Exam 1 Fall 17 old test Flashcards
one use of sulfides
mainly metallic ores
one use of sulfates
gypsum/ building materials
one use of phosphates
one use of flourite
hydrofluoric acid for electronic industry (semi conductor)
what will be the charge of an atom containing 8 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons
fluid induced melting generates magmas in which of the following tectonic settings
subduction zones (think of the pictures; as something is subducted the rock is melted)
if a mineral is allowed to grow without space impediments then it will develop
crystal faces
which of the following minerals is most likely to settle to the bottom of a magma chamber
the atomic mass of an element is equal to the number of
protons plus nuetrons
new oceanic crust is created at
mid ocean ridges
which of the following minerals crystallizes from a magma at the lowest temperature
regions of intense localized volcanism such as Hawaii form above plumes of fast-rising material that originate in the
deep mantle (think of mantle plumes)
if a magma undergoes fractional crystallization, the remaining magma will be
more felsic
minerals with the same chemical formula but different crystal lattice structure are referred to as
rocks that form from the solidification of molten rock are called
what type of magma forms when mantle undergoes decompression melting? think about the type of plate boundary where this occurs
what does the symbol Na+ represent
a sodium cation
quartz exhibits what type of bonding
which of the following is not associated with convergent plate boundaries
spreading centers
volcanoes, earthquakes, and deep-sea trenches are associated with it
magma generated in the Earth’s interior rises because it is ____ than the surrounding rocks
less dense
iron and magnesium ions are similar in size and both have a +2 positive charge. Therefore, we would expect iron and magnesium to
substitute for each other in minerals
which of the following earth layers contains the least amount of iron
crust (think about stars; iron is the most dense)
how many of the oxygen atoms in the silicate tetrahedron are shared in framework silicates
how the surface of a mineral reflects light is referred to as
volcanic rocks derived from a hot spot get progressively older to the northeast. based on this information, in which direction is the plate moving
the plate tectonic system is driven by
internal heat
what kind of plate boundary defines the eastern edge of the plate we live on here in the US
mid ocean ridge
when cleaved mica breaks through planes of
interlayer cations
at approximately what temperature does olivine begin to crystallize from a mafic melt
1200 degrees celcius
which of the following statements about feldspar is false?
feldspar is a sheet silicate F
it is softer than corundum, the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust, and harder than calcite
an island arc forms when there is _____ convergence
which of the following concepts was developed earliest
continental drift (Alfred Wegner)
Bowen’s reaction series descries
the sequence in which minerals form when magmas cools
the oldest continental rocks are ______ than the oldest oceanic rocks
much older
which of the following minerals does not exhibit cleavage? (it exhibits conchoidal fracture)
the two most common elements in the Earth’s curst are
oxygen and silicon
felsic igneous rocks contain abundant ____ silicate minerals
which of the following is associated with a divergent plate boundary
all of the above
rifting, earthquakes, and volcanism
how do we know that the initial composition of the melt that formed the Palisades sill was mafic
there is basalt at the top and bottom of the intrusion where the magma first cooled
which of the following best describes the gray igneous rock depicted in the cross section below
solidified fragments of volcanic material ejected into the air are called
the growth of a solid from a gas or liquid whose atoms can come together in the proper chemical proportions and crystalline arrangement is called
which of the following best describes an andesite
a fine grained, felsic igneous rock
which of the following statements about lava is true
high temperature lavas are less viscous than low temperature lavas
which igneous rock is the most abundant rock of the crust and underlies virtually all of the floors of the ocean
mica is a common example of a _______ silicate
what type of mineral is pyrite (FeS2) also known as fools gold
at what type of plate boundary do the deepest earthquakes occur
what is the term for atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
which of the following statements about felsic igneous rocks is true
felsic rocks crystallize at lower temperatures than mafic rocks
which of the following lists is in the correct order of increasing silica content for the course grained igneous rocks
gabbro, diorite, granite
which of the following igneous rocks has the lowest silica content
the main type of plate boundaries are (proper names only)
convergent, transform, divergent
which of the following lavas will flow downhill slowest
rhyolite (felsic)
which of the following minerals fizzes when it coms in contat with hydrochloric acid (HCl)
why are isochrons on the Pacific seafloor more widely spaced than isochrons on the Atlantic seafloor
the Pacific seafloor formed at a faster spreading rate than the Atlantic seafloor
which of the following pairs of intrusive and extrusive rocks have the same chemical composition
gabbro and basalt
from the following choices, how would you distinguish diorite from granite
there is more quartz in a granite than a diorite
which of the following is the least reliable physical property
which of the following locations is least likely to have active volcanoes
transform fault
the silica tetrahedra readily bonds with cations when available because
it has a net negative charge
chunks of rocks that break off from country rocks and fall into magmas are called
which of the following processes would most likely yield a granitic magma
partial melting of the continental crust
isochrons on the seafloor are roughly ____ the ridge axis along which they were created
parallel to and symmetric about
magma is by defintion
molten rock below the surface
the chemical formula (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 describes which of the followins minerals
if the position between antennas on two plates moving away from each other changes by 10 mm/yr, then each plate is moving at approximately
5 mm/yr
what type of mineral is gypsum, (CaSO4-2H2O) the primary component of drywall
the Appalachian Mountains formed from an ancient _____ plate boundary
which of the following minerals does not normally occur in granite
the Great Rift Valley of East Africa is an early-stage
divergent boundary
hardness is referred to as a mineral’s
resistance to scratching
what type of lave is most likely to erupt at a tectonic setting where two oceanic plates are moving away from each other (mid ocean ridge)
basalt (mafic)
what type of lava erupts in a volcanic setting where two oceanic plates meet and one is subducted below the other
andesite and basalt
what type of lava erupts in a volcanic setting where a continental plate and oceanic plate meet and the oceanic is subducted
andesite, rhyolite, and basalt are possibilites
the classification of igneous rocks is dependent on texture and
the relative proportion of silicate minerals
what type of minerals is calcite (CaCO3)