Exam 1 Part 3 Flashcards
True or false: Darwin created the idea of evolution
How was the theory of evolution created?
Changing views about the age of the earth, static nature of life on earth, importance of natural processes on change
Belief that an ideal form exists for every organism, variation is flaws or deviations from a perfect form, hierarchy of living organisms
Who believed in essentialism?
Plato and Aristotle
What was the belief of creation during medieval Europe and biblical creationism?
Six days of creation, God created all beings in their current form, God designed all beings, Miracles allowed God to intervene with his creations
Species were categorized into beings and non-beings according to biblical creationism/medieval Europe
Great Chain of Being
Person who calculated that the earth was created in 400 BC
Archbishop James Ussher
Person who is considered the father of geology; noted the similarity between shark teeth and those found within rock, recognized that fossils as coming from once living animals; discovered stratigraphy
Nicholas Steno (1638-1686)
Sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest on the bottom and the youngest on top
Person who believed earth was formed from hot debris and a comet hit the sun, explained earth’s creation in NATURALISTIC form and believed that the age of the earth was 70,000 years, six epics of earth’s creation
Comte de Buffon (1707-1788)
What 3 topics are related to the changes in perspective of the evolutionary theory?
Biology, geology, and philosophy
Person who expanded on Buffon’s ideas, small changes over vast amounts of time explain geological structures, one of the first people to suggest that the art was “alive”, a super organism, materialist (natural) principles could explain the earth’s origin and change
James Hutton (1726-1797)
Small changes over vast amounts of time explain geological structures; Much of the earth’s geological history could be explained by the normal, everyday, uniform processes
Person who knew fossils were extinct animals, thought to explain extinction, catastrophism
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
Idea that the earth had withstood multiple catastrophic events that caused the extinction and explained the geological record; accepts that the earth changed but not that evolution took place
Person who believed that animals and the earth were getting better through each catastrophe (religious)
William Buckland
Person who believed expanded on Hutton’s uniformitarianism as applied to organisms, uniform changes made organisms change
Charles Lyell (1797-1875)
Book that Lyell made that sparked Darwin’s Evolutionary theory idea
Principles of Geology
When was “Principles of Geology” made?
What time period did people believe that the world was understood to be constantly changing and process of change were observable and paved the way for scientific studies of the earth
Early 1800’s