Exam 1: Intro to Virology Flashcards
- Obligate intracellular existence
- Dependent on host cells for energy, metabolism, protein synthesis, and replication
- Not visible by LM ⇒ 20-300 nm diameter
- Ultimate parasites
A single virus is called a…
Nucleic Acid
- Innermost virion component
- DNA or RNA ⇒ not both
- Linear or circular
- Single or double stranded
- Segmented or non-segmented
- More segmented = more complex lifecycle
Outermost covering of viruses
protomers ⇒ capsomers ⇒ capsid
- Against DNase and RNase
- For non-enveloped viruses
- Antigenicity
Structural unit of the capsid.
Viral proteins.
Morphological unit of the capsid.
Formed from one or more types of protomers.
Capsid Symmetry
Determines by the organization of capsomers.
Used for classification.
- Helical
- Pentons ⇒ always surrounded by 5 other capsomers
- Hexons ⇒ always surrounded by 6 other capsomers
- Seen in POX viruses
- Rare

Nucleic acid + capsid
Naked viruses more stable to ___ than enveloped viruses.
environmental stress
- Derived from host lipid bilayer
- Protects nucleocapsid
- Contains peplomers (“spikes, glycoprotein spikes”)
- Virus-encoded
- Functions
- Attachment
- Entry
- Antigenicity
- Enzymatic activity

Viral Budding
How a virus become enveloped:
- Virus encoded proteins become associated with host plasma membrane
- Can get membrane from organelles also
- Exit through exocytosis
- Glycoprotein spikes incorporated into membrane
- Viral nucleocapsid assembled near the membrane
- Budding begins
- Viral spikes further inserted into membrane
- Buding completed releasing a free virion

Only 6 ways to classify:
Nucleic acid type
- DNA or RNA
Nucleic acid structure
- SS vs DS
- Circular vs linear
- Segmented or non-segmented
RNA polarity ⇒ for RNA viruses only
- Positive sense vs negative sense
- Enveloped or Naked
- Helical, icosahedral, or complex
- Strategy for genome replication
Size & Morphology
- Differ widely in shape and size
- Picornavirus ⇒ 28 nm, size of a ribosome
- Poxvirus ⇒ 250x300 nm, ⅓ size of mitochondrion

RNA Virus

RNA Viruses

DNA Virus

DNA Viruses

Viral Replication
- Recognition of target cell
- Attachment
- Penetration
- Uncoating
- Macromolecular synthesis
- Assembly of virus
- Budding of enveloped virus
- Release of virus
Recognition and Attachment
- Enveloped viruses ⇒ use peplomers aka viral glycoprotein or spikes
- Nake viruses ⇒ use capsid proteins
- Attach to cell surface via receptors or co-receptors
Use of different receptors or co-receptors to attach and enter cells.
Ex. HIV is T-cell tropic
Translocation of entire viron or portion of viron.
Enveloped viruses
- Receptor mediated endocytosis
- Fusion
Naked viruses
- Receptor mediated endocytosis
- Directly cross plasma membrane
Release of viral nucleic acid from capsid.
Makes genome accessible to cellular machinery.
- Can occur simultaneously with penetration or with receptor induced conformational changes
- Some naked viruses need host enzymes to remove capsid
Three strategies:
- At plasma membrane
- Within endosomes
- At nuclear membrane

