fertilisation to trilaminar Flashcards
how does the sperm fertilise the egg?
1- the sperm will secrete hyluronidase which will penetrate through the corona radiata.
2- the sperm will come into contact with the ZP3 which will cause the acrosome to digest the zona pellucida.
3- membrane fusion
4- cortical granules from the egg will break down the ZP3 to prevent secondary penetration and there will be a negative charge increse
cleavage, compaction and morula?
cleavage = 4 cells
compaction = 8 cells
morulla = 16 cells
all the cells are still contained within the zona pellucida except when it becomes a morulla, it will dissapear. attached by gap junctions.
around what day will the egg start to bind to the uterus?
day 5/6
how will the egg bind to the uterus?
there will be downregulation of of anti-adhesion molecule muc-1, this will allow selectins to bind to the glyco-components of the epitheluim on the uterus wall.
what happens around 6/7/8 when the blastocyte has implantation is begining?
- trophoblast will divide into syncitiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
- the embryoblast will divide into hypoblast and epiblast
- the amniotic cavity will form within the epiblast.
what happens around day 4?
-trophoblasts will form the outer layer
- emmbryoblasts will create the inner cell mass
- these will migrate towards each other creating the blastocyst cavity.
what happens around day 9?
- the hypoblast cells will coat the blastocyst cavity to form the primary yold sac
- spaces will develop within the syncitiotrophoblast
- the amniotic cavity has formed a space in the epiblast laer
what forms the primary yold sac?
around day 9, the hypoblast layer that is derived from embryoblast will sound the blastocyst cavity which will now be called the yolk sac.
what are the spaces that develop within the syncitiotrophoblast for?
they are connections for the maternal blood supply.
what happens around day 11/12?
- the embryonic disc will form 2 layers
- blastocyst burrown completely into the endimetrium
- syncitiotrophoblasts will errode through the walls of maternal capilaries creative a primitive placental curculation.
- A space will form between cytotrophoblast and the yolk sac.
the space that forms between the cytotrophoblast and the tolk sac, what does it do?
it will fude to form the chorionic cavity.
embryonic mesoderm
at the end of week 2, when the women expects her period, what are the 2 layers in the trophoblast called?
syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
where does the embryonic disc form?
the embryonic disc will form at the connection between the epiblast and hypoblast
at the end of week 2, when the women expects her period, what are the 2 layers in the inner cell mass called?
epiblast - ectoderm
hypoblast - endoderm
at the end of week 2, when the women expects her period, what are the 2 cavities called?
amniotic cavity - within epiblast layer
chorionoic cavity - between yolk sac and cytotrophoblast
At approx 36 hours after fertilisation, what happens?
The egg splits into 2 blastomeres
At which point is the egg called a blastocyst.
When the blastocyst cavity forms in the ambryoblast layer