Expressões Comunes em BJJ PORT-ENG: Grupo 2 Flashcards
costurar a mão/o pé
to weave your hand/foot through
crescer o quadril
extend the hips
crescer pra cima de alguém
to get cocky towards someone
criar a oportunidade
to create the opportunity
criar espaço
to make space, to create distance between you and the opponent
criar espaço
to create space
criar um vão
to create a space
dá pra repetir, professor?
can you please repeat it, prof.?
dá uma moral aqui?
can you give me a hand over here?
dar a volta por cima
to turn the tables
dar bobeira
to snooze (in the “you snooze, you lose” sense)
dar chance pro adversário passar
to give the opponent a chance to pass
dar espaço
to give space, make room, leave an opening
dar mole
to snooze, to give your opponent too many opportunities
dar o bote na cabeça
to jump and wrap the head/crossface
dar sprawl
to sprawl
dar um balão
to execute a sacrifice throw
dar um bate-estaca no adversário
to slam the opponent (the act of picking someone off the floor and dropping the person on his/her head)
dar um calor em alguém
to make someone struggle
dar um coice violento
to give a super strong kick
dar um confere
(slang, lit. to do a quality check) to spar
dar um passo pra frente/pro lado/pra trás
to step forward/sideways/backwards
dar um soco no chão
to punch the ground (to post)
dar um tapa na cara de alguém
to slap someone across the face
dar um tapinha
to give a small shove, bump, nudge (as when using your knee to push someone’s butt on your way to a backtake)
dar um tapinha no joelho
to tap the knee (so as to free your leg from half-guard, etc.,)
dar um tiro-de-guarda
to jump guard
dar um totó
to bump, nudge (as when using your knee to push someone’s butt on your way to a backtake)
dar um tranco
to ram, jerk
dar um vacilo
to fail to defend (usually), to make a mistake
dar uma arrancada
to explode
dar uma barrigada
to bridge the hips, to bump
dar uma barrigada pra finalizar a chave de braço
to extend the hips in order to finish the armbar
dar uma batida
to give a (firm) tap
dar uma brecha
to give space or opportunity (on purpose or by mistake)
dar uma cambalhota
to perform a summersault
dar uma embalada com a perna
to pendulum-swing the leg (you may recognize the word from the berimbolo name)
dar uma joelhada
to knee-strike
dar uma moral
to help (train); to coach; to teach
dar uma supinada
to benchpress
debaixo da meia-guarda, dá uma joelhada na bunda, que o oponente perde o equilíbrio
from the bottom of the half-guard, knee the opponent in the butt and he’ll lose balance
defende o braço!
defend the arm!
defende o pescoço!
defend the neck!
deixar o cara todo torto
to twist the guy’s spine (lit. to leave the guy all crooked)
depois que trava, a mão não desliza mais
after it’s locked, the hand doesn’t slide anymore
rest! time!
desce mais!
go lower!
desfazer o laço
to undo the lasso
desfazer o movimento
to undo the move
desliza a canela pra cima do abdômen
slide the shin over the abdomen
deslocar o corpo
to shift the body
dificultar a passegem
to make it hard (for your opponent) to pass
direcionar o braço pra dentro das pernas
to put the (opponent’s) arm between the (opponent’s) legs
direcionar o quadril pro solo
to turn the hips towards the ground, to face the floor with your hips
dobrar na altura do quadril
to bend at the waist
domina a gola!
control the lapel
dominar a mão na faixa
to control by holding the belt
dominar na altura do joelho
to control at the knee
ele amarelou na última hora
he got cold feet at the last minute
ele dominou a luta
he dominated the entire match; to control by holding
ele perdeu a luta
he lost the match
ele tá correndo!
he’s running from the fight!
embolar o bíceps
to wrap the biceps (with a lasso set up, etc.)
empurrar pra longe
to push away
lock it in!
enconsta a testa no tatame!
put the forehead on the ground!
encostar o joelho no chão
to touch the knee to the ground
enfiar o joelho embaixo da perna dele
to stick the knee under his legs (recovering guard)
engatar o triângulo
to latch on/to lock on the triangle
engolir o braço
to wrap up the arm
enrolar o braço
to whizzer
enrolar os dedos na boca da calça
to wrap the fingers on the bottom of the pants (to grip with the knuckles)
to make crooked
entry step
entrar o estrangulamento
to sink in the choke set-up
entrar o joelho
to penetrate with the knee
entregar as costas
to give the back (allow someone to take your back)
entregar o jogo
to throw the game
envolver o braço
to wrap the arm
escapar da montada
to escape the mount
escolher um lado
to pick a side
esconde o pé pra não sobrar na hora do giro
hide the foot so it isn’t left vulnerable during the turn
esconder a mão
to hide the hand
escorregar a perna por cima do cotovelo
to slide the leg over the elbow
escorregar o corpo pra baixo, pra cima
to slide the body down, upwards
double-handed front choke
espalmar a mão no joelho
to place your open hand (palm down) onto the knee
esparramar pra trás
to sprawl backwards
espera a hora certa!
wait for the right time!
espera parar de espernear pra continuar o movimento
wait for him to stop flailing before continuing the move
espera parar de se debater pra continuar o movimento
wait for him to stop flailing before continuing the move
espetar a cabeça embaixo do queixo dele
to drive the head under his chin
espetar o joelho
to drive the knee through
stabilize (your position)!