Fitness Tests Flashcards
Reasons for testing
> Provides information about the individual’s current state of fitness and health
Highlights strengths and weaknesses
Evaluate the effectiveness of a training program
Talent identification
Motivates the performer to improve.
Laboratory testing: +-
> Controllable environment
> Reliable, valid results (specialist equipment, less human error)
> Artificial environment
> Expensive equipment
> Cant be used in groups
Field testing: +-
> Sporting environment
> Cheap
> Regularly used in large groups
> Not as reliable/valid (human error)
> Difficult to control conditions and protocol - could affect results
- Functional Thresholds Test
(Submaximal Aerobic Fitness)
> Maximum power sustained in an hour
Data determines accurate, personalised training zones
Recorded in watts
Functional Thresholds Test: Protocol
1) Suitable warm-up
2) ride bike as hard as possible for 30 minutes
3) After 10 minutes, start monitor and record average HR for 20 minutes
4) After, record the average power of the final 20 minutes
Functional Thresholds Test: Equation
Functional Threshold Power = Average power during final 20 minutes X 0.95
Functional Threshold Test: + -
> Reliable
> Requires motivation
- Lactate/Anaeobic Thresholds Test
(Submaximal Aerobic Fitness)
> LT/AT is the point at which lactic acid accumulates at the muscles
To find this point, visit several labs to carry out tests
Lactate/Anaerobic Thresholds Test: Protocol
1) Suitable warm-up
2) Athlete performs activity for 20-30 minutes
3) Gradually increase intensity/effort at set times/distances
4) Record peak HR, and draw blood for lactate samples at each stage
5) Plot HR vs Lactate on a graph
6) Flattening of the graph shows LT/AT
Lactate/Anaerobic Thresholds Test: +-
> Reliable
> Requires motivation
- Gas Analysis
(Maximal Aerobic Fitness)
> Provides data regarding blood gas composition in an athlete’s expired air
Gas Analysis: Protocol
1) Flow measuring device records air volume breathed
2) O2 + CO2 are analysed for expired gas composition
3) Computer software performs metabolic calculations based on BP, HR, and temperature
Gas Analysis: + -
> Reliable
> Can’t be used in groups
- Multi - Stage Fitness Test
(Maximal Aerobic Fitness)
> Known as 20m shuttle run or ‘bleep’ test
Multi - Stage Fitness Test: Protocol
1) Warm-up
2) Stand behind line (marked off 20m zone)
3) Begin running when instructed by recording
4) Continue running between lines, turning on ‘bleeps’
5) After every min, speed level increases
6) 1 failure = warning
7) 2 failures = eliminated
8) Athlete’s score is the level they reach
Multi - Stage Fitness Test: + -
> Large groups
> Cheap
> Requires motivation
> Can’t control environment conditions
- Harvard Step Test
(Maximal Aerobic Fitness)
Harvard Step Test: Protocol
1) Warm-up
2) Stopwatch starts and athletes step up and down on a gym bench (30 steps/min), for 5 mins
3) 1 min after finishing, HR is taken
4) After another min, HR taken again
5) After another min, HR taken again
Harvard Step Test: + -
> Cheap, simple
> Body weight impact
> Different step heights
> Biomechanics differences
Harvard Step Test: Equation
Fitness Level = 3000 / (HR1 + HR2 + HR3)
- Yo-Yo Test
(Maximal Aerobic Fitness)
> Variation of MSFT
Evaluates individual’s high intensity aerobic endurance (+VO2 max)
Ideal for team sports
Yo-Yo Test: Protocol
1) Warm-up
2) 20m + 5m sections marked with cones
3) On ‘bleep’ run between 20m zone
4) 10 sec active recovery in 5m zone
5) Process repeated when signalled (progressively quicker)
6) 1 failure = warning
7) 2 failures = eliminate
Yo-Yo Test: + -
> Simple, cheap, large groups
> Motivation, practice pacing
- Cooper 12 Minute Run
(Maximal Aerobic Fitness)
> Participants cover as much distance as possible in 12 minutes
Swim version for specificity
Cooper 12 Minute Run: Protocol
1) Warm-up
2) Place markers around track or make a 100m x 100m grid
3) Run for 12 minutes and record total distance
4) Participants push themselves to maximise distance covered
Cooper 12 Minute Run: + -
> Simple, cheap
> Large groups
> Motivation needed
> Practice pacing
- Wingate Test
(Anaerobic Capacity)
> Test of anaerobic leg power over 30 sec
Wingate Test: Protocol
1) Athlete is weighed
2) Warm-up
3) Assistant calculates flywheel resistance needed
(athlete weight x 0.08)
4) ‘Go’ - stopwatch starts and athlete pedals with no flywheel resistance
5) After 3 sec, assistant applied calculated flywheel resistance
6) Athlete continues at max effort until 30 seconds is over
7) Athlete stops and assistant records flywheel revolutions for each 5 second interval of test
