Conflict and Tension Flashcards
How many states were represented at the Paris Peace Conference?
Who were the Big Three?
Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd-George and Woodrow Wilson
What was the name of the islands that Finland and Sweden disputed?
the Åland islands
What does LAMB stand for? (it helps to remember the ToV)
Land Army Money Blame
Which area was on the border of Germany and Poland and held as a plebiscite in 1921?
Upper Silesia
Which area was demilitarised?
the Rhineland
Name 3 countries that didn’t (initially?) join the league
the USSR, the USA, Germany
Which countries made up the Big Five?
Japan, Italy, France, Britain, the USA
When was the pre-meeting for the PPC?
12th of Jan
When was the PPC?
18th of Jan 1919
The states represented at the PPC made up what percentage of the world’s population?
What were Wilson’s fourteen points?
- No secret treaties
- 3 access to sea even in war
3 trade (free) - colonies have a say in future
- work towards disarmament
- Germany leave Russia
- Belgium independence
- France regains Alsace-Lorraine
- Frontier between Italy and Austria
- East-Europe self-determination
- C access 4 serbia
- Turkish self-determination
- indepedant + C access for poland
- LoN
What was Germany’s new name after the ToV?
The Weimar Republic
What was the name of the rich farmland given to Poland?
How many colonies did Germany lose?
All of them
Which areas of Germany were given to belgium?
Eupen and Malmedy
What was the name of the coalfields given to France?
the Saar coalfields
What was the name of the area given to Denmark?
North Schleswig
how many men was Germany’s army limited to?
Hundred Thousand Men. 100,000. Conscription banned
Which article was the War Guilt clause?
Article 231
How much money was Germany asked to pay for reparations?
6,600 million
If the original ToV terms hadn’t been changed, when would Germany have finished paying off the reparations?
When was the exact figure of reparations decided?
How much land did Germany lose?
Was Germany allowed representatives at Versailles?
Why did some of the Allies dislike the treaty (in general, not specific to countries)
They thought it would lead to war
What size air force was Germany allowed?
Why did some people dislike Germany’s disarmament?
All countries were meant to disarm, not just them
Why did Germans dislike the loss of land?
It damaged their economy and their pride
Why was the war guilt clause important?
It meant the Allies could get reparations out of Germany, as they were responsible
What about the ToV made Lloyd-George happy?
Liked new allies against Ger,
+ as a counter-balance to FR.
Liked Anschluss, preferred Ger weaker
disarmament removed threat 2 Br’s naval supremacy
Ger lost colonies’s went 2 BR
What about the ToV made Lloyd-George unhappy?
Thought LoN wouldn’t work
worried GB would have to have too big a role. Wanted /all/ Ger’s colonies.
Thought “ reparations->germany seek revenge/communism”
a weaker Ger can’t pay
What about the ToV made Clemenceau happy?
Happy regain Alsace-Lorraine.
war guilt->Ger paid Fr
liked Anshcluss + other countries to side w/ Fr + encircle Ger
What about the ToV made Clemenceau unhappy?
Like Lloyd-George he didn’t want to make an expensieve committment to the LoN, which he thought wouldn’t work. Didn’t like that the LoN got some the colonies instead of Fr or BR. wanted Ger to completely disarm
What about the ToV made Wilson happy?
Liked LoN
Liked self-detirmination
glad Poland gets land.
Didn’t want Germany too powerful so liked disarmament.
What about the ToV made Wilson unhappy?
War guilt unfair.
Worried Germany’s damaged economy meant they wouldn’t buy US goods.
Wanted self-detimination for all colonies, not for Br and Fr to get them
What happened at Vilna?
A-H’s countries now independant
Polish army took Lithuanian capital Vilna -mostly Polish ppl there
Poland asked to withdraw
Fr saw Poland as a potential ally+refused help.
GB wouldn’t send troops w/o others’ support
What happened at Corfu?
Greek-Albanian border not agreed
LoN sent an Italian, murdered while investigating Gr.
Mussolinni demanded v murderers pay but Gr didn’t know who
Mussolini invaded greece
Greece complained to LoN
LoN condemned Mussolinni, said Greece would pay.
LoN would look after the money until killers found.
Mussolinni went 2 GB, FR +JPN, asked to undermine it .
