FA CRAM MFERS Flashcards
3 joints of the shoulder girdle
sternoclavicular joint
acromioclavicular joint - upper
shoulder joint - lower
Sterno-clavicular joint location
1cm in length, extending over lower ½ medial surface of clavicle, passing inferolaterally for approx 0.5cm (onto 1st CC)
Acromio-clavicular joint location
immediately lateral to lateral 1/3 (concave anteriorly) of clavicle / 1.5cm medial to the lateral border of acromion
Glenohumeral joint location
lateral to coracoid process, infero-laterally 3cm towards axilla, lower 2/3 denotes rim of glenoid cavity
how does one palpate serratus anterior
pt in supine
punch forward and physio resists
below pits
lateral and inferior pectoralis major
how does one palpate rhomboids
underneath trapezius
how does one palpate pectoralis major/deltoid
internal/external rotation
how does one palpate latissimus dorsi
lie prone
how does one palpate supraspinatus
how does one palpate infraspinatus and teres minor
shoulder flexion in 90 degrees
elbow flexion 90 degrees
arm makes 90 degrees
bones in the mandubriosternal joint
manubrium & body of sternum
what kind of joint is the mandubriosternal joint
secondary cartilaginous jt., fibrocartilaginous disc
what level of the spine in the mandubriosternal joint
bones in the Xiphisternal joint
body of sternum & xiphoid process,
what kind of joint is the xiphisternal joint
primary cartilaginous jt
what level of the spine in the xiphisternal joint
bones in the sternocostal joint
medial end costal cartilages of 1st -7th ribs & sternum,
what kind of joint is the xiphisternal joint
1st SC primary cartilaginous, no mvmt, 2nd-7th synovial jts, fibrous capsule, intra-articular lig, anterior / posterior radiate ligaments
what bones are involved in costochondral jts
transition between bone / cartilage of anterior ends of each rib
what kind of joint is the costochondral jts
no capsule / ligs, periosteum continuous with perichondrium, cartilaginous jt, no mvmt
what kind of bones are involved in the interchondral jts
– tips of costal cartilages 8th, 9th 10th ribs
what kind of joints are involved in the interchondral jts
lower border of cartilage above, 8th & 9th synovial, 10th fibrous
bones involved in the costrovertebral joint
synovial jts, convex facet head ribs / concave facet vertebrae
1st, 10th -12th ribs articulate with own vertebrae
what kind of joints are involved in the costrovertebral jts
fibrous capsule / hyaline cartilage, intra-articular ligament, radiate lig anteriorly single jt cavity, no intra-artic lig / poorly developed radiate lig.
bones involved in the costotransverse joint
artic facet transverse process & tubercle of rib
what kind of joints are involved in the costotransverse joints
upper CT jts convex/ concave, lower CT jts flatter / thin fibrous capsule, ligs – lateral costotransverse / costotransverse / superior costotransverse
bones involved in the Apophyseal joint
articulate with superior & inferior facets
what kind of joints are involved in the Apophyseal joints
synovial jts, plane variety
hyaline cartilage, loose capsule,
how does apophyseal joint change down the spine
upper thoracic, angle approx.60 degrees to horizontal, mid thoracic - closer to vertical, lower lie in sagittal plane, mvmt – flex/ext, side bend & rotation.
joints involved in the Interbody joint
Intervertebral disc, ligs – lig flavum, Anterior Longitudinal Ligament, Posterior Longitudinal Ligament, supra-/ interspinous, intertransverse
what kind of joints are involved in the Interbody joints
secondary cartilaginous
how is the suprasternal/ jugular notch palpated and on what vertebral level is it at
at upper border of the manubrium (vertebral level T2)
location of manubriosternal joint/angle of louis
5cm down manubrium - horizontal line
what vertebral level is manubriosternal joint/angle of louis
in what intercostal space is the apex beat of the heart
5th intercostal space in the midclavicular line
at what i) costal cartilage and at what ii) vertebral level is the xiphoid process
i) 7th costal cartilage
ii) T9
What ribs run inferolaterally fromt he xiphisternal joint
7-10th ribs
what do the costal cartilages of the 7-10th rib form
costal arch and converge to form sides of infrasternal angle
what i)costal cartilage ii)vertebral level and iii)rib can the costal angle be found
i) 9th costal cartilage
ii) L1
iii) 12th ribs
where does the 11th rib end
mid-axillary line
thoracic inlet
1st rib
thoracic outlet
T12, full length of R 12 costal cartilages of 7-10 xiphoid process
where is the nipple in intercostal space
4th intercostal space
location of pulmonary valve on chest
behind the medial end of the 3rd left costal cartilage and adjoining end of the sternum / medial end of the 2nd left intercostal space
location of aortic valve on chest
behind the right half of the sternum opposite the 3rd right intercostal space / medial end of the 2nd right intercostal space
location of mitral valve on chest
behind the left half of the sternum at the level of the 4th costal cartilage / over the apex beat, i.e. level of the 5th intercostal space 9cm from midline
location of tricuspid valve on chest
behind the left half of the sternum opposite the 4th intercostal space / over left half of the lower end of the body of the sternum
how many lobes on the left lung and what separates them
2 lobes separated by the oblique fissure
how many lobes on the right lung and what divides them
3 lobes
separated by the oblique and horizontal fissue
location of horizontal fissure on the chest
4th rib
location of oblique fissure on right
from 4th to 6th ribs