Final Exam Part 2 Flashcards
What are the causes of pulpitis?
- chemicals from filling materials
- depth of tooth preparation by a dentist
- Cracks in the crown or root
- Caries
- Iatrogenic cause
- Trauma
- pulp exposure
- Periodontal pocket
What is reversible pulpitis?
- Asympotmatic unless stimualated
- Sharp intense pain
- Temperature changes response
- Treatment protection from further thermal stimulation
What is irreversible pulpitis?
- Spontaneous
- pain less intense: but longer
- Worsens when laying down
- Treatment RCT or extraction
What is acute vs chronic pulpitis?
- Acute is rapid bacterial invasion (mostly in kids)
- Chronic- low grade irritant, dentin acts as a barrier
What is pulpal necrosis?
- Pulp tissue no longer living: Untreated pulpitis
- Asymptomatic
- pain associated with exudate entering PDL
What is a periapical lesion?
- formation depends on virulence of bacteria, sclerosis of dental tubules, host immune response
- When acute pulpitis extends into adajacent tissue
What are common lesions to follow pulpitis?
- Periapical granuloma
- Periapical abscess
- ostemyelitis
- Cellulitis
A 45-year-old patient presents to the dental clinic complaining of persistent, localized pain on tooth #31 for the past week. The patient reports that the pain is exacerbated when biting down and is accompanied by occasional throbbing. Endo ice test reveals no response. The percussion test elicits sharp pain, and palpation of the buccal and lingual gingiva reveals tenderness. The dentist gathers information shown on the radiograph and clinical exam and provides two diagnoses: The first is pulpal necrosis. What is the most likely the second diagnosis?
Periapical abscess
What is osteomyelitis?
- Inflammatroy process within trabecular bone
- Most commonly caused by direct extension of an untreated periapical abscess
Descript the lesion within the image
What is cellulitis?
- Painfull swelling of the tissue of the head and face resulting from spread of purulent exudate
- draining tract called parulus or fistula
Describe the photo
No active caries found on the patient. What is the most appropriate consideration?
Internal resorption
What is this that resulted from pressue from atumor and excessive occlusiom?
External resorption
A patient comes in for a periodic exam. Patient claims to not have any significant complaints, but she tells you about an occasional ache on the lower left side of her mouth. Upon clinical examination, the tooth #19 exhibited tenderness to percussion and palpation. A periodontal probe revealed probing depths of 8 mm on the mesiolingual (ML) region, accompanied by bleeding upon probing. Radiographic examination revealed a J-shaped radiolucency around the mesial root. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Vertical root fracture
Inflammation of the mucosa around a partially erupted tooth with a tissue flap named operculum?
A 28-year-old patient returns to the dental clinic three days after the extraction of the lower right molar (tooth #30). The patient complains of increasing, throbbing pain localized to the extraction site. On examination, there is no evidence of swelling. However, the patient reports an unpleasant taste and bad odor emanating from the extraction site. The pain is not responding to over-the-counter pain medications.
What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
alveolar osteitis
What are some abnormalities in the number of the teeth?
- anodontia- lack of
- Hypodontia- lack of one or more
- Supernumery- extra teeth
Describe this tooth abnormaility
What is gemination?
one tooth attempts to divide into 2 teeth
What is fusion of the teeth?
Union of two teeth
What is a fusion in which a teeth are united by cementum only?
An abnormal curve or angle in the root of a tooth is called what?
A patient comes in and their teeth is looking like the picture before what is the most correct diagnosis?
Enamel hypoplasia
What type of hypoplasia is caused by congential syphillis?
amelogenesis imperfecta
A 23-year-old male patient named John comes in for a new patient exam. He is not happy with his teeth color and wishes to have teeth whitening. The panoramic image looked odd to you. Only partial panoramic image was acquired because you mounted the image incorrectly on Dexis. What is the most appropriate consideration for this patient.
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
A lesion that forms around the crown of an unerupted tooth. Only type of treatment is to remove cyst and tooth.
dentigerous or follicular cyst
A 7-year-old patient presents to your dental hygiene clinic for a routine examination. During the oral assessment, you notice a small, bluish-purple swelling in the patient’s mouth. The patient is not experiencing any pain or discomfort, and the primary dentition in the surrounding area appears to be in good condition. The radiograph shows no significant findings. You see mixed dentition, including **unerupted tooth ** #8. Propose the most likely diagnosis and a treatment
Eruption Cyst- No treatment necessary
A 25-year-old **male **presents for a limited exam. The patient’s medical history includes skin cancer and diabetes. The patient complaints of swelling and pain in the left mandibular region. The patient reports progressive tooth movement and resorption accompanied by occasional tingling and numbness in the lower lip. On examination, the dental hygienist observes facial asymmetry, and palpation reveals tenderness and swelling in the mandibular area. Radiographically, a well-defined unilocular radiolucency is evident. What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
Odontogenic Keratocyst OKC
During the extraoral and intraoral assessment, you notice no significant abnormalities in her medical history or current health status. However, upon palpation, you identify a small, asymptomatic swelling in the midline of the anterior palate.
Nasopalatine Cyst
During the extraoral and intraoral assessment, you notice no significant abnormalities in her medical history or current health status. However, upon palpation, you identify a small, asymptomatic swelling in the midline of the palate.
Median Palatine Cyst
A teratoma is a dermoid cyst that may contain teeth, bone, muscles, and nerve tissue in the wall of the lesion.
During IO/EO exam, you palpate a moveable mass on the neck and notice a nodule on the tongue what is it?
Lymphoepithelial cyst
During a routine dental examination of a 8-year-old child, you notice a painless, midline swelling on the neck. The child does not complain of pain or discomfort, and there are no signs of respiratory difficulty. What could be the potential cause of this swelling?
Thyroglossal Tract Cyst
Mr. Johnson, a 45-year-old male, presents to the dental hygiene clinic with a chief complaint of persistent swelling and tenderness in the right posterior mandibular region. On examination, you observe a non-tender, fluctuant swelling with intact mucosa in the area of tooth #19, which was extracted six months ago due to severe decay. The patient reports that he experienced initial relief after the extraction, but the swelling has gradually developed over the past few weeks.
What is the most likely diagnosis of the patient’s condition?
Residual Cyst