Exam 3 (Spring) Flashcards
What are the 3 components of the brainstem?
medulla oblongata, pons, midbrains
A polarized neuron in its resting state has:
A.) high sodium ion concentration on the outside of the cell membrane and high potassium ion concentration on the inside of the cell membrane
B.)high sodium and high potassium ion concentrations ouside the cell membrane
C.)high potassium and high sodium ion concentration inside the cell membrane
D.)high potassium ion concentration on the outside of the cell membrane and high sodium concentration on the inside of the cell membrane
high sodium ion concentration on the outside of the cell membrane and high potassium ion concentration on the inside of the cell membrane
An example of an action controlled by the somatic nervous system is
A.) turning the head
B.) releasing digestive juices
C.) increasing the heart rate
D.) lowering the blood pressure
turning the head
Afferent nerve fibers carry sensation where
toward the CNS
Which part of the diencephalon regulates sensory inputs to cerebrum?
The basic, functional units of the nervous system are
The connective tissue layer that lies directly on the surface of the brain and spinal cord is the
pia matter
What abbreviation for something in the nervous system should be said slowly and clearly, so that it is not confused for reproductive anatomy?
The parasympathetic nervous system nerves are also known as the
cranial-sacral system
Beta 1 adrenergic work on what specific tissue?
In the spinal cord, the small gaps in the myelin sheath between adjacent glial cells are called
nodes of Ranvier
What type of reflex causes the extensor muscles on one limb to contract when the flexor muscles on the opposite limb contract?
crossed extensor reflex
The preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic system can be described as __________ in length.
is longer that the postganglionic neruron
The part of the CNS that contains the corpus callosum is the
The most primitive part of the CNS is the
The stretch reflex is an example of a
monosynaptic ipsilateral reflex arc
What effect does the sympathetic nervous system have on the diameter of the blood vessels to the GI tract?
White matter is made up of
myelinated axons
A depolarized neuron has
A.) High sodium and high potassium ion concentrations outside the cell membrane
B.) high potassium ion concentration of the outside of the cell membrane and high sodium ion concentration on the inside of the cell membrane
C.) high potassium and high sodium ion concentration inside the cell membrane
D.) high potassium ion concentration of the inside of the cell membrane and high sodium ion concentration on the outside of the cell membrane
high potassium and high sodium ion concentration inside the cell membrane
Which neurotransmitter is matched incorrectly to the function?
A.) Acetylcholine - can be excitatory or inhibitory
B.) Norepinephrine - rest and digest
C.) Epinephrine - fight or flight
D.) Dopamine - automatic functions
B.) Norepinephrine - rest and digest
Saltatory conduction occurs when a nerve impulse
travels from one node of Ranvier to the next node
A terminal bouton is found
at the end of the telodendron
Hypermetria results from injury to the
A somatic reflex involves
skeletal muscle contraction