Chapter 1 Flashcards
Define pathology
The study of nature of disease such as their:
-causes (etiology)
-development (pathogenesis)
-expressed (pathophysiology)
-outcomes (prognosis).
Define pathogenesis
The developmental process of disease
Describe the causes and
mechanisms of cell injury
and cell death
Cell Injury: Occurs becasue of physical, chemical or biological reasons.
Cell Death: Apoptosis- multicelluar or eukaryotic- singlecelluar
Differentiate between
endogenous and exogenous
causes of disease
Endogenous- internal
Exogenous- external
Cause: because of injury, which occurs on a molecular celluar, tissue or organ level.
Discuss the alterations that
cells undergo as they adjust
to injurious agents
- Atrophy- decrease in size
- Hypertrophy- Increase in size
- Hyperplasia- Increase in numbers
- Metaplasia- Replacement of cell type
- Dysplasia- Abnormal differentiation
- Neoplasia- No longer functions or looks normal
What terms are used when discussing the pathogenesis of a disease?
- Incubation period
- Signs and symptoms
- Exacerbation
- Resolution
- Sequela
- Morbidity
- Morality
- Complications
- Relapse
- Prognosis
Identify and describe the
four (4) steps of the
diagnostic process
S- Subjective: gather PT information
O- Objective: Signs observed by clinician
A- Assessment: Develope differential and determien definitive diagnosis
P- Plan: Treatment provided based on diagnosis.
Identify common
symptoms expressed by
patients related to oral and
maxillofacial disease
in the areas of discomfort,
textural changes, and
functional changes.
- Discomfort- Pain: Dull, shooting, numbness, tingling, burning, itching, rawness, tenderness
- Function- difficulty swallowing, opening, closing, chewing altered bite, taste, bleeding, clenching, grinding, loose teeth and spaces.
- Textural Changes: Dry, rough swellings.
Discuss the role of the
auxiliary in the evaluation
and treatment of oral disease
Assessment Phase
Auxiliary role:
* History Taking
* Physical examination
* Recognition of deviations from normal
* Informaing DMD of findings
* Documentation
* Refereal
Identify common signs
that can be observed as
related to oral and
maxillofacial diseases in
the areas of soft-tissue
changes, hard-tissue changes
(clinical and radiographic)
neuromuscular change
Objective Phase
- Observed by palpation, visual and percussion
Soft Tissue:
* Color Consistency
* Size
* Surface texture
Hard Tissue:
* Size
* Number
* Structure
* Radiopaque
* Radiolucent
Neuromuscular changes: Changes within the nervous system
What are abnormality description for lesions?
- Location
- Distribution
- Margin
- Size and Shape
- Direction of growth
What are abnormality description for consistency?
- Soft, Hard/ indurated
- Firm, doughlike
- Fluctant (Fluid, filled)
What are abnormality description for color?
- Red
- Pink
- Salmon
- White
- Blue-black
- Gray
- Brown
- Black
What are abnormality description for surface texture?
- Smooth
- Rough papillary
- Corrugated fissure
- Crusted
- Pseudomembrane
What are abnormality description for radiographic appearance?
- Coalescence- Fused joints
- Diffuse- Not well defined borders
- Multilocular- extends beyond one area, lobes fused to make a lesion
- Radiolucent- dark areas
- Radiopaque- white/light areas
- Root resorption- apex looks shortned or blunted or irregular
- Scalloping around root- extends beyound roots, traumatic cyst goes to PDL
- Unilocular- One compartment well defined
- Well circumscribed- Terms used to discribed lesion well defined clear exact margins
What is a macule?
- Flat
- Less 1cm
- different color
What is a papule?
- Elevated
- Solid
- Superfical
- Any color
- Less than 1cm
- Both sessile and predunculated
What is a plaque?
- Flat top
- Raised
- Solid
- Larger than 1cm
What is a vesicle?
- Clear fluid filled elevation
- Lymph or serum
- In the epidermis
- Less than 1cm
- Ruptures leaving an ulcer or crust
What is a bulla?
- Larger Vescile
What is a ucler?
- Depressed deeper than erosion
- Total loss of epithial layer
What is a erosion?
- Slightly depressed
- Moist
- Denuded surfaces of epithelium
- Also call Abrasions
What is a nodule?
- Raised, Flat or submerge
- Solid with dimension/depth
- Any color
- Less than 1cm
What is a tumor?
- Raised
- Solid with dimension and depth
- Greater than 1cm
What is a cyst?
semi-solid or liquid
What is a pustule?
- Raised
- Filled with purulent exudate/puss
- Less than 1cm
What is a scar?
- increased area of collagen fibers
- In the connect tissue
- follows after healing
- appears white or pale
What is a patch?
- Flat
- greater than 1cm
- Different color
What is a fissure?
- linear crack
- in the epidermis
What is the procedures used to form a differential and definitive diagnosis?
Assessment Phase
What are the strategies to be considered when developing a treatment plan?
Planning phase
- No treatment
- surgical
- pharmacologic agents
- behavioral modification
- Psychiatric therapy
- Referral
What are abnormality description for size?
Define Disease
- Response to injury resulted in structural or functional.
- Impairment of cell, tissue, organ or systemic function
Define health
- Soundness and vigor/well being
- Celluar or tissue function
- Measured by the level of freeedom from pain or physical disease
- Matter of perception
Structural means?
(changes/ lesions)
Functional means?
- Pinpoint red spots
- Usually in groups
Bruise of about 1cm or less
Bruise greater than 1cm
What are results of extravasted blood?
What are classified as non-raised or flat lesions?
What are classified as denuded lesions?
What are classified as raised lesions?
What are classified as Fluid filled lesions?