Final Exam - Casting & Bandaging Flashcards
why do we use bandages?
compression, support, absorption, topical treatment of wounds, & protection
what materials make up a bandage?
primary layer, cast padding, stretch gauze, & vet wrap
what is laplace’s law & associated equation?
pressure = (N X T)/(R X W)
N - number of layers
T - tension
R - radius
W - width of bandage material
higher pressure of bandages is associated with what?
increased layers, increased tension, smaller limb radius, & smaller bandage width
where are pressure points commonly seen with bandages?
calcaneus, olecranon, & implants
why does bandage pressure matter?
can compromise vascular supply of the skin leading to arteriolar closing & skin necrosis
what pressure is needed for arteriolar closing in skin?
~30 mmHg
how can you manage bandage pressure?
use enough padding, 50% overlap between layers, no ridging/bunching, apply bandage distal to proximal, cushion pressure points, include toes, unroll then re-roll vetwrap, address problems fast, & change bandage frequently
at a minimum, how often should bandages be changed?
once per week by veterinary professionals
when should a bandage be replaced sooner than 1 week?
change sooner if painful, crying out, animal isn’t using the limb, or the bandage gets dirty or wet
why does a bandage need to be kept clean/dry?
wet bandages shrink & avoid contamination
keep it covered outside, remove covering once inside, & change immediately if dirty
an owner should check their pets toes twice daily for what?
swelling, very hot or very cold temperature, & pain
T/F: exercise restriction is necessary while a bandage is in place
when should you instruct an owner to call you with concerns about their pets bandage?
foul odor, it slips, gets dirty, toes are swollen or cold, or patient is painful & not using the leg
how is pressure managed in casts?
make a bi-valved cast & have appropriate patient selection
how is casting performed?
starts similar to modified robert jones with cast padding & stretch gauze & then wrap with toilet paper or cling wrap
wear gloves, dip cast roll in water, wrap with 50% overlap, & wait for material to harden
what should be done when making a bivalved cast?
label the sides of the casts & mark where you want to cut it - use sedation when making
bandage changes every week & be prepared to manage bandage sores
what happens if cast/bandage care isn’t done correctly in a post-op bone surgery patient?
implant loosening
bandage sores
splint/cast doesn’t replace exercise restriction
what is included in appropriate patient selection for casts/splints?
greenstick fractures
simple, transverse fractures
distal to the elbow or stifle
good alignment
added stability after surgery
what fracture types are not amenable to casts/splints?
comminuted fractures
oblique fractures
articular fractures
unable to stabilize the joint above & below
what are some indications for a spica splint?
post elbow luxation repair
scapular fractures/luxations
post-op support
temporary stabilization for transport
what is the use of a spica splint?
immobilization of mid to proximal limb made out of thermoplast or fibroglass
what is a velpau sling?
sling used for shoulder or elbow support for scapular fractures
pre-made sleeves available
what is the purpose of an ehmer sling on the pelvic limb?
prevents weight bearing & provides internal rotation of the hip & abduction of the limb
what are some indications for an ehmer sling?
after a closed reduction of a craniodorsal hip luxation
how should an ehmer sling be used?
only when necessary - provide adequate padding, frequent checks, & adjust/modify as needed
when are hobbles indicated?
caudoventral hip luxation of medial shoulder instability where you connect thoracic or pelvic limbs together to prevent abduction
what is shown in the photo?
what are clinical signs of quadriceps contracture?
inability to flex the stifle joint or hock joint with leg held straight because of replacement of muscle with fibrous tissue
what animals are at risk for developing quadriceps contracture?
young animals after femur fractures that are splinted in extension
what is the purpose of using a 90-90 bandage?
keeps the knee in partial flexion - temporary use in post-op young patients that may help in quadriceps contracture
what type of bandage is shown here?
90-90 bandage
what is an orthotic?
used to support or protect a body part & may prevent abnormal joint motion
what is a prosthetic?
support/management of an incomplete limb that is customized for each animal that must be managed long term with frequent rechecks, communication with the company, & communication with the owners
what are some complications that may occur with bandages/casts?
soft tissue complications 63% especially sight hounds
bandage sores will happen