Extra detail: Industrial and social developments in towns and cities Flashcards
Why were Gosplan’s targets ambitious?
They forced managers and workers to devote their maximum effort to the programme
What was the effect of the Wall Street Crash?
It bankrupted many enterprises in the USA and Europe that relied on American loans
How much did the first 5YP aim to increase production by?
How much did the first 5YP aim to increase electricity production by?
What reduced the effectiveness of the first 5YP?
- Too few skilled workers
- Too little effective central coordination for efficient development
- Smaller industrial works and workshops lost out in the competition from the bigger factories
What was the effect of the greater focus on rearmament in the second 5YP?
It rose from 4% of GDP in 1933 to 17% in 1937
What was the actual production of coal in 1932 compared to the target and the output in 1928?
Target: 75 mill tonnes
1932: 64.4 mill tonnes
1927: 35.4 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of oil in 1932 compared to the target and the output in 1928?
Target: 21.7 mill tonnes
1932: 21.4 mill tonnes
1927: 11.7 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of steel in 1932 compared to the target and the output in 1928?
Target: 10.4 mill tonnes
1932: 5.9 mill tonnes
1927: 4 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of pig iron in 1932 compared to the target and the output in 1928?
Target: 10 mill tonnes
1932: 6.3 mill tonnes
1927: 3.3 mill tonnes
What was the actual output of electricity in 1932 compared to the target?
Target: 22,000 m.kWh
1932: 13,540 m.kWh
How many machine tools were produced in 1932?
How many machine tools were produced in 1940? (need to double check the year)
What was the actual production of coal in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 152.5 mill tonnes
1937: 128 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of oil in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 46.8 mill tonnes
1937: 28.5 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of steel in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 17 mill tonnes
1937: 17.7 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of pig iron in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 16 mill tonnes
1937: 14.5 mill tonnes
What was the actual production of machine tools in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 40,000
1937: 45,500
What was the actual production of tractors in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 166,700
1937: 66,500
What was the actual output of electricity in 1937 compared to the target?
Target: 38,000 m.kWh
1937: 36,000 m.kWh
How much energy did the Dnieprostroi Dam generate?
560 MW
How much coal did Stakhanov cut?
102 tonnes in 5 hrs 45 mins
14x the amount expected for that length of time
How much were work norms raised by in 1936?
Describe the living conditions of workers in the 1930s
- extremely cramped communal apartments
- inadequate sanitation
- erractic water supplies
- overcrowded public transport
- shops often empty
- queues and shortages an accepted feature of life
When did the free labour market end for workers and what did this mean?
Skilled workers could be directed anywhere, others needed permission to change jobs, social benefits were cut
Describe the conditions in the Belomor Canal
- Built almost entirely by manual prison labour 1931-33
- ~300,000 employed for the construction at its peak
- Many died of overwork, poor treatment, lack of food and disease
- 700 died a day
- 1500 new arrived every day
- Average survival time of 2 years
How much of the workforce did women represent in 1929?
What jobs did women typically do in 1929?
Low paid jobs requiring minimal skill: particularly textiles and light industry
What was Zhenotdel?
The department of the Russian Communist Party devoted to women’s affairs
When was Zhenotdel closed down?
January 1930
How were women treated in the workforce around 1929?
Routinely discriminated against and paid less than men for fulfilling the same work norms
How did the employment of women indirectly help the accumulation of capital for further industrial growth?
- They provided a valuable labour resource
- More reliable than victims of collectivisation from the countryside
- Employment of urban women reduced the need for further housing to cope with migrants from the countryside
How did the industrial workforce change 1928-32?
It doubled
How did the urban population change 1926-1939?
26 mill - 56 mill