Exam 1: Cell Injury and Cell Death Flashcards
Response to Stress
- Cells and organs in homeostasis
- Response to stress ⇒ adaptation or death
- Response dependent on severity and length of stress

In response to changes in physiologic and pathologic stimuli to maintain homeostasis.
When stress removed, can recover without harm.
- Hypertrophy
- Hyperplasia
- Atrophy
- Change in phenotype
- Metaplasia
- Dysplasia
Increase in cellular size and functional activity.
- Muscle hypertrophy w/ inc. workload
- ↑ protein synthesis ⇒ ↑ myofilament size ⇒ ↑ force generation
- Ex:
- Bodybuilder ⇒ inc. demand
- Heart ⇒ chronic hemodynamic overload
- Muscle hypertrophy w/ inc. workload
- Cancer
- Response to injury
Cardiac Hypertrophy
- Mechanical sensors ⇒ production of growth factors and agonists
- Activation of signal transduction pathways
- Activation of transcription factors
- Inc. synthesis of muscle proteins
Increase in cell number.
- Occurs in response to stimuli
- Can occur with hypertrophy
- Only seen in tissues where cells can divide
- Physiologic vs Pathologic

Physiologic Hyperplasia
Breast glandular epithelium
- Puberty or pregnancy
Liver regeneration
- Regenerate after donation
Bone marrow
- Make more RBCs after bleed or hemolysis
Pathologic Hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia
- Causes abnormal bleeding
- Due to excess estrogen ⇒ imbalance between estrogen/progesterone
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- In response to androgens
- Increases with age
- No increased risk for neoplasm
Response to viral infection
- Ex. HPV ⇒ warts
- Viral factors can interfere with host proteins that regulate cell proliferation
- Can be a cancer precursor
- Ex. HPV ⇒ warts
- ↓ cell size & organelles
- ↓ metabolic demands
- Attempt to prolong survival
- May diminish cell function
- May lead to irreversible injury and death
- ↓ size of organ or tissue

Physiologic Atrophy
- Embryonic development
- Shrinkage of uterus after delivery
Pathologic Atrophy
Decreased workload
- Atrophy of disuse
- Loss of innervation
Diminished blood supply
- Seen in brain w/ age
Inadequate nutrition
- Marasmus ⇒ cachexia
Loss of endocrine stimulation
- Uterus after menopause
- Enlargeing tumor compresses normal tissue
Protein and Organelle
Two pathways to clear damaged proteins and organelles:
↓ protein synthesis
- In response to ↓ metabolic activity
↑ protein degradation
Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
- Activation of ubiquitin ligases
- Ubiquitin attached to proteins
- Degraded in proteasomes
- Cells “eats” it own components
- Debris may remain as residual bodies ↑ lipofuscin granules
Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
One cell type is replaced by another normal cell type.
- Reversible change
- Usually in response to stress
- New cell type more able to withstand stress
- Stem cells ‘reprogrammed’ to differentiate along new path
- Signaled by cytokines, growth factors, ECM components
- Promotes expression of genes that drive differentiation

Squamous Metaplasia
- Columnar ⇒ squamous epithelium
- Most common epithelial metaplasia
- In areas of chronic irritation
- Ex. bronchi of smokers
Barrett’s Esophagus
“Intestinal metaplasia”
- Squamous ⇒ columnar epithelium w/ globlet cells
- Due to gastric reflux
- Can lead to cancer
Osseous (cartilaginous)
- Production of cartilage or bone in areas of tissue injury
- Causes:
- Chronic irritation
- Stress
- Tissue damage
- Ex:
- Irritation due to dentures
- Injury to muscle ⇒ myositis ossificans
Cell Injury
Reversible vs Irreversible
- Stimulus
- Limit of adaptive response exceeded
- Exposed to injurious agent or stress
- Deprived of essential nutrients
- Compromised by mutations that affect essential cellular constituents
- Time lag between injury and effects
- Signs of reversible injury takes longer
Cellular Injury
Oxygen deprivation
- Hypoxia, ischemia
Physical agents
- Mechanical, temp, radiation, electrical, pressure
Chemical agents
- Pollutants, poisons, drugs, metabolists
Infectious agents
- Virus, bacterial, fungi, parasites
Immune reactions
- Exogenous, autoimmune
Genetic derangements
- Enzymes, structural proteins
- Nutritional imbalance
- Proliferation errors (DNA)
Reversible Injury
Functional changes
↓ oxidative phosphorylation
- Depletes ATP and glycogen stores
↓ transporter function
- Loss of membrane activity and integrity
- Defects in protein synthesis
- Cytoskeletal damage
- DNA damage
↓ oxidative phosphorylation
Morphological changes:
- Cellular swelling ⇒ due to ∆ in ion concentration and water influx
- Mitochondrial swelling & amorphous densities
- RER swelling & ribosome detachment
- Clumping of nuclear chromatin
- Membrane blebbing & loss of microvilli
- Cytoplasmic vacuoles

