Exam 3: Skull lecture i Flashcards
cranium (skull): the skeleton of the head; includes _ (3)
- neurocranium
- calvaria
- viscerocranium
neurocranium: bony case of the _ formed from _ bones
brain; 8 bones (frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, occipital, temporal (2), and parietal (2))
calvaria: aka _ and _ of neurocranium
skullcap; roof of neurocranium
viscerocranium: _ skeleton formed from _ bones
facial skeleton ; 15 bones (mandible, ethmoid, vomer, maxilla (2), inferior nasal concha (2), zygomatic (2), palatine (2), nasal bone (2), and lacrimal bone (2))
most skull bones are united by interlocking joints called _, which are essentially _ in adults
sutures, immovable in adults
suture structural classification
only the mandible, united to the rest of the skull by a _ joint, is capable of _ movement
synovial joint; independent movement
skull bones also provide proximal attachment points for the muscles of _ and for the strong muscles of _ that attach distally on the mandible
facial expression; mastication
what are sutural (Wormian) bones
“extra”s bones that occur w/in sutures
craniometric points: points on a skull that are used radiographically in medicine and on dry skulls in physical anthropology to make: _ measurements, describe _, and document _
cranial measurements, describe the topography of the skull, and document variations
in the anatomical position, the inferior margin of the orbit and superior margin of the external acoustic meatus lie in the same _ plane, the _ plane
horizontal plane the Frankfort horizontal plane (orbitomeatal plane)
temporal fossa: a slight depression that houses _
the temporalis muscle and other structures
frontal bone: metopic suture: remnant of the fetal _ btwn the _ bones
remnant of the fetal frontal suture btwn the 2 fetal frontal bones
frontal bone: orbit/orbital cavity: skull socket containing the _; formed by the _ bone and several other bones
the eye and its appendages; frontal bone
t/f: frontal bone has squamous and orbital parts
frontal bone: nasion: intersection of _ sutures
intersection of frontonasal sutures and internasal suture
the nasion is a _ point
craniometric point
bone feats of frontal bone: supra-orbital margin: boundary btwn _ and _ parts
squamous and orbital parts
bone feats of frontal bone: supra-orbital foramen (notch): allows passage of _ and vessels
supraorbital nerve and vessels
bone feats of frontal bone: glabella: smooth area btwn _
tops of orbits in the center of the bone
bone feats of frontal bone: superciliary arch: bony ridge just superior to _ extending _ from glabella
superior to supra-orbital margin; laterally from glabella
nasal bones: inferior nasal conchae: found on the _ walls of each nasal cavity; protrude _ the cavity
lateral walls; protrude into
nasal bones: parts of the ethmoid and vomer bones form the _ the bony part of a wall dividing the nasal cavity in rt and lt parts
bony nasal septum
bone feats of zygomatic bone: the _ foramen
zygomaticofacial foramen
bone feats of zygomatic bone: the temporal process of zygomatic joins the temporal bone to the _
zygomatic arch
bone feats of zygomatic bone: frontal process of zygomatic articulates with
frontal bone
maxilla: forms _
upper jaw
bone feats of maxilla: alveolar process (or maxilla) includes the tooth sockets for the
maxillary teeth
bone feats of maxilla: infra-orbital foramen: for passage of the _ and vessels
infra-orbital nerve
bone feats of maxilla: intermaxillary suture: unites _
rt and lt maxillae
mandible: lower _; supports the _
lower jaw; supports the mandibular teeth
mandible: consists of:
an inferior body and 2 rami
bone feats of mandible: angle: _ point of ramus
bone feats of mandible: mental foramen: passage of _ and vessels
mental nerve
bone feats of mandible: mandibular symphysis: where the halves of the _ fuse
infantile mandible
bone feats of mandible: mental protuberance: _ inferior to mandibular symphysis
bone feats of mandible: condyloid process: forms _ joint w/ _ bone
synovial joint w/ temporal bone
bone feats of mandible: coronoid process: for _ attachment
t/f: temporal bone has several parts: squamous, petrous, etc
bone feats of temporal bone: mastoid process: for _ attachment
bone feats of temporal bone: _ process (of temporal)
styloid process
bone feats of temporal bone: zygomatic process of temporal: articulates with _ of zygomatic bone
temporal process
pterion: a _ point
craniometric point
pterion: _-shaped formation of sutures where frontal, parietal, sphenoid, and squamous part of _ bones meet
H-shaped; temporal bones
occipital bone: has several parts, including a _ part
bone feats of occipital bone: _ protuberance
external occipital protuberance
bone feats of occipital bone: superior nuchal line: extends _ from each side of the external protuberance
lambdoid suture: separates _ and _ bones from occipital bone
parietal and temporal bones
inion: a _ point; the tip of the _
craniometric point; tip of the external protuberance
lambda: a _ point; jxn of _ and _ sutures
craniometric point; lambdoid suture and sagittal suture
bone feat of parietal bone: parietal (emissary) foramen: not always present; sometimes paired; emissary foramina transmit veins that connect _ veins to the venous sinuses of the _
scalp veins to the venous sinuses of the dura mater
coronal suture: joint btwn _ and _ bones
frontal and parietal bones
sagittal suture: joint btwn _ and _ bones
rt and lt parietal bones
bregma: a _ point; intersection of _ and _ sutures
craniometric point; coronal and sagittal sutures
vertex: a _ point; the most superior point of the _
craniometric point; neurocranium
bone feats of palatine bones: horizontal plates (of palatines): together w/ palatine processes of maxillae form the _
hard palate
bone feats of palatine bones: greater and lesser palatine _
bone feats of palatine bones: choana: 2 large openings separated by the _
incisive fossa/foramen (of maxilla): passage for
nasopalatine nerves
vomer bone: midline (unpaired) bone that forms part of the
bony nasal septum
sphenoid bone: unpaired bone that consists of
a body and 3 pairs of processes
bone feats of temporal bone: opening of _
external acoustic meatus