8) Performance data is analysed
Wingate test: + -
> Reliable
> Only leg power measured
(specific to cyclists)
> Motivation needed
- Maximum Accumulated Oxygen Deficit (MAOD)
(Anaerobic Capacity)
> Subject performs sub maximal treadmill (or cycle ergomometer) efforts connected to a gas analyser to measure O2 uptake
MAOD: Protocol
1) Warm-up
2) Athlete completes 10x4 minute sub maximal bouts at different intensities, connected to a gas analyser
3) Last bout is high intensity and performed to fatigue
4) Graph is plotted - Exercise intensity vs VO2
MAOD: +-
> Reliable, accurate data (equipment)
> Time-consuming, expensive
MAOD: Equation
MAOD (anaerobic capacity) =
Estimated O2 cost of exercise -
accumulated O2 uptake
- Repeat Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST)
(anaerobic capacity)
> Measures anaerobic capacity and power output using short duration maximum efforts
RAST: Protocol
1) Athletes are weighed then complete warm-up
2) Mark 35m with timing gates
3) Athlete completes maximal sprints (6x35m) with 10 second rest periods in between
4) Record times for each sprint
RAST: +-
> Reliable, cheap
> Requires motivation
>Timing errors
RAST: Equation
Power = weight x
distance^2 / time^3
- Cunningham and Faulkner
(Inclined Treadmill Test)
(Anaerobic Capacity)
> Maximal effort anaerobic fitness test on a treadmill
Cunningham and Faulkner: Protocol
1) Set treadmill to 80mph at 11.3 degree incline
2) Athlete warms up and practices getting on treadmill at test speed
3) Assistant gives command and starts stopwatch
4) Athlete runs to exhaustion
5) Assistant stops stopwatch when athlete is unable to run
Cunningham and Faulkner: +-
> Simple, accurate
> Equipment needed
> One person
- Vertical Jump Test
(Anaerobic Power)
> Measures leg power
Vertical Jump Test: Protocol
1) Athlete warms up and chalks fingertips
2) From static, athlete stands side to the wall and reaches hand to mark wall
3) From static, athlete jumps as high as possible and marks the wall as high as possible with fingertips
4) Assistant ,measures the distance between the two marks
5) Athlete repeats times and average is taken
Vertical Jump Test: +-
> Simple, quick
> Technique differences
> Height differences
- Standing Broad Jump
(Anaerobic Power)
> Measures leg power
Standing Broad Jump: Protocol
1) Warm up
2) Athlete stands behind marked line with feet apart
3) Athlete jumps as far as possible (two footed) without falling
4) Measurement taken from start line to the back of the closest landing foot
5) Repeat 3 times and average is taken
Standing Broad Jump: +-
> Simple, quick
> Technique / height differences
- Margaria Kalaman
(Anaerobic Power)
> Measures leg power using stairs
Margaria Kalaman: Protocol
1) Athlete is weighed then warms up
2) Measure distance between 3rd and 9th step - and 6m strip
3) On ‘go’ stopwatch starts and athlete sprints 6m then 3 steps at a time
4) Stop stopwatch
5) 3 attempts and average taken
Margaria Kalaman: +-
> Simple, minimal equipment
> Errors in timing / differing step heights
Margaria Kalaman: Equation
Power = (weight x height)
x 9.8 / time
- 1 Rep Max Strength Test
(Maximal Strength)
> Tests maximal strength of a muscle or a group of muscles
1 Rep Max Strength Test: Protocol
1) Warm up
2) Choose achievable weight
3) After a rest of several minutes, increase weight
4) Continue to increase weight until only 1 rep can be completed
1 Rep Max Strength Test: +-
> Can target various body parts
> Technique / injury risk
> Expensive equipment
- T-Test (agility)
(Agility / Anaerobic Power)
> Involves forward, backward, and lateral movements
T-Test: Protocol
1) Warm up
2) Set up 4 cones in ‘T’ shape (5x5x10m)
3) On ‘go’ athlete completes the course as quickly as possible
4) When athlete reaches start cone again, stopwatch stops
T-Test: +-
> Little equipment, simple
> One person, running surface affects results
- Illinois Agility Test
(Agility, Anaerobic Capacity)\
> Tests agility using various movements
Illinois Agility Test: Protocol
1) Warm up
2) Athlete lies on stomach
3) On ‘go’ stopwatch starts and athlete completes course
4) Stopwatch is stopped when final cone is reached
Illinois Agility Test: +-
> Easy set up, simple
> One person, running surface effects results
- Sprint Tests
(Maximum Speed)
> Measures acceleration and speed (<100m)
Sprint Tests: Protocol
1) Mark required distance (flying/stationary start)
2) Warm up
3) On ‘go’, cover the distance in the least time possible
4) Record time
Sprint Tests: +-
> Distance can vary to be sport specific, simple
> One person, running surface affects results
Spint Tests: Equation
Speed = Distance / Time