Exploration and voyages of discovery Flashcards
What was the triangular trade?
English merchants bought African slaves to trade it then turned to transatlantic scale with the buying and seizing of hundreds of Africans to ship to the new world
Who was John Hawkins?
He was a navigator, slave trader and the man who helped England defeat the Armada
How did the triangular trade work?
John Hawkins first bought slaves from Africa in 1562,transported them to the Atlantic and sold them to Spanish colonies.
Did the trade make a profit?
It made such a huge profit it was carried out again in 1564
Ginger,animal hides,sugar and pearl were bought
How did the methods of navigation improve in 1584?
English mathematician Thomas Harriot worked out a simpler way of using the sun to calculate the true sailing direction of a ship
What were quadrants?
used by sailors to help with navigation at sea
shaped in a quarter of a circle
What was an astrolabe?
Instrument used by sailors to help with navigation at sea
it was a circular
.When were maps developed?
in 1569
developed by the cartographer Geradus Mercator
The map consisted of parallel lines and even spaced lines of longitude and latitude
What were galleons?
large ships which meant larger cargoes could be stowed in them
Why were galleons useful?
enabled more supplies to be taken on board
useful for trade and voyages
bows and sterns were lowered making the ships more stable in heavy seas
How did galleon improve in the fire power?
gun decks that were running the length of the ship
cannon could fire from the sides as well as the bow and stern
Why did Drake circumnavigate the globe?
main purpose was to raid Spanish colonies
he wanted revenge as relations between England and Spain were getting worse
Were the voyages successful?
great profits were made
plenty of people wanted to invest in his expedition
Drake was rich and famous as well as making his investors very rich
What was the significance of Drakes circumnavigation?
in 1580 he came back with 1 of the 5 ships he took with him
boosted English morale and established the reputation of English ships and sailors as the finest in the world
this was important because England though Spain were going to invade
What was Nova Albion?
Nova Albion was declared by drake in June 1579 and declared Elizabeth 1 to be its sovereign
initially he went there for help because the golden hind needed care
How were finding new colonies encouraged?
Elizabeth sent voyages to take any land that no christian leader claimed
in 1578 she sent Sir Humphrey Gilbert to set out voyages but he failed and became bankrupt but Drake made up for it and came back with wealth and reports.
How were Anglo Spanish relations damaged?
Drake attacked Spain’s American colonies which angered Phillip 2
she even knighted Drake on the golden hind
Phillip 2 saw Drakes actions as scandalous as Drake was a pirate in Phillip eyes