Exam #3 Flashcards
What is the most common injury in athletics?
ankle sprains (inversion (more #) and eversion))
What happens during Inversion sprains?
most frequent
anterior talofibular ligament
What is an eversion ankle sprain? What’s good about it?
inward rotation of ankle causing damage to deltoid ligament
bony protection and ligament strength are good at preventing this sprain
What is a Syndesmotic Spain? What is its significance? What ligaments are damaged?
high ankle sprain with dorsiflexion and external rotation
takes a while to heal
Anterior tibiofibular/medial/lateral ligaments
What are the signs of Tibial and Fibular fractures? How to care for these fractures?
leg will be hard and swollen. deformity
immediate splint and medical referral, restricted weight bearing for weeks/months
What is medial tibial stress syndrome?
“shin splints”
overuse in anterior portion of shin
How to care for shin splints?
x-ray and bone scan
fix biomechanics, ice massage, flexibility program for gastroc-soleus complex, arch taping and orthotics
What is compartment syndrome? Signs?
direct blow to lower leg
excessive swelling, deep aching, weakness with foot and toe extension (can lead to numbness in dorsal region of foot)
Which tests MCL?
Valgus (inward with thigh, outward with lower leg)
Which test LCL
Varus test (outward with thigh and inward with lower leg)
What test tests ACL tear?
Lachman Drawer Test
What are the functions of the Meniscus?
Shock absorption and add structure to tibialfemoral joint
What are the signs of a Patella Fracture? How to care for? How long is he/she immobilized for?
hemorrhaging, bone fragments and possible quad tendon tear
x-ray for confirmation, RICE and splint, immobilize for 2-3 months
What is a Patellar subluxation? Signs and care?
Quad pulls patella out alignment during deceleration or cutting
pain and swelling, loss of ROM, tenderness over adductor tubercle
What is Patellar Tendinosis? Signs and care?
inflammation of patellar tendon
RICE, focus on strengthening and stretching
What are the signs and care methods for Quad strains?
pain, spasm/loss of function
RICE, neoprene sleeve
What to be aware of with thigh contusion?
development of myositis ossificans
What are the signs of hamstring strains and how to care for?
muscle belly or attachment pain, loss of function and discoloring
RICE, rehab for strengthening and stretching
How do femoral fracture happen?
What are the signs of injury? How to care for it? How long are you immobilized?
auto accidents, significant force, occurs in middle third
shock, pain, deformity
splint, x-ray, be aware of bone displacement and deformity
6-8 weeks
What are the causes, signs, and care for groin strains?
poor strength and flexibility with overuse
pain and internal hemorrhaging
What is Piriformis Syndrome
compression of sciatic nerve, mimics sciatica and runs from lower back/butt to knee
What is Osgood Schlatter Disease/Larsen Johansson Disease?
apophysitis at tibial tubercle from repeated pulling by tendon, bony callus forms
Larsen = inferior pole of patella
What are the signs of head injuries? What to do?
severe headache, nausea, palpation, blood in ears, nose, raccoon eyes, behind ear,
Cerebrospinal fluid in nose or ear
seek immediate help
Dealing with Facial Lacerations
pressure and refer to a physician for stitches
What is epistaxis? How to care for?
Lean forward to avoid swallowing blood and plug/hold with firm pressure to create buildup
How to deal with foreign objects in the eye?
close eye and determine location, sterile swab, use saline, eye patch
What is a Hyphema?
What are the signs/symptoms?
blunt blow to the eye which can lead to problems with lens, choroid and retina
blood pooling, reddish tint, vision becomes blocked
How to deal with a tooth fracture?
place tooth in saline solution or reattach, if root is exposed very big problem
What is key when dealing with ankle sprain? How to care for Ankle sprain?
key is managing pain and swelling
horseshoe foam pad for compression, ice, elevation, avoid weight bearing first 24 hrs, maintain range of motion
How to care for Ankle fractures/dislocations?
How long are they immobilized?
x-ray, RICE, cast/immobilize for 6-8 wks, rehab
What are the classification terms when talking about knee instability?
What happens with these over time?
knee laxity - straight and rotary instability
Translation - glide of tibial plateau relative to the femoral condyle
laxity and translation increase with injury/wear
How to care for ACL sprain?
How long are they immobilized for and what comes after?
RICE, arthroscopy to assess injury, need surgery to avoid degeneration, 3-5 weeks of brace, 4-6 months of rehab
cause of PCL tear and signs?
fall on bent knee or rotational force
pop in the back of the knee, swelling in the popliteal fossa, laxity w posterior sag test
What is Runner’s knee called? Signs? Care?
Iliotibial band friction syndrome
irritation near insertion, tenderness and swelling over lateral femoral condyle
correct misalignments, ice, avoid aggravating activities
What hip problem develops in younger kids 4-10?
Legg Calve Perthes Disease
avascular necrosis of the femoral head
What is an Iliac Crest Contusion? What are the signs and care methods?
Hip Pointer - contusion of iliac crest of abdominals from direct blow
Pain, spasm/transitory paralysis of soft structures
RICE, bed rest, referral, padding
What is avulsion fracture?
pulling of tendon away and off of bony insertion during acceleration and deceleration
pain, swelling, limited ROM
rest, graduated exercise
What are the signs and symptoms of Cerebral Concussion?
altered levels of consciousness, tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, posttraumatic amnesia, retrograde amnesia, concentration difficulty, blurred vision, photophobia
What is the difference between retrograde amnesia and posttraumatic amnesia?
retrograde amnesia = can’t remember stuff from before or how event happened
posttraumatic can’t remember familiar things, takes time to recover
What is Post Concussion Syndrome?
How long does it last?
range of post-concussion issues such as headaches, memory, anxiety and irritability
weeks to months
What are the causes of Second Impact Syndrome?
What are the Signs and potential outcomes?
rapid swelling and herniation after second concussion before initial one was solved, disrupts brain’s blood autoregulatory system
w/ in 15 secs condition rapidly declines, dilated pupils, loss of eye movement, potential coma and respiratory failure
What causes a cerebral contusion?
What are the signs?
How to care for it?
head strikes a stationary object causing hemorrhaging/ intracranial bleeding
LOC, needs neurological exam for headache, dizziness, and nausea
hospitalize with CT and MRI
What causes and Epidural Hematoma?
What are the signs?
blow to head or skull fracture which tears meningeal arteries
rapid rise in BP, blood accumulation, and hematoma
What are the signs of Epidural Hematoma?
How to care for?
LOC followed by lucidity, other symptoms that normally occur with head injuries
urgent hospitalization and CT scan
Causes of injury for subdural hematoma?
accelerated forces that tear vessels that bridge dura mater and brain
How to deal with a orbital hematoma?
cold application
What causes an orbital fracture?
What are the signs and methods of care?
blow to the eyeball forcing it posteriorly
diplopia, restricted eye movement, soft tissue swelling, numbness
x-ray, antibiotics, surgical