Macromolecular Synthesis
Varies depending on type of viral genome.
Tightly regulated through expression of early and late gene products to regulate host cell cycle.
- Early mRNA and non-structural protein synthesis
- Replication of viral genome
- Late mRNA and structural protein synthesis
- Post-translational modification of protein
Viruses can use their molecular machinery to help with ___ but cannot perform ___.
DNA/RNA replication
protein synthesis
Most RNA viruses replicate in the ___ except for ___ and ____.
- Influenza ⇒ replicates in the nucleus
- Retroviruses ⇒ integrates DNA copy into host chromosome
RNA-dependent RNA-Polymerases
- Not present in eukaryotic cells
- Viral encoded
- Can be produced within host cells for SS ⊕-sense RNA viruses
- Must be brought along within capsid for SS ⊖-sense RNA viruses
- Other viral proteins may be required as accessory factors for RNA synthesis
RNA Processing
Addition of 5’ cap and 3’ poly-A tail required.
Neccessary for recognition by host translation machinery.
Examples of SS ⊕-sense RNA viruses are…
Poliovirus & West Nile Virus
SS ⊕-sense RNA viruses
Protein Synthesis
- Functions directly as mRNA
- Translated by cellular ribosomes into viral proteins
- Can be translated as one large polyprotein
- Cleaved by viral proteases to make individual proteins

SS ⊕-sense RNA viruses
RNA Production
- Parental ⊕ ssRNA replicated by viral RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp)
- Makes ⊖ ssRNA
- Used by RdRp to make more ⊕ ssRNA
- Serves as additional mRNA for protein synthesis by cellular ribosomes
- Packaged into new virions
- Used by RdRp to make more ⊕ ssRNA

Examples of SS ⊖-sense RNA viruses includes…
Influenza & Measles virus
SS ⊖-sense RNA Viruses
Protein Synthesis
- ⊖ ssRNA ⇒ ⊕ mRNA by viral RdRp
- Translated into proteins by cellular machinery

SS ⊖-sense RNA Viruses
RNA Production
⊖ ssRNA acts as a template to make ⊕ ssRNA
- Virus must carry RdRp within capsid
- Eukaryotes cannot recognize ⊖ ssRNA
⊕ ssRNA used as template by RdRp
- Makes more ⊖ ssRNA for new virions

Examples of DS RNA viruses are…
Reoviruses & Rotaviruses
DS RNA Virus
Protein Synthesis
- Cannot function directly as mRNA
Viral RdRp transcribes a ⊕ mRNA using ⊖ strand of RNA as template
- Genome always segmented
- Each segments transcribed to produce a unique mRNA
- ⊕ mRNA used by host machinery for protein synthesis

DS RNA Virus
RNA Production
- Viral RdRp transcribes a ⊕ ssRNA using ⊖ strand of parental dsRNA as template
- ⊕ ssRNA used by RdRp to produce complementary ⊖ strand
- Makes new copies of parental dsRNA

DNA Virus Replication
Cellular + viral proteins needed for viral DNA replication
- Except poxviruses ⇒ do not use cellular components
Some use celluar DNA polymerase
- Parvoviruses & Papovaviruses
Some encode their own viral DNA polymerase
- Adenovirus & Herpes viruses
Some induce cells to enter into S phase
- Papovacirus & Adenovirus
Some inhibit cellular DNA synthesis
- Herpes viruses
Example of SS DNA virus is…
Single-stranded DNA Virus
Protein Synthesis & DNA Replication
Replication occurs in host cell nucleus
- Uses host enzymes
Viral DNA serves as template for:
- Translated into proteins by host machinery
Intermediate dsDNA
- Used as template to make more ssDNA for new virions

Examples of DS DNA viruses are…
- Adenoviruses
- Herpes viruses
- Papillomavirus
- Poxviruses
dsDNA virus genome can be…
circular or linear
Double-stranded DNA Virus
Protein Synthesis
- dsDNA used by host RNA polymerase to make mRNA
- mRNA produced contains exons and introns
- mRNA synthesized using multiple overlapping reading frames
- Reduces amount of DNA needed to encode viral proteins

Double-stranded DNA Virus
DNA Replication
- Typically occurs in host nucleus
Uses either host or viral DNA polymerase
- Smaller viruses use host machinery
- Not enough room in the capsid
- Ex. Parvociruses & Papovaviruses
- Larger viruses code for their own DNA pol
- Ex. Adenovirus & Herpes viruses
- Smaller viruses use host machinery
- Cellular + viral proteins needed for viral DNA replication
___ replicate in the cytoplasm using their own enzymes for nucleic acid replication.
RNA Viruses
DNA Intermediates
Ex. retroviruses:
SS ⊕-sense RNA acts as template to make viral DNA
- By viral RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase)
- DNA integrated into host genome
- Transcribed to mRNA by host machinery
- Translated into viral proteins
- Used as ssRNA for new virions