Cell Injury
- Mitrochondrial damage
- ↓ ATP
- ↑ ROS
- Calcium entry
- Membrane damage
- Protein misfolding
- DNA damage

Depletion of ATP
- ATP produced through:
- Ox Phos of ADP
- Glycolysis
- ↓ [ATP] caused by:
- ↓ O2 supply
- ↓ nutrient supply
- Mitochondrial damage
- Toxins
Depletion of ATP
If [ATP]intracellular falls to 5-10% of normal:
- ↓ Na/K pump activity ⇒ cell swelling
∆ cellular metabolism ⇒ shift to anaerobic glycolysis
- Depletes glycogen stores
- Produces lactic acid
- ↓ cellular pH ⇒ ↓ enzyme activity
- ↓ calcium pump activity ⇒ Ca2+ influx ⇒ damage to many cellular components
- Ribosome detach from RER & polysomes dissociate ⇒ ↓ protein synthesis
- ↑ protein misfolding ⇒ accumulation in RER ⇒ activation of misfolded protein response ⇒ cell injury & cell death
- Irreversible damage to mitochondrial & lysosomal membranes ⇒ necrosis

Mitochondrial Damage
- ↑ [Ca2+]cytosol
- O2 deprivation
Types of mitochondrial damage:
- Formation of mitochondrial permeability pore ⇒ failure of ox phos ⇒ ↓ [ATP]
- Abnormal ox phos ⇒ ↑ [ROS]
Release of sequestered proteins from intermembrane space ⇒ apoptosis
- Ex. cytochrome C & BCL proteins that activate caspases
Loss of Calcium Homeostasis
- Caused by ↓ ATP ⇒ influx of calcium
- Key event in cell death
- ↑ [Ca2+]intracellular effects:
- Irreversibly poisons mitochondria
- Inhibits many cellular enzymes
Activation of lytic enzymes
- Phospholipases, proteases, endonucleases, ATPases
- Initiates free radical formation
Denatures cellular proteins
- Can lead to initiation of unfolded protein response
- Activation of apoptosis
Free Radicals
- Have a single unpaired e- in an outer orbital
- Extremely reactive with cellular macromolecules
- ROS are a type of oxygen-derived free radical generated within cells
- Build up if not scavenged and disposed of properly
- Initiates autocatalytic rxns ⇒ propagates more free radicals
Free Radical
Redox rxns during normal metabolism
- Small amount of partially reduced intermediates generated
- Superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl ions
Absorption of radiant energy (UV, X-rays) and ionizing radiation
- Hydrolyzes water ⇒ free radicals
- Activated WBCs generate ROS during inflammation (respiratory burst)
- Enzymatic metabolism of exogenous chemicals/drugs
Transition metals (Fe, Cu) can donate or accept free electrons during rxns
- Can catalyze formation of TOS
- Binding to storage/transport proteins reduces reactivity
- Nitric oxide can act as a free radical
Free Radical
- Inherently unstable ⇒ decay spontaneously
- Cells have non-enzymatic & enzymatic mechanisms to remove free radicals
Antioxidants ⇒ prevent formation or inactivate/scavange free radicals
- Vit E, A, and C
- Glutathione
- Free Fe and Cu
Antioxidants ⇒ prevent formation or inactivate/scavange free radicals
Enzymatic ⇒ enzymes act as free radical scavening systems
- Catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase
Free Radical
Pathologic Effects
Lipid peroxidation in plasma/organellar membranes
- Attack double bonds in unsaturated FAs of membrane lipids
- Generates peroxide
- Results in autocatalytic chain reaction ⇒ propagation
- Causes membrane damage
Oxidative modification of proteins
- Damage enzyme active sites
- Disrupt conformation of structural proteins
- Enhance degradation of misfolded proteins
Lesions in DNA
- Single or double stranded breaks in DNA
- Crosslinking of strands
- Implicated in cell aging and malignancy
Membrane Permeability
Mechanisms of injury:
- ROS ⇒ lipid peroxidation
- ↓ phospholipid synthesis
↑ phospholipid breakdown
- Products accumulate & have detergent effect on membranes
Cytoskeletal abnormalities
- Due to proteases affected by ↑ cytosolic calcium
Results in damage to:
- Mitochondrial membranes ⇒ apoptosis
- Plasma membranes
- Lysosomal membranes
DNA and Protein
- Cell initiates suicide program if:
- DNA damage too severe to be corrected
- Level of misfolded proteins too high
- Results in death by apoptosis
Ischemic and Hypoxic
- Ischemia results from hypoxia due to ↓ blood flow
- Usually due to blockage in arterial flow
- Can be due to reduced venous drainage
- Worsens hypoxia by also affecting anerobic energy generation
- Reversible if oxygen flow restored in time
- Organs respond differently to hypoxia d/t differences in metabolic activity
Organ Response to Anoxia
Cell death will begin in:
- Neurons ⇒ 3-5 minutes
- Myocardia ⇒ 20-30 minutes
- Renal tubule cells ⇒ 30-60 minutes
- Hepatocytes ⇒ 1-2 hours
- Skeletal muscle ⇒ many hours
- CT ⇒ many hours
Chemical (Toxic) Injury
- Direct toxicity
- Chemicals injure cells by combining with molecular components
- Ex. mercuric chloride poisoning, cyanide, chemotherapy
- Conversion to toxic metabolites
- Usually done by cytochrome P-450 mixed function oxidases
- Ex. carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen
___ leads to cell death.
Irreversible cell injury
‘Point of no return’ between reversible and irreversible damage characterized by…
- Inability to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction
- Lack of ox phos and ATP generation
- Profound disturbances in membrane function
Reversible vs Irreversible
Cell Injury

