Exam 3 Disturbances of Cell Growth Flashcards
What is the Morphogenic reactions to stress?
- cells adpat or die
- atrophy
- hypertrophy
- hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- dysplasia
- neoplasia
What are the reactions seen in the oral cavity?
- Hyperkeratosis- thickening of stratum corneum layer
- Hyperplasia- increase in the number of cells
- Metaplasia- conversion of one differentiated type of cell to another
- Dysplasia: Alteration in the size, shape and organization of the cellular componets of tissue
- Neopplasia: Uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells
What is Hyperkeratosis
- Caused by chronic irritation (chemical, friction or heat)
- Protective response
- Seen as a white plaque
Hyperkeratosis/ Linea Alba
What is necrotic lesions that may appear as leukoplakias ?
- surface oral mucosa destroyed by chemicals
- Electrical
- Thermal
- Trauma
Aspirin Burn/ necrotic lesion that appears as leukoplakias
Nicotine Stomatitis
What is hyperplasia?
- Proliferating, exuberant granulation tissue
- Dense fibrous connective tissue= fibrosis
What is metaplasia?
- Most common sequence is replacement of glandular epithelium with squamous epithelium
- Usually reversible if stimulus removed
What is Dysplasia?
- Occurs msot commonly in hyperplastic squamous epithelium
- Can share many cytologic features with cancer
- Pre-cancerous lesion
- Most sever stage is CARCINOMA IN SITU
What are neoplasia?
New growth of tissue that arises from existing tissue but grows
What are the causes of neoplasia?
- chemicals
- ultraviolet/ionizing radiation
- viruses
- diet
- hormones
What are the classifications of neoplasia as a benign tumor?
- Cells resemble tissue
- Slow growing
- Growth is encapsulated
- remains localized
- no metastasis
What are the classification of neoplasia for a malignant tumor ?
- Cells are atypical
- Mitotic figures may be numerous
- Rapid growing
- Invasive unencapsulated
- Metastasis
What are the stages of Development?
* Initiation- exposure to carcinogen
* Promotion- other factors that promotes the altered cell to multiply
* Progression- groups of cell develop into lesion, infiltrate adjacent tissue and metastasis to distant sites
Carcinomas Vs Sarcoma
Carcinomas are more common than sarcomas
Carcinomas Metastasize where?
Through the lymphatic system
Sarcomas metastasize through?
THe circulatory system
What are common signs of oral carcinoma?
- Erythema
- Ulceration or erosion
- Induration
- Fixation
- Failure to heal
- Lymphadenopathy
- Leukoplakia
What are the different types of biopsy methods?
- exfoliative cytology
- brush biopsy
- vizilite
- velscope
- Identafi
- Incisional biopsy
- Excisional biopsy
- Needle biopsy
Identafi is ?
Use of white, Violet and Amber light to detect abnormalities
Incisional Biopsy
- Most common
- Take a part of a large lesion
Excisional Biopsy
- Take the whole lesion out
- Done with small and likely benign
What are the classifications of cancer?
- Staging: size, location lymph involvement spread.
- Treatment decisions based on stage
- TMN= Tumor sizes, nodes involved, metastases
Oral Manifestations of Cancer
- Mucositis
- Xerostomia
- OSteonecrosis
- Trismus
- Dysgeusia
- Decrease in RBC WBC and platelets
Dental Hygienists Role
- Oral evaluation prior to treatment
- eliminate any source of oral infection
- recommend saliva substitutes
- Recommend daily fluoride