Expressões Comunes em BJJ PORT-ENG: Grupo 5 Flashcards
a sweep
recolher a perna
to retract the leg
recolher o cara
to pull the person into you
recolher o cotovelo do oponente
to scoop up the opponent’s elbow
recompõe a guard!
put him back in the guard!
move back!
recupera a guarda!
recover the guard!
repor a guarda
to recover guard (note: that’s what is meant when you hear your instructor say “repose the guard – doesn’t mean put your guard to rest!)
reposição de guarda
guard recovery
retrair a perna
to retract the leg
reverter a situação
to revert the situation, regain the upper hand
rolar por cima/baixo
to roll over/under
rotação do quadril
rotation of the hips
saber ganhar/perder
(lit. to know how to win/lose) to have good sportsmanship
saber perder/ganhar
(lit. to know how to win/lose) to have good sportsmanship
sair da montada
to escape the mount
sair de baixo
to get out from underneath
sair o quadril
to escape the hips, to scoot, to shrimp
se adiantar
to get ahead of oneself, to precipitate oneself; to move in anticipation of the next move (as when making an adjustment to a choke early on, in order not to lose the submission during the next step)
se afasta!
distance yourself!
se ajeita!
adjust yourself! adjust your position!
se arruma!
adjust yourself!
se cochilar, finaliza ele!
if he snoozes, finish him!
se concentra!
se desvencilhar
to release oneself from someone’s control
se desvincular do golpe
to free yourself from a move
se equilibrar
to balance (oneself)
se familiarizar com um movimento
to become familiar with a move
se mexer
to move (oneself)
se precipitar
to get ahead of oneself
se vacilar, perde!
If you snooze, you lose!
segura a perna e roda o adversário
hold the leg and sweep the opponent
segura a posição!
hold the position!
segurar mão com mão
to hold your hands together
sem falha
without fail, guaranteed
sem forçar
without using unnecessary strength
sem machucar
without hurting
sentir que a pegada tá frouxa
to feel that the grip is weak/loose
sobe nas costas
take the back!
get on top!
sobrar pano
to have slack in the cloth
suar a camisa
to work hard (lit. to soak your shirt in sweat)
sufocar com a barriga
to use your belly to smother (the opponent’s face)
tá amarrando!
he’s stalling!
tá todo mundo liberado!
everyone is free to go! (said at the end of a class)
tava 7-0, não deu pra recuperar
it was 7-0, he wasn’t able to recover
técnica de alongamento
submission by stretching (banana-split, etc.)
tem que procurar uma brecha
you have to look for gap/opportunity
tensiona o braço!
stiffen your arm! (as opposed to letting it stay limp)
ter condição
to be in a position to do something
ter confiança
to be confident
termina o movimento estendendo o braço do parceiro
finish the move extending your partner’s arm
terminar o movimento
to finish the move
tira a mão do chão!
take your hand off the ground!
tira as costas do chão!
take your back off the ground!
tirar o parceiro do chão
to lift your partner
tirar o quadril
to hip-escape
tô torcendo por você
I’m cheering/rooting for you
tocar o cotovelo no chão
to touch the elbow to the ground
tomar pressão no queixo
to receive pressure on the chin
tomar um triângulo
to get triangled
tombar o adversário
to take the opponent down
torcer o braço do adversário
to twist the opponent’s arm
keepworking the position!
trabalhar a lapela
to use the lapel in your favor, to work on getting (the right adjustment) on the lapel
traction, ability to pull
tracionar a perna
to use the leg to pull something towards you
transferir a lapela de uma mão pra outra
to transfer the lapel to the other hand
transferir o peso pra outra perna
to switch your weight onto the other leg
travar o quadril do oponente
to lock the opponent’s hips in place
traz pra você!
bring him to you!
treino livre
open mat
triângulo partindo do omoplata
omoplata setup starting from a triangle
trinca os dentes e vai!
clench your teeth and go!
troca a base
switch base!
switch (partners)!
trocar a pegada
to switch grips
um movimento precipidado
a rushed move (executed before the correct timing)
uma variação nova de um golpe velho
a new variation of/spin on an old move
usar o joelho como apoio
to use the knee as a support
what a dumb mistake! What a missed opportunity!
vai que você consegue!
go, you can do it!
vamos dar um treino?
let’s train
vamos reprisar o movimento
let’s replay the movement
variar o golpe
to change up the moves (to switch back and forth)
vazar a perna
to slip the leg (under the opponent, under his leg, etc.)
virar de barriga pra baixo
to turn belly down
virar de barriga pra cima
to turn belly up
virar de lado
to turn on yourside face
virar o jogo
to turn the tables, to gain the advantage
virar pra cima
to face up
volta pra dentro da guarda dele!
go back into his guard!
vou subir e trazer ele junto comigo
I’ll revert and bring him together with me