Exam 4 Part 8 Flashcards
What is the brain capacity of Homo florensiensis?
400 cc
Homo florensiensis has body proportions similar to what hominid?
Homo habilis
What does Homo erectus evolve into?
Homo Heidelbergensis, H. Floresiensis
Proposes that anatomically modern humans arose in Africa, migrated out of Africa and replaced any and all archaic Homo populations in Europe and Asia without any interbreeding
Replacement model
What is an issue about the replacement model?
DNA evidence of interbreeding between humans and Neanderthals
Proposes that independent populations throughout the world evolved from regional archaic Homo groups to modern homo sapiens all at the same time; gene flow always existed
Regional continuity model
What is an issue about the regional continuity model?
No evidence of modern humans existing in Asia or Europe until 50,000 years ago
What is the origin of modern humans?
Modern humans arose in East Africa and evolved in isolation and when they left Africa, there is some interbreeding
Humans cannot be classified into distinct groups based on ______ traits, they involve arbitrarily drawing lines in continuous variation
Human variation exists ______ and ______
Biologically and culturally
Vague term referring to human groups that has multiple meanings, both cultural and biological
Race as a cultural concept
A group of populations sharing certain biological traits that distinguish them from other groups of populations
Race as a biological concept
What are some issues with race as a cultural concept?
What biological traits do we use?
A cluster of local populations that differ genetically from mother clusters of local populations; if we apply this term, there is no such thing as _____ in humans; synonymous with subspecies
More genetic variation within ____ than ____ them
Within, between
True or false: Humans are more genetically identical and homogenous
Predicts hat genetic distance between populations will increase and geographic distance increases; groups that are closer together are more likely to have gene flow and related to each other
Isolation by distance
Continuous change in a trait over a geographic area