Expressões Comunes em BJJ Eng - PORT: Grupo 5 Flashcards
to sink in the choke set-up
entrar o estrangulamento
to slam the opponent (the act of picking someone off the floor and dropping the person on his/her head)
dar um bate-estaca no adversário
to slap someone across the face
dar um tapa na cara de alguém
to slide the body down, upwards
escorregar o corpo pra baixo, pra cima
to slide the hips down the side; to escape, run from a fight
correr o quadril na lateral
to slide the leg over the elbow
escorregar a perna por cima do cotovelo
to slip the leg (under the opponent, under his leg, etc.)
vazar a perna
to snap, whip, or suddenly stretch the leg as when releasing the DLR hook
fazer o chicote
to snooze (in the “you snooze, you lose” sense)
dar bobeira
to snooze, in the “you snooze, you lose” sense (lit. to eat flies)
comer mosca
to snooze, to give your opponent too many opportunities
dar mole
to sprawl
dar sprawl
to sprawl backwards
esparramar pra trás
to squeeze the neck; to tighten
apertar o pescoço
to squeeze your thighs together
fazer uma força de adução de coxa
to stall
prender o jogo
to stall (the game); to tie
amarrar o jogo
to stay tight to (maintain contact with) the opponent’s body
manter contato com o corpo do adversário
to step forward/sideways/backwards
andar pra frente/pro lado/pra trás
to step forward/sideways/backwards
dar um passo pra frente/pro lado/pra trás
to step on the groin
pisar na virilha
to step on the mats
pisar no tatame
to stick the knee under his legs (recovering guard)
enfiar o joelho embaixo da perna dele
to stop the movement half-way, to split the move
interromper o movimento no meio