (At 1000’ PM: Verbailizes deviations; PF: Acknowledges and Corrects)
1. Config - Gear Down and Final Landing Flaps Selected
2. Vertical and Lateral Paths - Within tolerances
3. Descent rate - ≤ 1000 fpm (unless greater is required and briefed)
4. Airspeed - Trending towards Vapp
500’ (At 500’ PM: Verbalizes deviations; PF: Acknowledges and Corrects)
1. Trust - Appropriate
2. Before Landing ChecklistBefore Landing Checklist - Complete
3. Landing Clearance - Received, Acknowledged
100’ (PM: “100” or “Go-around”; PF: “Continue”)
1. A/S - Vapp +10/-5
Decision Region (6.46)
500’ to TDZ
- LOC 1/3
- GS 1/2
- LOC/GS, No oscillations
*if deviation, GA required
*above only applies to actual ILS, not practice
757-767-777 are in a fail-passive autoland mode (one inoperative autopilot or autothrottles inoperative) (6.51)
A 50 ft DH is used as visual reference is required for landing
Determining MDA, DDA, DA, DH, or AH (6.53)
MDA / DDA / DA = Barometric Pressure (altitudes)
DH / AH = Radar Altimeter (heights)
MD-11 (FMS-923 with PROF to MDA Option)/MD-10:
On RNAV approach use the lower of LNAV/VNAV or LNAV minimums and treat as an MDA. For all other non-precision approaches minimums are an MDA.
A Non-Precision Approach (NPA) (DDA)
With MDA minimums must be flown using a barometric DDA. To calculate a DDA, adjust the published MDA by adding 50 ft
Except MD-11/10, use MDA
-All CAT I approaches use barometric altitude
CAT II: (DA or DH)
-Where RA NOT AUTHORIZED appears on the approach plate, the DA is determined using barometric altimeter
-In all other CAT II approaches, DH is determined from the radio altimeter (RA on approach plate)
-DH or AH is determined from the radio altimeter
-DH is used if visual reference is required to land
-AH is used when visual reference is not required
WX to start an approach (6.55)
At or above
Unless using OpsSpec C048
Controlling Minimums Concept (6.55)
After approach begins (FA segment, FAF inbound) and WX goes down
-Continue = Dom or Military
-Missed = Int’l or CAT III
Visual Descent Below Minimums (6.57)
ACFT descending at a normal rate to land in the TDZ
Natural Vision Flight Vis required for the approach (Jepp Chart Mins)
Natural Vision acquisition of ONE of the following:
-Threshold (lights / markings)
-TDZ (lights / markings)
-Runway (lights / markings)
To descend below 100’ TDZ,
One of the above however ALS as long as the red terminating bars or red side row bars are also distinctly visible and identifiable
EFVS Descent Below Minimums (when using OpSpec C048) (6.57)
ACFT descending at a normal rate to land in the TDZ
Enhanced Flight Vis required for the approach (Jepp Chart Mins)
EFVS Vision acquisition of the:
-Approach Lights
-Threshold (one of)(beginning of the RWY landing surface / lights / REIL)
-TDZ (one of)(RWY TDZ landing surface / lights / markings / RWY lights)
EFVS Descent From 100’ TDZE (when using OpSpec C048)(6.57)
ACFT descending at a normal rate to land in the TDZ
Enhanced Flight Vis required for the approach (Jepp Chart Mins)
Natural Vision is adequate to have acquisition of ONE of the following:
-Threshold (lights / markings)
-TDZ (lights / markings)
*at 100’ look to the side of the HUD or turn of EFVS to verify natural vision, but then turn it back on
$$$CAPT must/should make landings (6.61)
1. Vis less than 1/2 [800m] or 1800 RVR [500m]
5. Any Autoland
1. WS
2. Contaminated RWY
3. Breaking action less than GOOD
4. Special airports
5. Capt discretion
EFVS Fails on approach (6.63)
If required for the approach at any point: Go-Around
PIC Authority: Continue if CA feels it’s safer
NTO (6.65)
NTO Approved: Airports with approved NTO procedures. FedEx-10 tailored pages. (If a 24 hour tower closes, we are approved if we comply with a NTO Worksheet via ACARS)
NTO Not Approved: Airports not approved for NTO at any time.
