Exercise in hot/cold Flashcards
process of maintaining a normothermic body temperature
If the body needs to warm up
If the body needs to cool down
Mechanisms of heat loss
1) radiation
2) convection (air)
3) conduction (touching)
4) evaporation
Heat illnesses
mild - heat edema, heat rash, heat syncope, heat cramps
major- heat exhaustion, heat stroke
heat edema
-normal core temp
-peripheral vasodilation
-pooling of fluids in distal limbs
-soft tissue swelling
Heat edema treatment
-elevation of hands/feet
-compressive stockings
-hydration and salt intake
-no diuretics
Heat rash
-normal core temp
-sweating clogs glands
-blister like rash (risk of secondary infection)
Heat rash treatment
-cool skin, prevent sweating
-loose and light clothing
-shower in cool water, air dry
-mild anti-inflammatory lotion
heat syncope
-normal core temp
-quick recovery once supine
-pass out (low BP, peripheral vasodilation and venous pooling)
heat syncope treatment
-supine (laying down)
-elevate legs
-check injuries and cardiovascular/central nervous system for serious causes
heat cramps
-normal or elevated core temp
-electrolyte depletion
-sodium loss
-unclear evidence
Heat cramps from prolonged exercise (>2h) common muscle groups;
-thigh, calf, abdominal, back, shoulder muscles
heat cramps treatment
-removal from activity, hydration, light stretching/massage, cooling w/ ice (seek help >1h)
Heat exhaustion
-elevated core temp (37-40C)
-fatigue, dizziness, heavy sweating, headache, vomiting, weakness, cold or clammy skin
-avoid progression to heat stroke
heat exhaustion treatment
-removal from heat, supine, elevate legs, cool, hydrate, monitor core temp (help >1h)
heat stroke
-elevated core temp (40C+)
-central nervous system disturbance, irritability, ataxia, confusion, coma, seizures
Classic heat stroke
-environmental heat waves
Exertional heat stroke
-intrinsic heat production (exercise)
heat stroke treatment
-assess ABC
-reduce heat as quick as possible!!
-cold water immersion, monitor
-call for medical assistance
Heat stroke potential complications
-seizure, hypotension, arrhythmias, damage of vital organs, rhabdomyolysis
-failure of skeletal muscle
-leads to other system failure (cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc.)
-wet bulb glob temperature
-measure of heat stress in direct sunlight
-temp, humidity, wind speed, sun, cloud cover
-sodium < 130 mmol/L
-nausea, vomiting, altered mental status, seizure, coma, death
-normal core temp
RTS heat exhaustion, heat stroke
-mild within 24h
-heat exhaustion (next day lacking symptoms)
-heat stroke (1 month)
-heat loss exceeds production
-core body temp <35C
-shivering (increase metabolism)
-superficial blood vessels constrict (reduce heat loss)
Mild hypothermia (35-37C)
-feeling cold, shivering, incoordination, apathy
Moderate hypothermia (32-34C)
-loss of shivering, confusion, sleepiness, slurred speech, decreased physiologic functioning, cardiac arrhythmias
-changes in behavior
severe hypothermia (<32C)
-major metabolic and physiologic abnormalities
-asystole (cardiac arrest @ 18C)
Hypothermia treatment
-passive core rewarming, warm/dry place, remove wet clothing, warm fluids, apply heat to trunk, axilla, and groin, don’t apply heat to extremities!!, monitor
-freezing of body tissues
-distal to proximal
-superficial to deep
-superficial skin is frozen
mild frostbite (superficial)
-freezing of skin and subcutaneous
severe frostbite (deep)
-freezing below skin (muscle, tendon, bone)
Deep frostbite analysis
-involves subdermal layer
-skin is grey/white, hard, insensitive, becomes black
-loss of tissue, loss of body part
frostbite treatment
-check for hypothermia
-rewarm with warm water (39-42C)
-pain medication and antibiotics
External risk factors for cold injury
-cold weather, rain and wind, wet clothing
Internal risk factors for cold injury
-previous cold injury, body size and composition, sex, medical conditions
Cold injury prevention
-screen, educate, hydrate, proper nutrition, monitor environmental conditions, proper clothing, training in comp environment, EAP