Exam 3 Lecture 22 Flashcards
Describe the gram stain of Campylobacter and Helicobacter
gram-negative helical rods
Campylobacter and Helicobacter are part of which broad group?
True or false: though they were discovered in the last 50 years, Campylobacter and Helicobacter are common bacterial pathogens
Campylobacter and Helicobacter are _____ and ____
microaerophilic; fastidious
Campylobacter and Helicobacter infect the __ ___ of humans and other animals
GI tract
True or false: Campylobacter and Helicobacter do not have flagellar motility
C. jejuni has ____ flagella, which contributes to what kind of motility?
bipolar; darting motility
Lophotrichous flagella
Multiple flagella found at one end of the bacterium
H. pylori has ____ flagella, which allows for:
lophotrichous; penetration of mucus (which likely attributes to its ability to get into the tissue and cause infection)
How do Campylobacter and Helicobacter have molecular mimicry?
Their LPS/LOS structures mimic host glycosylation, which can induce autoantibodies (those that mistakenly target the host)
How many species of Campylobacter do we know of? How many subspecies?
32 species; 9 subspecies
True or false: Campylobacter is the major cause of foodborne bacterial infections in developed nations
True (more than Salmonella, E. coli, Shigella combined)
Does Campylobacter cause disease via low or high inoculum?
Low (400-500 sufficient to cause infection)
Most Campylobacter infections are caused by:
C. jejuni
C. coli attributes to -% of Campylobacter infections
True or false: Campylobacter can commonly colonize domestic animals where it doesn’t cause much disease.
C. jejuni causes ____, which consists of what symptoms?
Enteritis; symptoms = diarrhea; sometimes bloody, fever, abdominal pain, inflammation
C. jejuni symptoms usually appear in __-__ hours. The range is - days.
24-48 hours; 1-7 days
True or false: C. jejuni enteritis usually is self-limiting and resolves within a week
Sometimes, C. jejuni infection can become _____, which can lead to other diseases, such as:
extraintestinal; biliary tract, bacteremia, meningitis, others
How is C. jejuni infection treated?
fluids and electrolytes, antibiotics for severe infections
True or false: antibiotic resistance is a problem when treating C. jejuni
True - presumably due to resistance having developed in livestock
Which antibiotics are used for treating C. jejuni?
Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin
True or false: For diagnosing C. jejuni, culture via selective media is the gold standard
Besides culture, what are some other ways to diagnose C. jejuni?
- looking for darting motility in fresh stool samples
2. serum serology and PCR
Most cases of C. jejuni are due to ____ ____
sporadic zoonosis
You can contract C. jejuni infection through: (2; hint - one is rare)
- contaminated/undercooked poultry
2. (rare) pets, contact with farm animals, person to person
True or false: raw milk or untreated water can cause outbreaks in C. jejuni
C. jejuni cases peak during ___ ___
warmer months
What are the four steps of C. jejuni pathogenesis?
- adheres to intestinal epithelial cells
- induced toxin-mediated cell damage
- uses cytolethal distending toxin to induce cell cycle arrest
- performs endocytosis and transcytosis (which is thought to be important for immune evasion)
True or false: C. jejuni flagella are required for infection
True (darting motility)
Regarding C. jejuni flagella, FlaA and FlaB expression can be turned on or off due to ___ ____, which is controlled by ___-___ ____
phase variation; slip-strand mispairing
Which flagellin monomers make up the C. jejuni flagella?
FlaA and FlaB
True or false: generally, bacterial flagella are normally glycosylated
C. jejuni flagellin glycosylation is important for _______ and _____ _____
autoagglutination; microcolony formation
Besides making up the flagellar structure, what else is the basal body in C. jejuni responsible for?
Exporting other proteins, such as FlaC, Cia proteins, and FspA
Generally, flagella are made via what type of secretion system?
(Modified) T3SS
Name the C. jejuni virulence factors (7)
- motility
- chemotaxis
- adhesion and invasion
- capsule
- iron uptake
- biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance
Describe the chemotaxis of C. jejuni
attracted to mucus, glycoproteins of mucus, nutrients
repelled by bile
C. jejuni adheres to host ____ via what proteins?
CadF and FlpA
Which protein of C. jejuni binds to host heat shock protein?