Greece forced 2 apologize +pay .
Italy withdrew
What is diplomacy?
the skill of managing international relationships in a positive way
What did the Slavery Comission do?
raided Sierra Leone slave camps. set 200,000 free.
In ‘27 Sierra Leone declared it illegal
What was the WHO originally called?
The Health Committee
What was the Health Committee renamed to?
What did the Health Committee do?
international mosquito killing campaign
Worked with USSR’s gov to educate on typhus spread
Sent docs to improve turkey’s refugee camp conditions
What did the ILO stand for?
International Labour Organisation
What did the ILO do?
Tried to ban toxic Pb paint
social insurance 4 Greece
minimum wage 4 77 countries
What did the ILO do in Taganyika?
Reduce death rates in a railway construction from 50% to 4%
How many countries did the ILO help set up a minimum wage?
Which country did the ILO help set up social insurance, and when?
Greece, 1930
What was the aim of the Commission of Refugees?
Return POWs, support refugees in returning to their countries or finding new ones
What did the Commission of Refugees do?
Freed&returned 85% of WW1 POWs.
found homes for russian war refugees
docs to help refugees +find homes when Turkey+Greece fought.
Nissan Passport- international refugee identification document
What were the failures of the ILO?
Failed to ban child labour in 1919. “too costly!!”
An 8-hr-day limit was voted against in 1935
What were the failures of the Commission of Refugees?
Germany voted against helping Jewish refugees fleeing from Germany
What did the Commission of communications and transport aim to do?
regulate war-developed technology to keep people safe
what did the Commission of communications and transport do?
Introduced shipping laws + international highway code
What did the Permenant Central Opium Board do?
companies needed certificate to import opium as medicine
Blacklisted companies illegally distributing opium
What did the Permenant Central Opium Board aim to do?
stop opium farming
What did the Permenant Central Opium Board become?
Permenant Central Narcotics Board
What were the failures of the Permenant Central Opium Board?
some key members not committed-they got money from opium
What did the economic and financial committee do?
Sent financial experts to prevent A+H becoming bankrupt.
developed international import-export laws
what were the failures of the economic and financial committee?
couldn’t cope w/ the great depression
Which committee dealt with diseases?
the Health Committee
which committee dealt with money and finances?
the economic and financial committee
which committee dealt with transport?
the communications and transport committee
which committee dealt with working conditions?
the international labour organisation (ILO)
which committee dealt with drugs, specifically opium?
Permenant Central Opium (later narcotics) Board
What happened with the Åland islands?
wanted by both Swe and Fin, who threatened war. LoN gave them to Finland, but forbade forts so they couldn’t attack Sweden. Both were satisfied.
What happened with Upper Silesia?
Germans and Poles lived there
both wanted it for iron & steel production
What happened with Memel?
Lithuanian port given 2 tLoN in tToV.
For 3 yrs, a french governor controlled it until Lith invaded in ‘23
How did the League sort out the problem at Memel?
gave lithuania the area but made the port an international area
How did the League sort out the problem at Upper Silesia?
hosted a plebiscite
Ger got 60% the votes.
Poland got the smaller, industrial areas and 1/2 the population
neither liked it
What was the first thing agreed upon in the Paris Peace Conference?
the League
When was the Covenant of the League of Nations?
feb ‘19
What happened with Greece and Bulgaria?
Greek soldiers killed on Bulgaria’s border
Greece invaded
Bulgaria appealed to tLoN
How did the League sort out the problem with Greece and Bulgaria?
Greece, condemned, ordered 2 withdraw and pay compensation.
They did even though Mussolini got away w/ Corfu
What was the name of the Italian investigator sent to Corfu?
What were the Locarno treaties?
where Germany “officially” accepted tToV.
All countries who signed agreed not to go 2 war w/ the others
help the others if invaded
Who signed the Locarno treaties?
Germany, Br+Fr, Czeckoslovakia, Belgium, Italy
Why were the Locarno treaties significant?
“signified end 2 Ger’s resent 4 tToV” (signed voluntarily)
created without tLoN’s help- supposed to be involved w/ these things
What was the Kellogg-Briand pact?
A pact where 65 countries agreed not to use war as a way to win disputes
What was the name of the treaty where Germany officially accepted the terms in Versailles?
