Exam 4 - Heartworm Disease Flashcards
what makes up adulticide therapy?
doxycycline for 1 month, macrocyclic lactone preventative for 3 months, & then 3 dose regimen of melarsomine + tapering steroids
what is the one state that may not have heartworms?
when is peak heartworm transmission?
july & august
what is the particular climate required for transmission of heartworms?
temperature with sustained heat for maturation of mosquito larvae
what habitats are required for mosquitos that have allowed heartworm disease to become so wide spread?
water sources, urban sprawl/heat islands, irrigation
mosquitos need water
what is the definitive host of heartworms? what are some less suitable hosts that can still become infected?
cats & ferrets
can microfilaria become adults in a dog?
no - requires mosquitos
when should heartworm prevention be started? maintained?
puppies - 8 weeks old
standard prevention dose of macrocyclic lactones has been shown to be safe in all breeds, prevention recommended year round
multimodal prevention - mosquito control
T/F: there have been studies that have shown that repelling & killing mosquitoes is effective in prohibiting microfilariae transmission from dogs to mosquitoes
what is the difference in longevity in dogs vs cats with heartworm infections?
cats: 2-3 years
dogs: 5-7 years
T/F: there is no approved treatment for heartworms in cats & when treated, there is a high rate of complications
what makes up staging in a heartworm positive patient?
history - clinical signs, any preventative administered, activity level
physical exam - respiratory signs, ascites/abdominal distension, & right-sided heart murmur
diagnostics - rads & labwork
what are some mild signs of canine heartworm disease?
asymptomatic or cough
what are some moderate signs of canine heartworm disease?
cough, exercise intolerance, abnormal lung sounds
what is caval syndrome?
sudden onset of severe lethargy & weakness accompanied by hemoglobinemia & hemoglobinuria
what pathology to heartworms cause in the host?
primary damage to the pulmonary arteries & lungs, inflammation & fibrosis (eosinophilic pneumonitis), pulmonary embolization, pulmonary hypertension, right-sided heart failure, & potential glomerulonephritis from antigen/antibody complexes
do dead or live heartworms cause damage to the host?
what are some signs of right-sided heart failure?
ascites, jugular venous distension, & positive hepatojugular reflex
what are some differentials for a systolic right-sided heart murmur in a heartworm positive dog?
what may be seen on thoracic radiographs supportive of heartworm disease?
enlarged peripheral pulmonary arteries that are larger than the corresponding vein (unless there is concurrent venous distension), enlarged main pulmonary artery, & enlarged right atrium/ventricle
may have a bronchointerstitial pulmonary pattern
when would you potentially use an echo in a heartworm positive animal?
useful for patients with signs of right-sided heart failure, syncope, suspect pulmonary hypertension, or suspect caval syndrome
what may be seen on a CBC of a heartworm positive animal?
non-regenerative anemia, neutrophilia/eosinophilia/basophilia, thrombocytopenia, & microfilaria
what may be seen on a chem panel of a heartworm positive animal?
hyperglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, & pre-renal/renal azotemia
what may be seen on a urinalysis of a heartworm positive animal?
what are some reasons to test for microflaria?
identify reservoir host, identify dogs that may have a hypersensitivity reaction with preventatives, & confirming your diagnosis