Final Exam - Section 2 (11/17/16) Flashcards
Frontal lobe lesions:
Cognitive effects-
_________ thinking (e.g., several correct answers to a question)
Frontal lobe lesions:
Cognitive effects-
_________ - Lack of spontaneity including speech*
Cannot come up with words starting with a particular letter
_________ or the right number of letters
- Divergent thinking
- spontaneously
Frontal lobe lesions:
Cognitive effects-
Divergent thinking - _________ orbitofrontal lesion mainly
Frontal lobe lesions:
Cognitive effects-
Divergent thinking - Left _________ lesion mainly
Frontal lobe lesions:
Cognitive effects-
Divergent thinking -
Also deficits in _________ spontaneously and in other behaviors
-Patients appear to be lethargic
Frontal lobe lesions:
Cognitive effects-
Divergent thinking -
_________ -
Deficit in developing strategies for solving _________ problems
- Strategy formation
- novel
Frontal lobe lesions:
_________ -
-Perseveration on tasks such as Wisconsin card sorting task and stroop test
Response inhibition
Frontal lobe lesions:
Response inhibition-
-Perseveration on tasks such as _________ card sorting task and _________ test
- Wisconsin
- stroop
Frontal lobe lesions:
Response inhibition-
- Cannot move to a new _________ as rules change
- Aware of deficit but cannot _________ behavior
- strategy
- change
Frontal lobe lesions:
Response inhibition-
- Frontal lobes necessary for _________ in behavior
- Mainly _________ damage
- flexibility
- left dorsolateral
Frontal lobe lesions:
Risk taking and rule breaking
_________ - Inability to modify responses
Risk taking
Frontal lobe lesions:
Risk taking - Inability to modify responses
- Persist in making _________ choices in Iowa gambling task
- Orbitofrontal damage
Frontal lobe lesions:
Risk taking - Inability to modify responses
- Persist in making poor choices in Iowa gambling task
- _________ damage
Frontal lobe lesions:
Rule breaking – will persist in breaking rules despite _________
Frontal lobe lesions:
_________ -
-Recency memory test
Temporal memory
Frontal lobe lesions:
Temporal memory -
_________ -
-Series of cards with two symbols on each presented to patient
-Test card has two symbols with ? between them
Need to identify which symbol on test card patient saw most recently
-Recency memory test
Frontal lobe lesions:
Temporal lobe patients cannot recognize they have _________ the objects before but can identify which _________ they saw them
- seen
- order
Frontal lobe lesions:
Social and sexual behavior-
- _________ cues important for appropriate behavior
Frontal lobe lesions:
Social and sexual behavior-
Frontal lobe damage causes _________ behavior that does not change with social context
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
_________ – damage to left orbitofrontal lobe mostly
-A change in personality that mimics depression
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
Pseudodepression – damage to left orbitofrontal lobe mostly
-A change in personality that mimics _________
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
Pseudodepression – damage to _________ orbitofrontal lobe mostly
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
Pseudopsychopathy – damage to _________ orbitofrontal lobe mostly
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
_________ – damage to right orbitofrontal lobe mostly
-Personality change with inappropriate behavior
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
Cognitive functions intact – can have intelligent conversations and are knowledgeable
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
Quiet, do not initiate conversations, apathetic, indifferent, reduced sex drive, little emotion, little interest in family members or their current situation
Pseudodepression –
Frontal lobe lesions:
Personality changes-
Immature, tactless, impulsive, coarse language, promiscuous, increased motor activity
Frontal lobe lesions:
_________ – ability to complete problem solving tasks
Fluid intelligence
Frontal lobe lesions:
Fluid intelligence -
- Ability to reason quickly and think _________; a combination of reasoning and abstract thought
- Medial and _________ prefrontal cortex
- abstractly
- dorsolateral
Frontal lobe lesions:
Fluid intelligence -
- Ability to reason quickly and think abstractly; a combination of _________ and abstract thought
- Medial and dorsolateral _________ cortex
- reasoning
- prefrontal
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
_________ -
Impaired on frontal lobe function tests
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
_________ -
- Lack of facial expression
- Wisconsin card sorting test
- Delayed response tasks
Parkinson’s patients
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
Parkinson’s patients
- Lack of _________ expression
- Wisconsin card sorting test
- Delayed _________ tasks
- facial
- response
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
_________ -
- Wisconsin card sorting test
- Spatial memory – delayed response tasks
- Alcoholics
Korsakoff’s syndrome
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
Korsakoff’s syndrome-
- Wisconsin card sorting test
- _________ memory – delayed response tasks
- _________
- Spatial
- Alcoholics
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
Changes in blood flow for long periods after last drug use
Drug addiction
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
_________ -
- Changes in neurons in orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal lobes
- -Impulsive, compulsive
- -Response perseveration
Drug addiction
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
Drug addiction-
- Changes in neurons in orbitofrontal and medial _________ lobes
- -Impulsive, compulsive
- _________ perseveration
- prefrontal
- Response
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
_________ -
- Changes in neurons in prefrontal regions
- -Temporal memory deficits
- -Decreases in cognitive abilities with age due to long-term stress
Chronic stress
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
Chronic stress-
- Changes in neurons in _________ regions
- -Temporal memory deficits
- -Decreases in cognitive abilities with age due to long-term stress
Frontal lobe lesions:
Disorders that influence frontal lobes-
Chronic stress-
- Changes in neurons in prefrontal regions
- _________ memory deficits
- -Decreases in _________ abilities with age due to long-term stress
- Temporal
- cognitive
Consciousness (the state of being conscious; awareness of one’s own _________ , sensations, thoughts, surroundings etc.)
Attention and consciousness -
_________ directs complex actions of body and brain
Nervous system
- Awareness
- Aware of the world
Attention -
Can be _________ (aware) or _________ (not aware) processes
- conscious
- unconscious
Some behaviors performed with little attention
_________ – unconscious, involuntary
- Can be developed by training (stopping at red light) or is inherent
- _________ processing
- Automatic processes
- Bottom-up
Some behaviors performed with little attention
Automatic processes – unconscious, involuntary
- Can be developed by _________ (stopping at red light) or is _________
- -Bottom-up processing
- training
- inherent
- Behaviors that are not automatic require _________ attention
- _________ processing – finding route
- focused
- Top-down