When an ATCT is closed, SA CAT II, CAT II/III, closely spaced operations, and ILS/PRM procedures are Not Authorized due to the lack of Air Traffic Control.
Land VFR (6.65)
- 2000’/3 mile
- Cloud clearance
- 10 NM of ARPT
- Maintain Min Alt
- ARPT advisories
If strait in, be established 4NM from RWY
or by OM if it has an ILS
ACFT Parking, the only items allowed in the silhouette (6.75)
- Aircraft chocks
- Aircraft nose tether
- Ground crew waiting to plug in external power Ground power cord
- Wing walkers (if required or needed)
- Follow Me vehicle
Permanently installed crew stairs (retracted), nose dock loaders (retracted), ground power units, light poles, and other non-movable items are considered to be outside the silhouette
Approach Lighting System Inop (6.85)
The lowest CAT I landing minimums depicted on approach charts are based upon full operation of all lighting components and visual aids for the runway.
If any component is inoperative, the ALS OUT minimums must be used. For example, if the SFL or RAIL is inoperative, ALS OUT minimums must be used.
RVR’s Required / Controlling (6.85)(6.86)(6.87)
-CAT I: 1 Required (TDZ) / TDZ Controlling (MID can sub for TDZ if inop)
-CAT II: 2 Required (TDZ and RO) / TDZ Controlling (MID or FAR END can sub for RO if inop)
-CAT III: If any RVR is inoperative, may initiate and continue to landing using two RVRs
(6.87) States: “Rollout mode” with “fail operational”, with any RVR Inop, may initiate and continue with any two RVR’s
If no “rollout mode”, 3 RVR’s are required
@ CAT III Approach when ACFT in “Fail-Passive” mode (6.87)
757-767-777 is “Fail-Passive” in both landing and roll-out if;
1. Auto-Throttles Inop
2. LAND 2 displayed
** 50 ft DH and Visual reference required**
Nil Airport Surfaces restrictions (8.03)
Taxi, T/O and Landing Prohibited
Adverse WX Ground Conditions (New Terminology) (8.03)
RWYCC or RCC = RWY Condition Code
RWYCC is only used for landing performance and always take presidente.
RWYCC: 6 = best
0 = worst
*Pilots should always provide a PIREP when braking action is < good
RWY Contamination (8.03)
Not Contaminated:
Dry <25%
Wet >25% up to 1/8” deep
Other than Dry/Wet: Contamination covers more than 25%
Moderate rain on an ungrooved RWY
Heavy rain on any RWY constitutes a contaminated runway
Heavy precipitation during loading (8.03)
The main cargo door and entry door should be closed
If main cargo door is not closed or in the canopy position,
Any ice/snow on a pallet, notify Ops
If suspected significant water has entered the ACFT, make an AML entry.
What WX reports are restrictive (8.03)
Braking Action Report: Official reports must be considered for limitations and release purposes.
PIREPs, however, are advisory in nature.
PIREPs are advisory information
Taxi, T/O, and Landing Ops in NIL conditions are prohibited
Crosswind operational limits may apply with a reported braking action less than “good”, check ACFT CFM
Turbulence: Avoid Severe/Extreme
Windshear: Avoid Sever WS (>15 kts / VS change > 500 fpm / Pitch attitude change > 5°)
Severe Icing Conditions (ATC or PIREP): Avoid (no landing)
Windshear (8.13)
A/S change of + 10 kts
Severe: +15 kts, 500fpm, pitch change of 5°
*Always avoid sever windshear (delay T/O or approach)
Cold Temperature Altitude Correction (8.16)
Used when the temp is colder than standard because true alt will be lower than indicated alt.
