FA & Lipid Metabolism Flashcards
What are the three sources of FA?
- Diet
- adipose storage
- Synthesis in tissue
What are the 4 fates of FA?
1-Energy substrates
3-structural elements
4-signaling molecules
What are chylomicrons?
Lipoproteins used to transport newly digested triacylglycerols
What are the two ways FA are transported?
1-Carried by serum albumin (Free Fatty acids)
What are the 4 classes of lipoproteins?
1-Chylomicrons (come from intestines with new FA)
2-VLDL (from liver to distribute lipids)
3-LDL (distribute lipids)
4-HDL (low triglycerides, collect lipids to take back to liver)
What cells aid in cleaning up the vasculature and transfer lipids to HDL?
Foam cells (differentiated macrophages)
What response does Glucagon elicit in adipocytes?
breakdown of triacylglycerol to Fatty acids
What are triglycerides broken down to?
- Glycerol (enters glycolysis)
- Fatty acids (form acyl-coAs)
Hos are fatty acyl-CoAs transported into the mitochondria?
Acyl-Carnitine/carnitine transporter
What are the three stages of fatty acid oxidation
3-Oxidative phosphorylation
What results from Fatty Acid B oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix?
Acetyl CoA which enters the CAC (FADH2 and NADH also produced)
If acetyl CoA does not enter the CAC what does it form?
Ketone bodies :Acetone and a-B-hydroxybutyrate
When there is excess Acetyl CoA, what is the general pathway?
Acetyl-CoA converts to Malonyl CoA and is added to another acetyl coA to make Polmitoyl CoA
How does Acetyl CoA get to the cytoplasm(where lipid synthesis occurs) from inside the mitochodrial matrix?
The citrate shuttle
What two moieties do you need to start fatty acid synthesis? (Fatty acid synthase acts on these)
1-Malonyl group
2-Acetyl group
What biotin carried protein is responsible for malonyl-coA production?
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
NADPH is used for _________ Rxns. Wherease NADH is used for ________ rxns
Anabolic, Catabolic
What 16 carbon Fatty acid is produced by lipid synthesis?
Pamitate (Palmyl-CoA)
What enzyme is activated by insulin signal but deactivated by glucagon and is responsible for regulating the balance between FA synthesis and FA B-oxidation?
Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase (converts Acetyl-CoA to Malonyl-CoA for fatty acid synthesis)
What is the precursor molecule for phospholipids and triglycerides?
phosphatidic acid
What is cholesterol formed from?
What are the 4 potential paths for cholesterol?
2-Bile acids
3-CHolesteryl ester
4-Steroid hormones (ie. Cortisol, aldosterone, estradiol)
What do cholesterol loaded foam cells become if damaged?
cholesterol rich atherosclerotic plaque in artery walls