Exam 2 - Chpt 15 Flashcards
sensory organ that functions in hearing and equilibrium
what are the 3 portions of the ear
major functions of the ear
collecting, transporting sound vibrations to the brain and maintaining the sense of equilibrium
what helps move cerumen out of the canal
chewing, talking
what may become infected in adults after an ear infection?
mastoid process
what separates the external and middle ear
tympanic membrane aka eardrum
what connects the middle ear with the nasopharyn
eustachian tube
conducts sound vibrations from the external ear to the inner ear
middle ear
spiraling chamber that contains the receptors for hearing
4 sinuses
functions of the nose and sinuses
provide airway for respiration
filter, warm, humidify air
resonance of the voice
housing receptors for olfactory
how many adult teeth
how many deciduous (baby) teeth
papillae are aka
responsible for saliva production
where does saliva enter the mouth from the parotid gland
Stensen’s duct located in the buccal mucosa
where does saliva enter the mouth from the submandibular gland
Wharton’s duct
cerumen is secreted by which gland
apocrine and sebaceous
cerumen characteristics
white, grey yellow, orange-brown dark brown flaky, crumbly wet, sticky hard
dry cerumen is common in which race
East Asians
mixed dry, wet cerumen is common in which races
Native North American
Pacific Islander
Central Asian
brain is capable of simultaneously integrating information that is received from both ears
binaural hearing
children begin loosing their teeth by __ and have lost their last one by age __
6; 12-13
subjective data r/t ear
earache (OLDCART, ICE) infection (frequency) discharge hearing loss (onset) environmental noise tinnitus (persistant; meds?) vertigo pt-centered care --how to you clean your ears; last hearing test; hearing aids.
do you irrigate an ear with hx of or examination suggests perforation or infection?
what is typically used to dislodge cerumen
mineral oil, H2O2
irrigate with warm H2O, bulb syringe, or WaterPik; direct fluid to posterior wall
objective data r/t ear
inspect palpate inspect auditory canal examine tympanic membrane Whisper test Rhinne, Weber, Romberg test
small, painless nodule at the top of the helix
congenital, not signifiant
Darwin’s tubule
Large or small speculum for examining the ear canal?
largest that will fit comfortably
what to do with the speculum after each ear, especially if there is discharge
clean it