Exam 3: Eye, Ear, Etc lecture ii Flashcards
extrinsic eye muscles: superior rectus origin
from common tendinous ring
extrinsic eye muscles: superior rectus insertion
to sclera
extrinsic eye muscles: superior rectus innervation
oculomotor nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: superior rectus action
ELEVATE, adduct, and rotate eyeball
extrinsic eye muscles: superior rectus: the common tendinous ring is formed by the origin of the four _ and encircles the sheath of the _ nerve and branches of other nerves
recti muscles, optic nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior rectus origin
from common tendinous ring
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior rectus insertion
to sclera
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior rectus innervation
oculomotor nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior rectus action
DEPRESS, adduct, and rotate eyeball laterally
extrinsic eye muscles: medial rectus origin
from common tendinous ring
extrinsic eye muscles: medial rectus insertion
to sclera
extrinsic eye muscles: medial rectus innervation
oculomotor nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: medial rectus action
adducts eyeball
extrinsic eye muscles: lateral rectus origin
from common tendinous ring
extrinsic eye muscles: lateral rectus insertion
to sclera
extrinsic eye muscles: lateral rectus innervation
abducent nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: lateral rectus action
abducts eyeball
extrinsic eye muscles: superior oblique origin
from sphenoid
extrinsic eye muscles: superior oblique origin made possible via a tendon that passes through a pulleylike _ and changes direction
extrinsic eye muscles: superior oblique insertion
to superolateral sclera
extrinsic eye muscles: superior oblique innervation
trochlear nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: superior oblique action
abduct, depress, and MEDIALLY ROTATES eyeball
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior oblique origin
from anterior orbital floor
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior oblique insertion
to sclera
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior oblique innervation
oculomotor nerve
extrinsic eye muscles: inferior oblique action
abduct, elevate, and LATERALLY ROTATES eyeball
extrinsic eye muscles: LR6SO4AO3 mnemonic for eye muscles and innervation
lateral rectus cranial nerve 6 (abducent)
superior oblique cranial nerve 4 (trochlear)
all other cranial nerve 3 (oculomotor)
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: masseter origin
from zygomatic arch
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: masseter insertion
to angle and ramus of mandible
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: masseter innervation (and CN #)
massenteric branches of mandibular nerve (CN V3)
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: masseter action
elevates mandible, closing jaws
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: temporalis origin
from bones forming floor of temporal fossa
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: temporalis insertion
to coronoid process of mandible
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: temporalis innervation (and CN #)
mandibular nerve (CN V3)
lower jaw movement/chewing muscles: temporalis action
elevates mandible
chewing muscles of the infratemporal fossa: the infratemporal fossa also contains the _ and _ muscles, which move the mandible in complex ways
medial and lateral pterygoid (moves mandible)
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) structural classification
synovial; hinge (modified)
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular surfaces involved:
mandibular fossa of temporal bone and head of the condylar process of the mandible
teeth: contained in the strong _ parts of the maxilla and mandible
teeth: crown projects from the _
projects from the gingiva (gum)
teeth: root(s) anchored in tooth sockets by a connective tissue structure, the _
teeth: neck btwn _ and _
crown and root
teeth: dentine forms the bulk of the
teeth: dentine is covered by _ or _
enamel (crown/above the gum line) or cement (root/below the gum line)
teeth: pulp cavity has what structures
connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves
teeth: root canal transmits nerves and vessels to and from the pulp cavity that enter the canal through the _
apical foramen
teeth are held in the tooth sockets by a special type of fibrous joint called a _
the periodontium in a gomphosis is composed of collagenous fibers running btwn _ of tooth and _ of mandible/maxilla
cement of tooth and periosteum of mandible/maxilla
_ (#) deciduous teeth
20 (baby)
_ (#) permanent teeth
teeth: each quadrant of the adult mouth contains (# starting at the midline and moving laterally) _ incisors, _ canine, _ premolars, and _ molars
2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars: 2123
palate: hard palate forms anterior _ of the roof of the oral cavity proper (mouth)
palate (roof of mouth): hard palate its bony skeleton is formed by the _ of the maxillae and the _ of the palatine bones
palatine processes of the maxillae and the horizontal plates of the palatine bones
palate (roof of mouth): soft palate forms posterior _
1/3 of the roof of the oral cavity proper (moveable)
palate (roof of mouth): soft palate it is a controlled flap that allows or limits _
communication with the nasal cavity
palate (roof of mouth): deep to the mucosa of the palate are numerous mucus-secreting _
palatine glands
palatine tonsils: often referred to as the
“the tonsils”
palatine tonsils: masses of _ tissue, one on each side of the _
lymphoid tissue, oropharynx
tongue: a mass of _ muscle
skeletal (striated) muscle
tongue: includes 2 types of muscles
- extrinsic tongue muscles
2. intrinsic tongue muscles
tongue: extrinsic tongue muscles which primarily control
tongue placement
tongue: intrinsic tongue muscles which primarily control _ for manipulation of food during chewing, swallowing, and speech
tongue shape
tongue: covered w/ a specialized _; textured with elevations, _ papillae, many of which contain _
mucosa; lingual papillae, taste buds (ling=tongue)
tongue: innervation of tongue muscles is mostly via _ (and CN #)
the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) (gloss = tongue)
tongue: sensory innervation:
- _ nerve a branch of CN V3
- and what sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongue?
lingual nerve, general (touch and temp)
tongue: sensory innervation:
- chorda tympani nerve a branch of _
- and what “special sensation” from anterior 2/3 of tongue?
CN VII, taste
tongue: sensory innervation:
glossopharyngeal nerve what CN # and nearly all sensation from what part of tongue?
(CN IX), from posterior 1/3
tongue: sensory innervation:
vagus nerve what CN # and all sensation adjacent to what structure?
(CN X) epiglottis
salivary glands: parotid gland receives (para/sympathetic) innervation from the _ nerve (and CN #)
parasympathetic innervation, glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
salivary glands: submandibular and sublingual glands receive (para/sympathetic) innervation from CN _ by way of the _ and _ nerve
parasympathetic innervation, CN VII, chorda tympani nerve and lingual nerve
salivary glands: the ducts of the submandibular and sublingual glands open into the _
oral cavity under the tongue
What 2 extrinsic eye muscles have differing origin than common tendinous ring?
Superior oblique (sphenoid) and inferior oblique (anterior orbital floor)