Cell Death
- End result of progressive cell injury
- Many pathologic causes ⇒ ischemia, infection, toxins
- Can be a normal process ⇒ embryogenesis, maintaining homeostasis
- Two pathways ⇒ necrosis & apoptosis

Always pathological
- Ischemia, toxins, infections, trauma
Results from cell membrane damage
- Loss of ion homeostasis
- Cell contents leak into EC space ⇒ inflammatory response
- Lysosomal enzymes enter cytoplasm & digest cell ⇒ necrosis
Morphological Changes
Takes many hours for histologic or gross changes to be visible.
Cytoplasmic changes
↑ eosinophilia
- Loss of RNA
- Denatured proteins
- Vacuoles
Myelin figures
- From damaged cell membranes
- Degraded into FA, may calcify
↑ eosinophilia
Nuclear changes
- Karyolysis ⇒ nuclear fragmentation
- Pyknosis ⇒ nuclear contration
- Karyorrhexis ⇒ fragmentation of pyknotic nuclei
Plasma membrane destruction
- Enzymes & proteins leak out into ECM and blood
- Detectable in blood within 2 hours of necrosis

Coagulative Necrosis
- Typically caused by ischemia or infarction
Dead tissue structure preverved for several days
- Area called an infarct
- Injury denatures enzymes ⇒ no proteolysis of dead cells ⇒ see eosinophilic cells without nuclei
- Dead cells eventually cleared by WBCs via phagocytosis and lysosomal digestion
- Typically seen with MI’s

Liquefactive Necrosis
- Results from focal bacterial or fungal infections
- PMNs and Mφ degrade necrotic material and pathogen ⇒ pus
- Seen in CNS s/p hypoxic injury

Gangrenous Necrosis
(Clinical term)
- Limb ischemia ⇒ coagulative necrosis ⇒ dry gangrene
- Superimposed bacterial infection ⇒ liquefactive necrosis ⇒ wet gangrene
Caseous Necrosis
- ‘Cheese-like’ central necrotic area of a granuloma
- Seen in tuberculosis and some other infectious
- Caseation appears pink, amorphous, and granular

Fat Necrosis
- Focal areas of destruction
- Usually specific to the release of pancreatic lipases or trauma to the breast
- Fat reacts with calcium ⇒ saponification ⇒ soap
- Appears chalky-white grossly
- Shows outlines of necrotic fat cells microscopically

Deposition of chalky white material in areas of fat necrosis.
- Results from combo of FA’s released from intracellular stores + extracellular calcium
- Ex. dystrophic calcification
- Serum calcium is normal
- Programmed cell death ⇒ highly regulated
- Serves many normal functions
Activated by either an intrinsic or extrinsic pathway
- Relies on sequential activation of proteases through cleavage or caspase cascades
- No inflmmatory reaction triggered

