definitions Flashcards
only going to cause the disease (have an effect) on one part of the body eg – salmonella
harms the unborn child
Hardy weinberg principle?
Relative proportions of different genotypes remain constant across generations - this is not always true
Horizontal transmission?
An infected person spreading it eg) Covid
Vertical transmission?
From mother to child
Zoonoses transmission?
From an animal or animal bite
Nosocomial transmission?
An infection or toxin that exists in a specific place eg) hospital
this is the fomration of pus
nuetrophils, bacteria and cellular debris
a local defect or excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue that is produced by the sloughing of inflmmatory necrotic tissue.
a micro organism which forms part of the normal host microbiota
an organism that causes disease
the capacity to cause disease
the development of a disease
a measure of the capacity of the disease
Occasional cases occurring irregularly
Persistent background level of assurance
Occurrence in excess of the expected level during a given period of time
Epidemic occurrence in or spreading over more than one region of the world
The summation of EPSP’s and IPSP’s from potentially many different sources of neurons which will decide it a threshold is met and an action potential generated.
This refers to the fact that synapses can only transmit forces in one direction which allows for the channeling and control of flow of info.
the manner of development of disease
define global health
the international, transdisplinary, and intersection research, knowledge and policies for improving population health and health determinants on a global scale.
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
health promotion
the process of enabling people to increase control and to improve their own health.
illness beleifs?
illness beleifs are individual and acquired during life and during the course of an illness. - important as they provide patients with a framework for coping and understanding their illness.
the study of the distribution of health and health determinants in a population, and the application of this study to control health problems.
health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
public health
this is the art of:
- preventing disease
- promoting health and well being
- prolonging life through organised efforts of society.
the term used to describe the use of chemical agents to inhibit the growth of organisms or cancerous agents.