Asssembly, Budding, and Release
- Final steps in viral replication cycle
- Assembly often occurs spontaneously
- Release
Naked viruses usually released with cell lysis
- Can be released through exocytosis
- Enveloped viruses usually released by budding
Naked viruses usually released with cell lysis
- Some require further virion maturation before they acquire infectious potential
- Ex. HIV-1 needs proteolytic processing of virion proteins in released particles

Growth Curve
Eclipse period ⇒ intracellular growth period
Exponential growth period ⇒ detectable # of viruses significantly increase through cell lysis, exocytosis, or budding
Yield per cell ⇒ difference between infectious load and viral count after one round of division

Viral Disease
Basic Progression
- Acquisition ⇒ entry of the virus into the body of the host
- Initiation of Infection ⇒ binding and entry of the virus into primary host cell
- Activation of innate protections
Incubation period ⇒ period when the virus is amplified and may spread to a secondary site
- Asymptomatic
- Prodrome ⇒ non-specific early symptoms
- Symptoms ⇒ caused by tissue damage and systemic effects
- Replication ⇒ causes characteristic disease symptoms
Immune response
- Limits infection and clears the virus
- May contribute to disease ⇒ immunopathogenesis
- Contagion ⇒ virus production in tissues that facilitates spread of the virus to other people
- Clearance of infecting virus
- Or persistent infection/chronic disease ⇒ viral latency
Viral Entry Routes
- Inhalation
- Skin breaks
Mucous membranes
- Eyes, respiratory tract, mouth, etc
- Tears, mucus, ciliated epithelium, stomach acid, bile, sIgA protects
Respiratory Tract
- Enter via inhalation
- Most important entry site for viruses
- Some remain localized
- Influenza, rhinovirus, coronaviruses
- Some spread systemically
- Mumps, measles, rubella
GI Tract
- Enter via ingestion
Infections only caused by non-enveloped viruses
- Resistant to degradation by low pH of stomach
- Ex. rotaviruses
- Some can disseminate beyond the GI tract
- Neurovirulent poliovirus
- Some other enteroviruses
- Coxsackie
Skin Entry
- Enter via skin abrasions, animal bite, arthropod vector, injection
- Only localized viral skin infection are warts caused by papillomavirus
Disseminated infections caused by:
- Herpesvirus
- Rabies virus
- Hepatitis B, C, D
- HIV-1 and 2
Genital Tract
Causes local lesions on genitalia and perineum
- Herpes simplex
- Papillomaviruses
No local lesions but disseminate to target organs
- Hepatitis B
Cellular Susceptibility
Plasma membrane receptors
- The more ubiquitous the receptor, the wider the host range
- Examples:
- Epstein-Barr virus ⇒ CR2 on B cells
- HIV ⇒ CD4 on T cells
- Rabies ⇒ ACh receptors
Intracellular proteins
- Use cellular transactivator proteins and enzymes for replication
Host Susceptibility
- Most are more virulent in young or old
- Malnourishment increases susceptibility
- Many infections more severe during pregnancy
- Likely due to mild immunosuppression
- ∆ host-virus interactions
- Certain MHC molecules do not present some viral Ag
Incubation Period
Time difference between infection and first manifestation of disease.
- Short if viral infection localized
- Much longer if systemic spread required to reach target organ
- Varies enormously due to:
- Viral characteristics
- Size of inoculum
- Types:
- Asymptomatic
- Prodrome ⇒ nonspecific early sx
- Symptomatic ⇒ caused by tissue damage and systemic effects
Viral Dissemination
- Local spread on epithelial surfaces
- Subepithelial invasion / Lymphatic spread
- Blood transport ⇒ viremia
Local Spread
- Local spread on epithelial surfaces
- Replicate in epithelial cells @ site of entry
- Spread to neighboring cells
- Fluids transport virus along epithelial surface
- Shed into the environment
Subepithelial invasion / Lymphatic spread
- Gains access through:
- Tissue damage
- Phagocytosis
- Transport past mucoepithelial layers of MM
- Picked up by macrophages
- Brought to the local lymphatics
Viremia ⇒ the first time the virus enters the blood.
Often procedes delivery of virus to target tissues.
- Gains access through:
- Tissue damage
- Phagocytosis
- Transport past mucoepithelial layers of MM
Transported free in plasma or in WBCs
- Phagocytosed viruses inactivated, replicate, or delivered to other tissues
Secondary Viremia
Amplification of infection by viral replication in macrophages, endothelium, or liver.
The second time the virus enters the blood after already reaching target tissues.
Viral Pathogenesis
Viruses cause disease by:
- Breaching the body’s natural defensive barriers
- Evading the host’s immune response
- Directly killing infected cells
- Triggering destructive immune and inflammatory processes

