Flashcards - GI
Warthin tumor
benign cystic tumor with abundant lymphocytes/GCs, almost always in parotid
inflammation usually due to S. aureus
hairy leukoplakia
EBV-induced SCC on lateral tongue
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
severe Fe deficiency, esophageal webs, beefy red tongue
trypanosoma cruzi - achalasia
produce gastrin - stimualted by stomach distension, vagal stimulation
produces SST - stimulated by increased acid, inhibited by vagal stim - inhibits acid, pancreas, gallbladder, VIP, insulin/glucagon activity
CCK - stimulated by FFA/AAs - increases pancreas, gallbladder activity, decrease gastric empty
secretin - stimulated by FFAs in duodenum - increased bicarb, bile, decrease acid
glucose dependent insulinotropic peptide - stimulated by FFA/AA, glu - decreases acid, increases insulin
parietal cell
produces H+/intrinsic factor - stimulated by histamine and gastrin
chief cells
produces pepsinogen
Parietal cell signalling
activation of H+/K+ ATPase -
Ach/M3 + gastrin/CCK3 –> IP3/Ca2+,
Histamine/H2(+) + PGE(-) + SST(-) –> cAMP
Th2 disorder
ulcerative colitis - IL-4, IL-6, IL-10
Th1 disorder
crohn’s disease - hypersensitivity reactions and granuloma formations -
Brunner’s gland
in submucosa - secrete alkaline mucus
desmoplasia with diffuse thicking of stomach wall (linitis plastica)
signet cell gastric carcinoma - diffuse type, not associated with H. pylo
brain gyri rugae
Menetrier disease –> increased protein production resulting in protein loss/parietal cell atropy
PAS+ globules
alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
duodenal atresia genetic link
associated with Downs
Celiac HLA
HLA-DQ2/DQ8 - IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase
Whipple Disease
tropheryma whippeli - fat malabsorption - foamy macrophages, PAS+
Carcinoid tumor
Hirschsprung gene
RET - lack of Meissner + Auerbach
Turcot syndrome
FAP + CNS tumor
Gardner syndrome
FAP + osseous/soft tissue tumors, teeth, retinal hypertrophy
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)
liver/biliary disease, differentiates from bone disease
Reye syndrome
ASA use for viral (VZV, influenza B) - decrease beta-oxidation by reversible inhibition of mitochondrial enzymes - microvesicular fatty change