Exam 4 Review Flashcards
What causes a cervical fracture?
What are the signs of injury?
How to care for?
- axial load with cervical flexion, rotation as well
- neck point tenderness, restricted motion, cervical muscle spasm, numbness in trunk/limbs, loss of bladder and bowel control
- treat as if unconscious athlete
What causes a cervical dislocation?
What are the signs of injury?
How to care for?
- violent flexion and rotation of the head
- numbness and paralysis, unilateral dislocation causes head tilt toward dislocation, extreme muscle tightness on elongated side
- extreme care because of spinal injury
What causes a Brachial Plexus injury?
What are the signs?
How to care for?
- stretching or compression of brachial plexus (known as “stinger or burner”
- burning sensation extending from shoulder into hand, loss of function of hand and arm for minutes, repeated occurrences causes atrophy
- strenghtening and stretching program, padding to limit neck ROM
What causes Sciatica?
What are the signs?
How to care for?
- inflamed sciatic nerve, compresses from torsion or direct blows
- sharp shooting pain with numbness, sensitive to palpation with straight leg raises increasing pain
- R&R, NSAID’s
What causes a Herniated Disk?
- abnormal stress and degeneration due to forward bending and twisting
What’s the difference between Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis?
What are the signs of injury?
Spondylolysis = degeneration of vertebrae due to congenital weakness (stress fracture)
Spondylolisthesis = slipping of vertebrae (above or below)
- pain with arching and lower back pain, increased pain after activity, need to pop back, localized tenderness
What causes a Rib contusion?
Signs of injury?
- blow to rib cage causes bruising or fracture
- painful breathing, point tenderness
What causes a rib fracture?
How to care for?
- direct blow or violent muscular contraction
- history is critically important, pain with breathing, palpation, and deformity is likely
- x-ray, support/brace, 3-4 weeks to heal
What are the first two lung injuries?
Pneumothorax - pleural cavity fills with air, negatively pressurizing the cavity, lung collapse
Tension Pneumothorax - pleural sac on one side fills with air displacing lung and heart, compressing the opposite lung
What are the last two Lung injuries?
Hemothorax - blood in pleural cavity causing tearing or puncturing of the lungs
Traumatic Asphyxia - violent blow/compression of the rib cage, causes cessation of breathing and immediate medical attention
What are some causes of Sudden death in athletics?
What are the signs/
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - thickening of cardiac muscle with no increase in chamber size
- Marfan’s syndrome - abnormality in connective tissue results in weakening of aorta and cardiac vessels
- chest pain, heart palpations, syncope, profuse sweating, malaise
What causes and injury to the spleen?
What are the signs of injury?
- direct blow or infectious mononucleosis (causes enlarged spleen)
- signs of shock, rigid abs, vomiting, Kehr’s sign (irritation of the diaphragm causes nerve pain in the clavicle),
What causes a Kidney Contusion?
What are the signs?
How to care for?
- external force, susceptible to injury due to normal distention of blood
- shock, nausea, vomiting, rigid back muscles, and bloody urine
- monitor urine, 24 hour hospitalization, fluid intake, surgery if hemorrhaging continues, weeks of rest
What causes a liver contusion?
What are the signs of injury?
How to care?
- blunt trauma (right side of rib cage), more susceptible to hepatitis
- hemorrhaging and shock, immediate surgery
- referral
How to care for clavicle fracture?
sling and swathe, immobilize with brace for 6-8 weeks
removal of brace followed with isometrics and use of a sling for 3-4 weeks
What causes a Humerus Fracture?
- direct blow, fall on outstretched arm
2. pain, swelling, point tenderness, decreased ROM, use x-ray for confirmation
What causes an AC sprain?
How to care for it?
- result of direct blow, upward force from humerus, or fall on outstretched arm
- ice, stabilize, referral, 2 weeks of immobilization, aggressive rehab
What is the cause of Glenohumeral Dislocation?
What are the signs?
How to care for?
- head of humerus is forced out of joint
- flattened deltoid, arm carried in slight abduction and external rotation
- RICE, muscle reconditioning, sling for a week
What is shoulder impingement syndrome?
- compression of supraspinatus tendon, subacromial bursa and long head of biceps tendon due to decreased space
What is a rotator cuff strain?
- supraspinatus or rupture of other rotator cuff tendons from acute trauma
When are throwing a baseball during what phase does most injuries occur from?
What is lateral epicondylitis?
“tennis elbow”, trauma with insertion of extensor muscles of lateral epicondyle
What is medial epicondylitis?
“Little Leaguers Elbow”, deals with flexion
What is a Colles Fracture?
fraction on extended wrist (more common)
What is a Smith’s fracture?
falling on flexed wrist (less common)
What is a Boutonniere Deformity?
rupture of extensor tendon (end of finger)
What are the 4 viral skin infections?
herpes type-1 cold sores, herpes simplex type 2-gential herpes, herpes zoster (chicken pox), Verruca virus (warts)
What do you call ringworm?
Tinea, Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot) and Tinea Cruris (jock itch)
What is the female athlete triad?
disordered eating, Amenorrhea, osteopenia