Exam 2 Fall 2017 old test Flashcards
detrital (siliciclastic) sedimentary rock with angular pebble-sized clasts
detrital, siliciclastic, sedimentary rock with sand-sized clasts
detrital, siliciclastic, sedimentary rock that consists of primary clay-sized particles
granoblastic (non-foliated) rock that is formed from metamorphosed sandstone
coal that has undergone metamorphism
detrital, siliciclastic, sedimentary rock with rounded pebble-sized clasts
chemical sedimentary rock consisting of precipitated microcrystalline quartz (SiO2)
granoblastic, non-foliated rock that is formed from metamorphosed limestone
detrital, siliciclastic, sedimentary rock with abundant feldspar clasts
chemical or biochemical sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcite (CaCO3)
high grade foliated metamorphic rock that consists of alternating bands of mafic and felsic minerals
evaporite deposits used to make drywall for building construction
rock gypsum
foliated metamorphic rock that consists of clay-sized particles and used in building construction for shingles
evaporite deposits used to make table salt for human consumption
rock halite
foliated metamorphic rock with medium-large grains of planar crystals (often with identifiable micas)
foliated metamorphic rock that has wavy foliation patterns (crenulations) in cross-section and has a glossy sheen
biochemical sedimentary rock consisting of compressed organic matter
bituminous coal
temp and depth conditions for the formation of siliciclastic sedimentary rock
low temp and low depth
probable depositional environment of coal with fern fossils in it
freshwater swamp
temp and depth conditions for the formation of schist
medium temp and medium depth
temp and depth conditions necessary to convert a sedimentary rock to a metamorphic rock as a result of contact metamorphism
high temp and low depth
the surface that divides a fold into two halves and contains the fold axis is called
the axial plane
geologic maps are used to depict
the orientation of geologic structures; the strike an dip of the rock units at the earth’s surface; and the rock formations exposed on the surface
advanced warnings of tsunamis can sometimes be sent because
seismic waves travel faster than tsunamis
which of the following factors remains constant and does not vary depending on tectonic setting
the rate of pressure increase with depth
faults that show both strike-slip (side to side) and dip-slip (up and down) are called
oblique faults
examination of two earthquake seismograms showed that the amplitude of the the S waves from the magnitude 2 quake was ________ the amplitude of the S waves from the magnitude 7 quake
smaller than
two earthquake seismograms; the s waves from the magnitude 2 quake travel ____ the S waves from the magnitude 7
the same speed as
principle of original horizontality
sediments are deposited as horizontal layers
time scales of geologic processes can range from seconds to
billions of years
a seismic observatory typically has instruments that measure _______ motions
up-down, horizontal north-south, and horizontal east-west
reverse fault
hanging wall goes up and football goes down (put the lantern in reverse; leaving)
normal fault
hanging wall goes down and footwall goes up
crosscutting relationships
younger rocks will be on the top and cut through the older rock layers
what type of seismic waves causes the most building damage
surface waves
the process of crustal deformation includes
faulting, shearing, and folding
an erosional surface between horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks
an erosional surface between igneous and sedimentary rocks
at what point do we assign a series of earthquakes their categories
following the aftershocks
which of the following plastic deformation forces, when applied to the edges of a layer, will not produce a fold
pulling apart
when a beta particle is emitted during radioactive decay
atomic number increases by one
what is a false statement about tsunamis
they are not produced by tidal forces; just happen to be called tidal waves
what is a true statement about the relationship between stress and strain
stress is the force that causes rocks to deform or undergo strain
the average time between large earthquake events along a fault is known as
the recurrence interval
major boundaries in the geologic time scale are often put there based on significant
mass extictions
rocks that undergo elastic deformation will
return to their original shape once the stress is released
what is the possible depositional environment for shells found in limestone
shallow marine
a diagram representing a vertical slice through the earth’s crust is called a
geologic cross section
what piece of evidence recently led scientists to propose that great earthquakes occur in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbian every 500-600 years?
geologic records of flooded dead coastal forests
in response to deformation brittle materials will ____ and ductile materials will ____
radiometric dating is possible if a rock contains a measurable amount of
both daughter and parent atoms
the modified Mercalli intensity scale measures
the amount of destruction caused by an earthquake