final russia set - filling in the gaps Flashcards
What are the reasons Trotsky lost?
Didn’t take ppl seriously+offended them
wanted world to be communist, scared ppl
fell ill when most needed
reasons Stalin won
chief mourner at lenins funeral
blended into background
good position
proposed “socialism in one country”
How many people had been transported to/killed in labour camps by 1937?
18m, 10m
reasons stalin needed to modernise
^ military strength
rival economies
establish reputation
functioning communist society
how were city dwellers affected by modernisation (neg)
high employment rate
few consumer goods
problems ww2 caused
20m+ citizens killed
farmland/towns/cities destroyed
nationalities targeted
when were the romanovs killed?
what could the zemstva’s special laws allow them to do?
order police
force ppl to pay fines
state of peasants in tsars regime
80% peasants
life expectancy 40
famine common
political parties banned until
change needed bc
lost crimean war
needed to catch up on industrial rev
stuck in “medieval society”
when was the russo japanese war and how many ships were sunk?
2/3 sunk
Write one on the russo japanese war
what did the october revolution do?
oct 1905
civil rights
cadets supported
marxists didn’t
how could the bolsheviks take control
kerensky armed them against kornilov
all food sent to soldiers-> starvation->strikes
april thesis- peace land n bread
trotstky organised red guards to take control
failures of russian gov in ‘14
tsar showed no interest in duma
successes of 1914 russian gov
stolypin boosted economic growth
political parties allowed
effect of ww1 on peasants
food shortages, high taxes
effect of ww1 on workers
formed commities to start riots bc of food shortages
effect of ww1 on aristocracy
many were killed/exiled
significance of the food shortages
made ppl realise the tsar’s uselessness
how long did it take for the PG to be overthrown?
8 months
what were the decisions made by the PG?
wait to distribute land
stayed in the war so lost the army’s support
couldn’t find any solutions
what did kornilov believe?
that russia needed a strong dictator
what did the cheka do in the red terror?
beat/hung ppl
took families hostage
to ensure loyalty
mass excecutions of middle/upper class
7500 murdered
other tactics of the red terror
armed companies took peasants’ grain
shot retreaters
bank payments stopped
forbid furniture sales
culprits burned
men under 45 whipped
most of the members of the red army
peasants who wanted to protect the new gov and the red guards
what was the White army made of
SRs, mensheviks, tsarists,landlords, capitalists, former POWs
why did the reds win the civil war
consistent propaganda (get rid of invaders, protect workers rights)
made sure army was fed
took over factories
killed tsar
controlled population
white disadvantages
dif groups w/ dif aims
widely spread
limited support
how war communism was achieved
large factories taken over
peasants gave up food or shot
planned production
strict discipline for workers
enterprise illegal
what was the Krondstadt rising?
naval base in gulf of finland
demanded free speech, elections, trade unions, put down by red army soldiers, 1000, killed
What did the NEP do?
brought back some elements of capitalism
small factories given private ownership
vital industries remained in states hand
successes of NEP
goods appeared on sale as ppl could work for profit
ended requisitioning squads
stabilised country
brought peace
random things abt Stalin
paranoid slept with gun under pillow
embalmed lenin
cult of leninism
what were gulags
remote labour camps where arrested ppl were sent to do physical labour in cold conditions. 3m prisoners
how did stalin rewrite history
so lenin and stalin were the only real heroes of the revolution
results of the cult of personality
soviet citizens admired stalin- believed purges were unrelatd
style of gov was popular
consequences of purges
families torn apart- they had to denounce each other
lived in fear
ppl packed bags in case NKVD came for them in the night
no bolsheviks in the original revolution left in 1938
stalin had complete control
how did kulaks show opposition?
deliberately destroyed crops/animals so they wouldn’t be taken
resulted in a huge famine
millions died as food was being exported
what did stalin do for WW2?
scorched earth
crops/animals moved east of Urals
patriotic speeches on radio
ussr increased machine gun production
military strategy that made best use of supplies and troops
other factors of ww2 success
russian weather
muddy groun
general zhukov had 3000 tanks and 1.3 m soldiers