Corrections are required at Cold Temperature Restricted Airports (CTRA)
***Look in the approach remark section, “Cold temp alt correction required at or below -XX °C/°F”
Coordinate with ATC to determine if CWA corrections are needed below -10°C
Add the derived number to your altitudes from IAF-MA
ATC must know about procedure and state new altitudes
Different ACFT icing checks (8.23)
- Pre-departure ACFT check: (Crew during preflight [temp <10°c/50°f])
- Post application check: (de-ice crew)
- Flight control check: (flight crew per CFM)
- Pre-takeoff check: (Capt looks outside)
- PTOCC: (MX inspection of ACFT, T/O must begin within 5 min)(req for HVY Snow)
WX Prohibited Takeoff (8.23)
FZRA or above
+FZDZ (heavy freezing drizzle)
+PL (heavy ice pellets)
GR (hail) (except when “less than 1/4” is reported in remarks in the METAR)
Light Ice Pellets Mixed (refer to chart)
Moderate Ice Pellets
Severe Icing reports
Required Freezing Precipitation Checks and Fluid Use (8.23)
Type 2, 3 or 4 req: +SN, -PL, PL
PTOCC req: +SN, PL mixed
If engine inlets are not free of contaminants, request engine inlet deicing prior to engine start, this check must be done at gate
De-Ice Comm (8.25)
Request Type of De-Icing:
1. De-Icing Only (one-step)
2. De-Icing/Anti-Icing (two-step)
3. Deviations (be very specific i.e. Only for frost off wings)
Don’t do anything until you hear “all equipment is clear of the ACFT” “clear for flight control check”
Hold over time starts at the beginning of final application
-Configure the aircraft for deice prior to entering the deice pad
-Configure the aircraft for takeoff after exiting the deice pad
* don’t taxi to close behind other aircraft as jet blast my blow your type II, III, IV fluid off*
How to determine Holdover Times (8.33)
In order of accuracy
- iPad FDX-HOT App
- FOM Holdover Tables
Holdover time is not valid if type I is applied with the assistance of forced air
If weather conditions change after holdover time is established, document the new weather conditions and the time of observation - PIC discretion to go over holdover time
In no case where freezing precipitation continues may the flight crew execute a
takeoff past the max holdover time without an external inspection, PTOCC, or
another de/anti-ice treatment. When in doubt, start over and call for de/anti-icing.
Flight Crew Responsibilities: Non-Normal Situation (9.01)
PF - Continue to fly (CA can take control at any time)
PF - Call for PHASE ONES or QRH
ACFT under control and PHASE ONES are complete
-Designate PF and PM. (RECOMMEND THE FO FLY, so CA can work the problem)
-Determine time criticality and fuel state.
-Designate which pilot will communicate with ATC.
-Recall the relief flight officer(s), if applicable, and assign role(s) as needed.
Min Fuel / Emergency Fuel (9.07)
Min Fuel: 45 min or less or 7000 lbs (whichever is higher)
Emergency Fuel: 30 minutes or less or 4400 lbs (whichever is higher)
Some foreign countries require “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Fuel”
Now stated on the release
If fuel will be less than RESERVE fuel + ALTERNATE fuel (of fuel to operate to an isolated field), notify ATC or GOC about any traffic delays
Engine Failure Landing ARPT (9.15)
Nearest suitable (3 engine ACFT, CAPT may continue to other ARPT if as safe as nearest suitable)
Squak Codes (9.23)
Emergency: 7700
Comm Failure: 7600
Hijack: 7500
Dangerous Goods Manifest (10.25)
If the destination city is within China,
Turn in copy of DG Manifest to Destination Ramp Personnel as per the
Dry Ice Supplemental Procedures (10.37)
No Animals
Use Dräger CO2 Monitors
On ground, use APU and 2 Pack min (until cargo door open for 5 min)
Crew Rest
MD-11: Occupants must deploy Dräger CO2
767: No Restrictions
Arriving to closed aircraft, open entry door for 10 min before entering. Then after APU & Packs turned ON, depart the ACFT for an additional 5 min.
International Ramp Inspection (11.22)
Refer to FOM section 11.22 for reference/guidance
Notify DO or Dispatcher via ACARS
Int’l Speed (11.27)
Unless specifically othorized, no ACFT may exceed speed limit
(even for performance)
(ACFT must stay properly configured for speed limit unless specific relief is granted [request high speed])
Position report CPDLC (11.31)
CPDLC connection transfer
Crossing a FIR boundary
Fuel Report Req to GOC when utilizing FANS/CPDLC (11.31)
FOB at a waypoint if it is less than 3000 lbs. from planned
CPDLC Message, Pilots Response (11.31)
- Each crewmember should read the message silently.