The Locarno treaties
What was the Rapallo treaty?
Germany said it would return land took in Brest-Litvosk
What was the name of the treaty where 65 countries agreed not to use war as a way to solve disputes?
the Kellogg-Briand pact
Where were the Locarno treaties signed?
Where was the Rapallo treaty signed?
What was the Washington Arms Conference?
conference organised and held by USA
countries like Br,Fr+Jap
discussed how navies should be.
Why was the Washington Arms Conference significant?
Br,Fr+Jap didn’t attend as League representatives
rather as individuals
it showed their attitudes+priorities.
What size navies did the Washington arms conference agree on?
Br+USA could have the same-sized navies
Jap could have 3 for every 5 tonnes of British battleship
Who were the diplomats who arranged the Locarno treaties?
Gustav Streseman (Germany) and Aristide Briand (france)
Which country was the treaty of Sevres about?
Which country was the treaty of Lausanne about?
What was the name of the post ww1 treaty centered around Turkey called?
(there were two- sevres was the first, lausanne the second, “fairer” one)
What was the name of the post ww1 treaty centered around Hungary called?
How did the Great Depression affect politics?
desperation-> faschism
countries looked after themselves
neglected humanitarian affairs
Br+Fr didn’t want to spend money on international disputes
How big was Turkey’s army allowed to be after the treaty of Sevres?
50,000 men, no air force, 7 boats and 6 torpedos
How big was Turkey’s army allowed to be after the treaty of Lausanne?
They were allowed to choose! (gasp) (i think)
What land did Turkey lose in the treaty of Sevres?
It lost land to Greece, Italy,Br+Fr and lost control of the Dardanelle Strait
What did did Turkey get back in the treaty of Lausanne?
Some land from Greece. Control of the Straits.
What was the impact of the other treaties?
Austria’s industrial areas to Czeckoslovakia-> economy collapsed
Hungary’s economy collapsed
new states were mixed nationalities, often clashing
East Europe now many small states, not large empire.
What was the impact of the treaty of Sevres?
people furious ->revolt against gov
next president threatened to fight the Allies over Sevres.
Britain didn’t want to fight->agreed to rewrite
What was the signficance of Sevres?
proved the treaties unenforcable
Br agreed to rewrite it, accepting its unfairness, undermining other treaties.
Dicatators realised noone would stop them if they broke international law
How did the Great Depression affect the USA?
made unwilling to help w/ tLoN’s economic sanctions
How did the Great Depression affect Japan?
main export silk to USA,
who now couldn’t afford luxury goods
staple food, rice, imported due 2 lack of farmland.
Ieaders were army generals. decided to solve economic problems by invading other smaller countries
this led to the manchuian crisis
How did the Great Depression affect GB?
didn’t want to help tLoN while its economy was suffering
didn’t sanction Jap after the Manchurian Crisis
How did the Great Depression affect Italy?
Economic problems-> mussolinni distracted citizens by building an empire
caused Abyssinian Crisis
How did the Great Depression affect Germany?
America asked 4 its debts back.
Ger’s leaders seemed powerless->Hitler elected.
What percentage of Japanese land is not suitable for human habitation?
By 1932, what was silk’s price compared to in the early 20s?
a 1/5 of the price
Why did Japan invade Manchuria?
-rapidly growing population.
-economy suffering (GD)
-scared china would kick out j’s economy
-upset USSR
-distract Japan
-generals didn’t trust politicians to protect J after washington arms conference.
What was the name of the Japanese army based in Manchuria?
the Kwantung Army
When was the Lytton report published?
Oct ‘32
When did Japan announce they planned to invade more of China?
Feb 1933
When did Japan leave the LoN?
March ‘33
Why was the Manchurian Crisis significant?
it proved tLoN couldn’t do anything when one of their own invaded another country
What was the Kwantung army?
A Japanese army based in China to “protect Japanese interests”
How did the Manchurian Crisis start?
The Kwantung army pretended China blew up a railway they were travelling on
When did Italy fail to invade Abyssinia?
Why did Italy invade Abyssinia?
-1896 humiliation
-Mussolini thought he could get away w/ it
-Stresa front “guarunteed” Br+Fr wouldn’t oppose italy
-Corfu proved League’s weakness
When did the Abyssinian crisis start?
