Fish Anatomy *extra credit* Flashcards
what is the difference between the fork length, total length, and standard length of a fish?
fork length: distance between the mouth -> fork of the tail
total length: distance from mouth -> tip of the tail
standard length: distance from the mouth -> peduncle
what are the structures of the gills? How does water flow over them? Including the primary & secondary lamellae?
- Cranially, they are open to the gullet
- Caudally, they are open to the external environment
- Water flows continually over them through the mouth
How many gill arches do fish have on each side?
What are the two main functions of gills?
- Need to obtain oxygen from the water
- Respiration and excretion of ammonia
- gills are more efficient then lungs
what are the 2 types of scales and know which one is found in bony (teleost) fish?
- Ctenoid scales (elasmobranch) have a sandpaper-like finish
- Cycloid scales (teleost) have a smooth outer surface
Do fish have an outer, middle, or inner ear?
inner ear
what are the 4 parts of the fish hear and know their characteristics?
- Utricle: horizontal movement
- Saccule: vertical movement
- Bulbous area called the ampulla that contain the cupula
- Lagena is part of the vestibular system
Where is the electric organ in marine and freshwater fish? What is its function?
electroreception: detect electric fields
- used for: communication, navigation, defense,
sometimes incapacitation of prey
what is the function of the lateral line?
- detect wave movement in the water
what are the different functions of the anterior and posterior kidneys?
anterior kidney: hematopoietic; “head”
posterior kidney: excretory; “tail”
what are the 2 types of swim bladders? how does each work?
- Physostomous swim bladder: connected to the gut
- connection to control the amount of gas in the swim bladder
- Physoclistous swim bladder: NOT connected to the gut
- Control the amount of gas in the swim bladder via capillary gas exchange
What are the 2 hematopoietic organs in the fish?
- Hematopoietic
- Endocrine
what the central lymphoid organ in the fish is?
pyloric ceca
secrete enzymes and provide additional digestive areas to the intestine
“gill cover”
- bony flap that protects the gills from harm
- pancreas combined with the liver
- production of digested enzymes and absorption of digested foods
- gill-like structure under the dorsal operculum
- single gill arch, with a single row of gill filaments
- “ear stone”
- can be used to age fish