Florida Flashcards
Cities enable economic activity and creative work of any kind, instead of merely containing them
Why are cities that attract creative people more productive and successful?
The power of agglomeration: the clustering effect of (many) like-minded creative individuals in urban locations -> constant exchange of creative ideas -> increased productive capacity
Name the two layers of the creative class:
- Super creative core
- Creative professionals
Name examples of the super-creative core:
Scientists, engineers, professors, artists, thought leaders, etc.
Name examples of the creative professionals:
Those who work in a wide range of knowledge-intensive industries such as high-tech sectors, financial services, the legal and health care professions, etc.
What is the creative class according to Florida?
An economic class who’s economic function both underpins and informs its members social, cultural and lifestyle choices
Which trends were influential in the rise of the creative class?
Meritocraty: networks, set aims, work hard
Diversity and openness (tolerance)