- The PM then should read the message aloud while the other crewmember(s) follows along.
- The crew should agree on the meaning/intent of the ATC message.
- A proper response shall be agreed upon prior to a response being sent to ATC.
- Verify time stamp of message
***If a crewmember is off the flight deck at the time of receipt of a CPDLC data link message, upon return to the flight deck the ATC Log should be reviewed by the returning crewmember.
Report ACFT speed change (11.39)
Inform ATC of speed changes of;
North Atlantic: +/-0.01 Mach
KZAK and PAZA FIR: +/-0.02 Mach
$$$ Decision Making (12.07) it’s been updated (this is old)
- Fly—Designate aircraft control
- Gather Information—data
- Summarize Options (avoid tainting)
- Take Recommendations (from the RFO/FO)
- Announce Decision (Captain)
- Brief the Game Plan/Contingencies
1. Define the Problem
2. Choosing a Course of Action
3. Implementing the Decision
VVM (12.09)
Verbalize: Say out loud what you’re doing
Verify: Both crew-members verify the stated change complies
Monitor: Ensure the automation will accurately comply with the clearance
In-Flight Security Coordinator (ISC) (13.03)
- Operational Security: Any threats / How to handle any in-flight incidents
- Law Enforcment: Any FFDO’s, their roll in handling a situation
- Cockpit Security:
- Document Security: Company ID, Passport, J/S Passes
***Aircrew Security Report (ASR): Must be filled out for any flight security issue
PW (13.25)
Expected Flight Crew Actions:
1. Check squawk
2. Recall operating crew-members
3. Secure the cockpit door
If cockpit security has not been compromised reply to GOC either via ACARS or radio communications:
Serious security threat
Security threat is over
Countdown Parameters (Appendix J)
1:00———Showtime / Check-In
:50———-Fuel Uplift Request
:40———-Show at ACFT
:20———ACARS Preliminary W&B received
:15-:10—DG Manifest provided - DG inspection process
:10———ACARS Final W&B received
:05——-All Cargo Doors closed and Beacon call
* Domestically: As soon as the final W/B is received and all cargo doors are closed*
*** Internationally: When fully ready for the pushback and pre-start checklist is complete down to the line / Comply with Int’l procedures
FDX Communication Priority (Appendix L)
- Atlanta Radio (USA)
- ARINC (North America)
Phone patch the MEM Ops
New RWY NOTAM Types (Appendix N)
FICON = Field Condition Report (US) (issued other than dry)
NOTAMJ = (Canada)
SNOWTAM = Int’l Airport
LNAV Procedures N/A (Appendix Q)
During Simultaneous Approaches (must have vertical guidance)
Different Manuals
- FOM - Flight Operations Manual - Company Ops Specs
- FTM- Flight Training Manual - How to Operate / Phases of Flight
- FM - Flight Manual - About ACFT / Normal and Supp Procedures
- ASM - ACFT Systems Manual
- FMS - Flight Managment Systems and IRS
Practice Autoland (CAT III/II/I) (6.81)
If the WX is above 800’ / 2 miles, notify ATC so they can protect the ILS critical area
Disinfection Packs Ops (Appendix K)
If on the ground, turn packs OFF during disinfectant process. Packs ON after 7 min.
Threat Levels (13.25)
4, with 4 being the worst
Countries Requiring An Alternate (3.37)
Required when operating into or out of;
New Zeland
China (not HK)
Landing Briefing (6.07)
Anticipated threats: density altitude, weather, terrain, VGSI and ILS GS/VDA not coinci-dent, runway condition, heavy or light landing weight, etc.
Flare height: Based on planned rate of descent on final approach.
Autopilot and autothrottle disconnect point.
Crosswind landing technique and planned input altitude.
Go-around review (only required on the first PF leg of a multi-leg trip).
After Landing Check (6.61)
Capt call for after;
1. Clear of the RWY & hold short line
2. Initial taxi instructions received and understood
3. ACFT is taxiing strait ahead