face and scalp Flashcards
what are the 5 layers of the scalp
skin, dense connective tissue, epicranial aponeurosis, loose alveloar connective tissue and the periosteum
what are the 5 arteries that supply the scalp
superior temoral artery (front)
supraorbital artery (front)
supratrochlear artery (front)
occiptal artery (Back)
posterior auricle artery (back)
what nerves innervate the front half of scalp
trigeminal nerve:
supraorbital nerve
supratrochlear nerve
zygomaticotemporal nerve
auriculotemporal nerve
what nerves innervates the back half of the scalp
great auricular nerve
lesser occipital nerve
greater occipital nerve
third occipital nerve
what is trigeminal neuralgia
stabbing pain in scalp, caused by swollen blood vessel, tumor, damaged myelin
what nerve innervates the facial muscles
facial nerve
what muscles are in the epicranius
epicranial aponeurosis
what is the function of the occipitofrontalis
raises eyebrows and skin over root of nose
frontal: draws scalp fowards - causing wrinkles
occipotal: draws scalp backwards
what supplies the frontal part of the occipitofrontalis
the ophthalmic and superficial temporal arteries
what supplies the occipital part of the occipitofrontalis
posterior auricular and occipital arteries.
what is the muscle around the eye
orbicularis oculi
what are the two parts of the obicularis oculi
orbital and palpebral parts
what is the function of the orbicularis oculi
closing eyes, tear flow/crying
Contraction of the orbital part pulls the skin of the forehead and cheek towards the nose
what supplies the orbicularis oculi
branches of the maxillary, superficial temporal and facial arteries.
what innervates the orbicularis oculi
the zygomatic and temporal branches of facial nerve
what supplies the corrugator supercilia
the ophthalmic branch of the internal carotid artery, and the superficial temporal branch of the external carotid artery.
what innervates the corrugator supercilia
temporal branches of the facial nerve
what is the function of the corrugator supercilia
pull the eyebrows medially and produces vertical wrinkles
what is the function of the nasalis
dilates the nostrils, depresses the ala nasi (nostril wings) laterally and wrinkles the nasal skin - flaring of nostrils
what innervates the nasalis
buccal branch of facial nerve
what supplies nasalis muscle
superior labial, septal and lateral nasal branches of the facial artery and the infraorbital branch of the maxillary artery.
what innervates the procerus
temporal, lower zygomatic or buccal branches of facial nerve
what supplies the procerus
the angular and lateral nasal branches of the facial artery.
what is the function of the procerus
depresses the medial parts of the eyebrows and wrinkles the skin between them
what is the function of the orbicularis oris
closes mouth and lip pouting, puckering, twisting
what innervates the orbicularis oris
buccal and marginal mandibular branches of the facial nerve
what supplies the orbicularis oris
superior and inferior labial branches of facial artery
what is the function of the buccinator
Compresses the cheek against the teeth and gums during mastication and assists tongue in directing food between teeth.
Important in expelling air between lips
Keeps the bolus of food central in the oral cavity
what innervates the buccinator
buccal branches of the facial nerve
what supplies the buccinator
buccal branch of the maxillary artery, with contributions from branches of the facial artery.
what supplies the Levator labii superioris muscle
angular branch of the facial artery and infraorbital branch of the maxillary artery.
what innervates the Levator labii superioris muscle
zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
what is the function of the Levator labii superioris muscle?
elevate upper lip - smiling
what supplies the depressor labii inferious
the inferior labial branch of facial artery and mental branch of inferior alveolar artery.
what innervates the depressor labii inferious
mandibular branch of facial nerve
what is the function of the depressor labii inferious
draws lip down and laterally – mastication and sorrow
what is the function of the Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
elevate upper lip and to elevate, deepen and increase the curvature of the nasolabial furrow.
what supplies the Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
the facial artery and the infraorbital branch of the maxillary artery.
what innervates the Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
zygomatic and buccal
branches of facial nerve
what is the name of the muscle at the side of nose
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
what is the function of the mentalis
depresses lower lip - drinking
what supplies the mentalis
inferior labial branch of facial artery and mental branch of the maxillary artery (via inferior alveolar artery).
what innervates the mentalis
mandibular branch of the facial nerve
what is the function of the risorius
pulling the angles of the mouth laterally and superiorly to produce a smile.
what supplies the risorius
the superior labial branch of the facial artery.
what innervates the risorius
buccal branch of facial nerve
what is the function of the Levator anguli oris muscle
elevate the angles of the lips, thereby contributing to producing a smile
what supplies the Levator anguli oris muscle
the superior labial branch of facial artery and infraorbital branch of maxillary artery.
what innervates the Levator anguli oris muscle
zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
what is the function of the Depressor anguli oris
to depress the angle of the mouth, which contributes to expressing feelings of sadness or anger
what supplies the Depressor anguli oris
inferior labial branch of the facial artery and the mental branch of the maxillary artery.
what innervates the Depressor anguli oris
marginal mandibular and buccal branches of facial nerve
what innervates the zygomatic major/minor
zygomatic and buccal branches of the facial nerve
what supplies the zygomatic major/minor
superior labial branch of the facial artery.
what is the function of the zygomatic major/ minor
elevates angle of mouth
what are the branches of the facial nerve
marginal mandibular
from what pharyngeal arch are the muscles of facial expression derived from
which muscles in the face are sphincters
orbicularis oris
incisivus labii superioris and inferioris
what layer of the scalp contains the ramifying arteries, veins and nerves
fibro-fatty connective tissue layer
which veins connect the veins of the scalp to the dural venous sinus
emissary veins
what is the function of the ganglion in the facial nerve
it contains cells whose fibres bring taste information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
what nerve innervates the skin over the angle of the mandible
great auricular nerve
the auriculotemporal nerve of the scalp is a branch of what
cervical plexus
where are the superficial veins of the scalp found
the subcutaneous connective tissue layer
the veins and arteries of the scalp are mainly in what layer
subcutaneous connective tissue layer
what is the order in which the three bracnhes of the facial nerve come off within the petrous portion of the temporal bone
greater petrosal, nerve to the stapedius muscle, chorda tympani