Physiologic Apoptosis
Serves many normal functions:
- Response to DNA or protein damage
Embryologic development
- Ex. Webs between fingers
- Tissue remodeling
- Normal turnover
- Involution of hormone-dependent tissues
Cell loss in proliferating cell populations
- Ex. lymphocytes that don’t express useful antigen receptors
- Elimination of self-reactive lymphocytes
- Death of neutrophils after activation
Pathologic Apoptosis
- After exposure to toxins
Death of cells with mutations or DNA damage
- Removes potentially cancerous cells
Improperly folded proteins
- Caused by mutations or free radical damage
- Accumulates in ER ⇒ ER stress ⇒ apoptosis
Death of infected cells
- Viral infections ⇒ adenovirus, HIV
- Host immune responses ⇒ hepatitis
T-cell mediated mechanisms
- Kill tumor cells
- Reject transplants
- Atrophy in parenchymal glands when ducts obstructed
Morphological Changes
- Degradation of cellular DNA and proteins
- Organelles tightly packed ⇒ cell shrinkage
Chromatin condensation
- Aggregates under nuclear membrane
- Nucleus may break up
Formation of cytoplasmic blebs & apoptotic bodies
- Membranes remain intact
- Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells or cell bodies before materials leak out ⇒ no inflammatory response

Results from activation of enzymes
- Inactive proenzymes
- Must undergo enzymatic cleavage for activation
- Cleaved caspases are a marker of apoptotic cells
- Activation depends on balance between pro- and anti- apoptotic signals
Two phases:
- Initiation ⇒ some caspases become active
- Execution ⇒ other caspases trigger degradation of cellular components
Intrinsic Initiation Pathway
“Mitochondrial pathway”
- Major mechanism
- Results from ↑ permeability of outer mitochondrial membrane
Releases pro-apoptotic molecules into cytosol
- Cytochrome C ⇒ initiates apoptosis
BCL2 family ⇒ controls release
- Some anti-apoptotic ⇒ BCL-2, BCL-XL, MCL-1
- Some pro-apoptotic ⇒ BAX and BAK
- Some are sensors ⇒ regulate the balance
- Path activates initiator caspase-9

Extrinsic Initiation Pathway
“Death Receptor-Initiated Pathway”
- Triggered by activation of death receptors on plasma membrane of some cells
Death receptors
- Members of TNF receptor family
‘Death domain’ site required
- Protein-protein interactions delivers apoptotic signals
- Type I TNF receptor (TNFR1) ⇒ best known
Fas (CD95) receptor ⇒ found on many cells
- Binds Fas ligand (FasL)
- Found on T cells that recognize self-Ag
- Eliminate self-reactive lymphocytes
- Found on some cytotoxic T-cells
- Kill virus-infected and tumor cells
- Found on T cells that recognize self-Ag
- Fas-FasL binding brings together Fas molecules
- Forms binding site for FADD (Fas-associated death domain)
- FADD binds inactive Caspase-8 via death domain ⇒ activation
- Binds Fas ligand (FasL)
- Path activates initiator caspase-8 and caspase-10

Execution Phase
Intrinsic and extrinsic initiation pathways converge at the activation of executioner caspases:
Executioner caspases ⇒ caspase-3 and caspase-6
- Acts on cellular components
- Results in:
- Cleavage of DNA
- Degradation of nuclear matrix
- Degradation of proteins
- Etc.
Apoptotic bodies removed by phagocytes
- May be recruited by cell surface markers on apoptotic bodies
- Thrombospondin
- C1q
- May be recruited by cell surface markers on apoptotic bodies
Decreased Apoptosis
Defective apoptosis ⇒ increased cell survival:
Survival of abnormal cells
TP53 mutations
- Defective DNA repair
- ↑ susceptibility to accumulation of mutations
- ↑ cancer risk
- Most common genetic abnl found in human cancers
TP53 mutations
Failure to remove self-reactive and dead cells
- ↑ risk of autoimmune disorders
Increased Apoptosis
Increased apoptosis ⇒ excessive cell death
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Apoptosis due to mutations and misfolded proteins
- Ischemic injury
- E.g. MI and stroke
- Death of virus infected cells

