Exam 2 Questions Flashcards
What is the perfect time to first vaccinate puppies?
8-12 weeks
Which of the following would be most effective in treating a 2-day old foal within a serum IgG level of 200 mg/dl
Giving foal IgG intravenously
The most prominent immunoglobulin in the colostrum of most domestic animals is
In a fetal calf, which of the following organs is thought to develop first ?
Which of the following breeds is considered hypoallergenic dog?
None of the above
Pet allergies are activated by the hair on pet
Symptoms of pet allergy are similar to hay fever symptoms
Urticaria is an acute immune response to a foreign substance. Which of the following is not a common causes of urticaria in animals?
Ingestion of an allergen
Reptiles are a common cause of pet allergy
If you are allergic to pets, you can have symptoms even when pet is not in the room
Pet allergy is a form of allergic rhinitis
Which of these will not necessarily help minimize symptoms if you are allergic to pets?
Keep your pets outdoors
What are the 3 steps of delayed hypersensitivity?
- Sensitization
- Repeat exposure
- Inflammation
Second exposure to an allergen results in all of the following except:
What type of hypersensitivity does a tuberculin skin test elicit?
Type IV- delayed
Which of the following drugs is least appropriate for the emergency treatment of a systemic anaphylactic reaction?
Normal adaptive immune responses include cell mediated immunity against intracellular invading organisms and antibody immunity against extracellular organisms. however, autoimmune disease, tissue damage, inappropriate inflammation, and amyloidosis can result when the adaptive immune system responds excessively. These hypersensitivities are classified into four different types of reactions. Anaphylactic reactions are classified as which of the following types of hypersensitivities?
Type 1
The elimination of self-reactive T cells in the thymus are called?
Negative selection
Which of the following lymphoid organs is the first to develop in the fetus?
What is the predominant Ig class in colostrum?
In which of these mammals does IgG freely cross the placenta?
What is the earliest age at which a vax may be reasonably expected to protect a puppy against canine distemper?
8 weeks
Which of the following cell types can be made tolerant?
B and T cells
In the BVD example what is the reason for absense of tolerance in the passively infected (PAI) calves from a persistently newborn infected calf?
The PAI have a developed immune response