December 1934
What started the Abyssinian Crisis?
an “incident” between Abyssinian and Italian soldiers, likely faked
When did Mussolini launch an invasion of Abyssinia?
Oct ‘35
by what time had mussolini annexed all of Abyssinia and left the League?
Why did the League allow Mussolini to get away with invading Abyssinia?
Stresa front
stop coal sales to italy->british workers lose jobs
too long debating
sanctions useless
When did Hitler move troops into the Rhineland?
March 1936
What was the Hoare-Laval pact?
a secret br+fr agreement to give Mussolini 2/3 of Abyssinia to call off the invasion
why was the Hoare-Laval pact significant?
it proved Br+Fr weren’t committed 2 tLoN
What was the significance of the Suez Canal?
simple supply route from italy to abyssinia
Why did Britain refuse to close the Suez Canal?
they’d have to go round africa->br trade hindered
What were Hitler’s four key aims?
Greater Germany,
Destroy Communism
(rabbits love digging gardens)
When did Germany leave the League?
When did Hitler first try to take Austria?
What happened when Hitler first tried to take Austria?
Mussolini wanted friendship w/ Austria-> threatened war
When did Hitler hold the first massive reamament rally in Germany?
When did Hitler reintroduce conscription, make an anti-communist alliance with Japan and remilitarise the rhineland?
What did Hitler do in 1936?
reintroduce conscription
formed anticommunist alliance w/ japan
remilitarise rhineland
what did Hitler do in 1934?
try to invade austria
what did Hitler do in 1933?
leave the League
When did Hitler try out Germany’s new weapons in the Spanish Civil war and make an anti-communist alliance with Italy?
What did Hitler do in 1937?
tried out Germany’s new weapons in the Spanish Civil war and made an anti-communist alliance with Italy?
When did hitler invade austria?
when did hitler invade the sudentenland?
when did hitler take over czeckoslovakia?
when did hitler invade poland?
when did war break out?
what is the traditional view of Hitler’s actions?
planned war from the start
each step part of a careful plan
what is the revisionist view of Hitler’s actions?
a gambler simply taking the next thing he thought he could get away w/.
br+allies are responsible- they didn’t stop him
what did Hitler do in 1939?
invaded czeckoslovakia, then poland, which started the war
what was the secret pact between britain and france that said they would give 2/3 of Abyssinia so Mussolini would call off the invasion?
the Hoare-Laval pact
Who won the Saar plebiscite, and with what percentage?
Germany, 90%
Apart from challenging the ToV, why did hitler rearm germany?
Reduced unemployment
What was the Anglo-Naval agreement?
agreement stating Ger could have an army 35% Br’s size
when was the anglo-naval agreement?
later 1935
What was the Dollfuss affair? (austria)
Dollfuss, head of Christian Social Party became Chancellor+started a dictatorship
Civil war developed.
Hitler considered invasion but deterred by Mussolini
What happened to Dollfuss?
assasinated by austrian nazis
Which party was Dollfuss head of, and what sort of views did they hold?
head of Christian Social Party.
nationalist, conservative views
When did the LoN hold a disarmament conference?
What did Hitler say at the disarmament conference?
he’d disarm if other countries did.
If they didn’t, he wanted an army at least the size of Fr’s.
Fr refused->he used the excuse to leave, claiming france was being unreasonable
What was the name of the “affair” when Hitler considered invading austria?
the Dollfuss Affair
When did Germany join and leave the LoN?
When did the USSR join and leave the League?
When did Japan join and leave the League?
When did Italy join and leave the league?
When did Italy join and leave the league?
When did Britain join and leave the League?
Joined at the start (1919), never left
When did France join and leave the League?
Joined at the start (1919), never left
What was the Secretariat?
A sort of civil service
kept meeting records
made reports 4 different agencies.
How often did the Assembly meet?
Once a year
How often did the Council meet?
5 times a yr
and in emergencies
What percentage of the votes did a decision have to recieve in the assembly for it to go forward?
Which were the council’s permament members?
the big five minus the usa,who weren’t in the LON
how long were the council’s temporary members elected for?
3-year periods
What was the Mandates commission?
made sure countries ruling Germany’s former colonies for tLoN were acting in the interests of the its people
how many countries signed the kellogg-briand pact?
was bolivia in the LoN?