exam 3 other Flashcards
differentiate between stye and chalazion
stye has to do with sebaceous glands and chalazion is with tarsal glands
what drains aqueous humor
canal of schlemm
what produces ear wax
ceruminous (modified sebacous glands)
describe 3 extrinsic tongue muscles
styloglossus pulls in, genioglossus protrudes, and hyoglossus retracts
musculature of epophagus
spuerior is voluntary, rest involuntary
musculature in stomach
has longitudinal with deep circular like always but oblique even deeper to that
secretions of parietal cells
intrinsic factor and hcl
secretions of enteroendocrine cells in the stomach
secretion of chief cells
major function of the stomach
protein digestion
what occurs in small intestine
most digestion and all absorption
secretion of enteroendicrine cells in small intestine
cholecystokinin with triggers bile secretion and secretin which triggers pancreatic enzyme release
functions of glp and somatostatin (released by si)
both stop gastric activity and glp also increaeses insulin secretion
what glands secrete salivary amylase?
parotid salivary glands