Exam 4 lectures (two combined) Flashcards
What are the four characteristics of the Phylum?
1) Notochord
2) Dorsil Hollow Nerve Chord
3) Post Anal Tail
4) Pheryngeal Pouches
What are Genetic Homologies?
Similarities in the DNA
What are the three similarities of Genetic Homologies?
1) similarities in highly conserved genes
2) similarities in noncoding sections of DNA
3) Psuedogene
What is Biotechnology?
Altering natural organisms for our benefit
What was Herman the Wonder Bull?
Genetically modified cow, carries gene for human lactoferin (protein - HLF)
What are the three processes of modifying the bull?
1) Isolate the HLF gene
2) Clone the gene
3) Stick it in cow
What are the characteristics of isolating the gene?
1) donated tissue that expresses the gene
2) digest the tissue with Lipases and Protase. These break down the protein - suspended in ETOH
What is Lipase?
An enzyme that breaks down lipids.
Are nucleic acids soluble in ETOH?
What do you do for the nucleic acids in ETOH?
1) Centrifuge
2) Collect pellet
3) Remove ETOH - add H2O - suspended
Describe the Poly T Column
1) Extract mRNA from solution
2) Put it through thymine and A-train. DNA, rRNA, and tRNA are trash
3) Flush with weak acid (collect out flow)
4) Add nucleotids - reverse transcription
Describe cloning the gene
1) Plasmid - small non-essential extra loops of DNA in Cytoplasm (contains genes, gets replicated with cell division)
2) Restriction Endonuclease - enzyme (indentify and destroy foreign DNA)
What does the EcoR bind to?
Binds to very specific nucleotide sequence (GAATTC) and cuts the DNA at that point
Where is the sequence split?
Describe the HLF process
HLF - add EcoR1 linker + DNA Ligase –> splits sequence