Final Exam: Exam 5 pt 4 Flashcards
-get mostly everything from host cell
-lack enzyme for metabolic processes
-lack machinery for synthesizing proteins
-are not cells
-obligate intracellular parasites
virus size
viral strucure
-naked (prokaryotic)
-enveloped (eukaryotic virus)
envelope is
-filled with viral protein
-nucleic acid
capsid structure
subunits that spontaneously self-assemble
two arrangements of capsomers
- helical
- icosahedral
-high degree of symmetry
Atypical/complex virus
poxvirus, bacteriophage
viral nucleic acid
-number of genes is quite small compared to host or bacterial cells
-contain either DNA or RNA but never both
DNA virus
double stranded (more) (more bacterial virus) or single stranded
double stranded or single stranded (more)(mostly plants viruses)
Positive sense RNA
-single stranded
-tells if single strand can act as mRNA
-can make proteins immediately upon entering cell
negatice sense RNA
-single stranded
-need to synthesize host mRNA when gets into cell
DNA phase
-backwards central dogma
segmented viruses
-genome is on more than one DNA strand or segment
-one segment = one protein
classification of viruses
international committee for taxonomy of viruses
international committee for taxonomy of viruses
-3 orders
end in -viralis
end in -viridae
squish virus as the suffix
virus is separate word
Baltimore classification system of viruses
-seven different classes
-what is genome and how it makes mRNA
replication cycle of an animal virus
**takes 8-40 hours
-virus attach to its host by binding to specific cell receptors
-specific between protein and virus
can only infect cells with that specific receptor (immunoglobin family)
tropism is dictated by
-1st interaction between virus and host cell
penetration and uncoating (2 methods)
-method 1: virus is elongated and enclosed in a vesicle via clathrate
-method 2: direct fusion of viral envelope with host cell membrane
method 2 only
only happens in enveloped viruses bc its cell mem can infuse into host cell mem
DNA viruses stay in
RNA viruses stay in
negative sense RNA virus problem
-needs to make mRNA so needs to bring an RNA dependent RNA polymerase