Eyes Flashcards
junction of the sclera and cornea
Tapetum lucidum
- the reflective eye of the cornea
- the reason why animals’ eyes glow at night when light is shined on them!
- pigs
- rabbits
- most bids
- most primates (including man)
the central opening of the iris that lets light into the eye
Palpebral conjunctiva
lines the inner surface of the eyelid
Bulbar conjunctiva
reflection of the palpebral conjunctiva onto the eyeball
Conjunctival sac
space between palpebral conjunctiva and the eyeball
Zonular fibers
- suspensory ligaments
- attach the lens to the ciliary body
- holds the lens into position and allows the shape of the lens to change due to the actions of the ciliary muscles
dendrites sensitive to color & sharpness of vision
dendrites sensitive to dim light (night vision) and shapes
Blind spot
having no rods or cones
- sebaceous & ciliary glands associated with the cilia
lateral/medial canthus
- singular = canthus
- the point where eyelids meet
- lateral & medial angles are the areas near the canthi
lacrimal caruncle
triangular prominence in the medial angle
lacrimal gland
- pink gland
- dorsolateral aspect of the eyeball
- secretes tears
lacrimal puncta
openings to lacrimal canals on upper & lower eyelids near the medial canthus
Know the three tunics of the eyeball and know which structures are in them
- fibrous tunic
- sclera
- cornea
- limbus
- vascular tunic
- choroid
- tapetum lucidum
- ciliary body
- iris
- pupil
- a major site of aqueous humor!!
- nervous tunic
- retina
- optic disc
- lens
the location of the anterior chamber, posterior chamber and vitreous chamber
- anterior chamber: space between cornea & iris
- posterior chamber: space between iris & lens
- vitreous chamber: large space between lens & retina
what type of fluid is found in the anterior chamber, posterior chamber and vitreous chamber?
- anterior & posterior chambers contain - aqueous humor
- vitreous chamber contains - vitreous humor
primary site of production of the aqueous humor?
between the cornea & lens
what are the extrinsic muscles of the eye and their functions?
- 4 rectus muscles (dorsal, ventral, medial, lateral)
- 2 oblique muscles (dorsal & ventral)
- retractor bulbi muscles
what are the intrinsic muscles of the eye and their functions?
- pupillary sphincter
- pupillary dilator
- ciliary muscles
- deals with size of the pupil and lens shape
what is the shape of the pupils of cats, dogs, and cattle?
- cats: vertical/elliptic
- dogs: round
- cattle: horizontal
function of the tarsal (meibomian glands)
- secretion is waxy
- helps to form a dam for excessive tear secretion
nictitating membrane’s features & function
third eyelid
- fold of conjunctiva, reinforced by T-shaped cartilage, located between eyelid’s medial angle and eyeball
- contains a gland that contributes to tear formation
- lacrimal gland!
- protect the eye