- Cell digests its own constiuents
- Protects against nutriend deprivation
- Performs intracellular “quality control’
- Involved in elimination of intracellular infections
- Rodels cellular components to meet needs
- Chaperone-mediated autophagy
- Microautophagy
- Macroautophagy
Chaperone-mediated Autophagy
Direct translocation across lysosomal membrane by chaperone proteins.
Inward invagination of lysosomal membrane for delivery.
Sequester and transport portions of cytoplasm in double-membrane bound autophagic vacuoles (autophagosome) to lysosomes.
Primary mode of autophagy.
Intracellular Accumulations
- Material accumulates in cytosol, organelles, or nucleus
- May be reversible or irreversible
- Can cause damage if extreme
Metabolic Derangement
Inadequate removal of normal substances
- Due to defect in packaging or transport
- Ex. Steatosis in liver
Accumulation of abnormal endogenous substances
- Due to defective folding, packaging, or secretion
Failure to degade metabolites
- Due to inherited enzyme deficiences
- “Storage diseases”
Deposit and accumulate abnormal exogenous substances
- Due to inability to degrade or excrete substances
- Ex. carbon in macrophages
“Fatty change”
- Abnormal accumulation of lipids/TAGs in parenchymal cells
- Seen in liver and other organs
- Causes:
- Toxins
- Protein malnutition
- DM
- Obesity
- Anoxia

- Smooth muscle cells and macrophages filled with lipid vacuoles
- Contains mostly cholesterol and cholesteryl esters
- Forms plaques on blood vessel walls
Cholesterol accumulation in macrophages in subepithelial CT of skin and tendons.
Accumulation of cholesterol-laden macrophages in lamina propria of the gallbladder.

Niemann-Pick Disease
Type C
Lysosomal storage disorder leading to abnormal accululation of cholesterol in cells.
Protein Accumulations
Appears as rounded eosinophilic droplets, vacuoles, or aggregates in the cytosol.
Protein Droplets
Protein resorption droplets in proximal renal tubules.
Found in patients with protein loss via urine.

Immunoglobulin accumulation in plasma cells are called…
Russell bodies
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Defective intracellular transport and secretion of critical proteins.
Material builds up in ER of hepatocytes.
Cytoskeletal Protein
- Alcoholic Hyaline
- Made of keratin intemediate filaments
- Accumulates in the liver
- Amyloid
- Accumulates inside and between cells
- Many organs affected

Hyaline Change
- Homogeneous, glassy pink material
- Accumulates inside or between cells
- Non-specific marker for cell injury
- Extracellular hyaline can be seen in walls of arterioles with chronic HTN

Glycogen Accumulation
- Stored in healthy cells
- Can be deposited in excessive amounts w/ abnormalities in glucose or glycogen metabolism
- Appears as clear vacuoles in cytoplasm
- Stained with PAS
- Accumulates in glycogen storage diseases
Exogenous Pigment
- Coal dust (anthracotic pigment)
- Accumulates in lungs and lymph nodes
- Excessive amounts can produce serious disease
- Ex. Coal workers pneumoconiosis
- Tattoos
- Pigments phagocytosed by derml macrophages

Endogenous Pigment
- Lipofuscin
- Melanin
- Hemosiderin
- Golden brown fine granules
- ‘Wear and tear’ pigment
- Contains lipid and proteins from membranes
- Does not cause injury
- Increases with age
- Often seen in liver and heart

- Golden-brown granules
- Derived from hemoglobin
- Forms where there is local or systemic excess of iron
- Normally see small amounts in macrophages
- Bone marrow
- Spleen
- Liver
- Local excess can accumulate in areas of bleeding
- Systemic excess causes deposition in many tissues ⇒ hemosiderosis

Abnormal deposition of calcium salts is called…
pathologic calcification
Dystrophic Calcification
- Local deposition of calcium in dying tissues
- Serum calcium levels normal
- See fine, white clumps w/ gritty texture
- Basophilic on H&E
Metastatic Calcification
- Deposition of calcium salts in normal tissue
- See hypercalcemia
- May affect GI mucosa, kidneys, lungs, and blood vessels
- If very severe, can affect organ function
Cellular Aging
Progressive decline in cellular function and viability.
Results from:
- Genetic abnormalities ⇒ mechanistic alterations
Accumulation of cellular and molecular damage
- Due to exposure to exogenous influences
Cellular Aging
DNA damage
- DNA repair mechanisms unable to correct all errors
- Damage accumulates over time
- Werner syndrome ⇒ see premature aging
Cellular senescence
- Normal cells stop dividing after a fixed number of divisions
- Telomeres shorten each time
- Telomerase absent in most somatic tissues
- Cancer cells have reactivated telomerase ⇒ proliferates indefinitely
- Become arrested in a non-diving state ⇒ senescence
- Normal cells stop dividing after a fixed number of divisions
- Defective protein homeostasis
Deregulated nutrient sensing
- Caloric restriction shown to increase lifespan
- Associated with IGF-1
- Caloric restriction shown to increase lifespan