Cytolysis Mechanisms
- ∆ cellular macromolecular synthesis
- Disruption of lysosomes
- ∆ cell membrane permeability
- Toxic effects of viral products
- Chromosomal aberrations
- Enhanced necrosis
- Apoptosis
- Cell fusion ⇒ syncytia
Viral Pathogenesis
- Interaction of the virus with target tissue
- Cytopathic activity of the virus
- Host protective responses
- Immunopathogenesis
Host : Virus
- Access of virus in the body
Viral stability
- Temp & pH
- Ability to cross skin or mucous epithelial cells
- Ability to establish viremia
Target tissue type
- Specificity of viral attachment proteins
- Tissue-specific expression of viral receptors
Cytopathic Activities
Efficiency of viral replication & gene expression
- Optimum temp for replication
- Permissiveness of cell for replication
- Cytotoxic viral factors
- Inhibition of cellular processes
- Accumulation of vial proteins and structures (inclusion bodies)
- Transformation
Host Protective Response
Innate immunity
- IFN, NK cells, Mφ
Adaptive immunity
- T-cells, Ab
- Viral evasion of host immune response
- Interferon ⇒ flu-like systemic symptoms
- T-cell responses
- Antibodies
- Inflammatory responses

Shedding / Release
- Necessary to maintain viral infection in populations
Occurs at different stages depending on viral infection
- Localized infections ⇒ same body openings for entry and exit
Generalized infections ⇒ greater variety of shedding mechanisms
- Nasopharyngeal secretions
- Blood
- Fecal matter
- SKin
Persistent infections ⇒ more common with latent infections, virus continuously made
- Urine
- Blood
- Saliva
- Genital secretions
- Does not occur when humans are dead-end hosts
- Rabies
- Eastern and western equine encephalitis
The study of the spread of disease through a population
Viral Transmission
- Aerosols
- Food/water
- Fomites ⇒ contaminated objects
- Direct contact with secretions ⇒ saliva, semen
- Sexual contact / birth
- Blood transfusions / organ transplant
- Zoonoses ⇒ viral disease shared by animals and insects
Viral Transmission
- Stability of virus in the environment
- Replication and secretion of virus into transmissible aerosols
- Asymptomatic transmission
- Transient or ineffective immune response to control reinfection or recurrence
Risk Factors
- Age
- Health
- Immune status
- Occupation
- Travel history
- Lifestyle
- Children in daycare
- Sexual activity
Critical Community Size
The minimum size of a closed population within which a human-to-human, non-zoonotic pathogen can persist indefinitely.
Depends on the # of seronegative, susceptible people.
Geography and Season
- Presence of cofactors / vectors
- Habitat and season for arthropod vectors
School session
- Close proximity and crowding
Home-heating season
- Limited fresh air circulation
Modes of Control
- Quarantine
- Elimination of the vector
- Immunization
- Natural infection
- Vaccination
- Treatment