Exam 1: Cell Injury and Cell Death Flashcards
Response to Stress
- Cells and organs in homeostasis
- Response to stress ⇒ adaptation or death
- Response dependent on severity and length of stress
In response to changes in physiologic and pathologic stimuli to maintain homeostasis.
When stress removed, can recover without harm.
- Hypertrophy
- Hyperplasia
- Atrophy
- Change in phenotype
- Metaplasia
- Dysplasia
Increase in cellular size and functional activity.
- Muscle hypertrophy w/ inc. workload
- ↑ protein synthesis ⇒ ↑ myofilament size ⇒ ↑ force generation
- Ex:
- Bodybuilder ⇒ inc. demand
- Heart ⇒ chronic hemodynamic overload
- Muscle hypertrophy w/ inc. workload
- Cancer
- Response to injury
Cardiac Hypertrophy
- Mechanical sensors ⇒ production of growth factors and agonists
- Activation of signal transduction pathways
- Activation of transcription factors
- Inc. synthesis of muscle proteins
Increase in cell number.
- Occurs in response to stimuli
- Can occur with hypertrophy
- Only seen in tissues where cells can divide
- Physiologic vs Pathologic
Physiologic Hyperplasia
Breast glandular epithelium
- Puberty or pregnancy
Liver regeneration
- Regenerate after donation
Bone marrow
- Make more RBCs after bleed or hemolysis
Pathologic Hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia
- Causes abnormal bleeding
- Due to excess estrogen ⇒ imbalance between estrogen/progesterone
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- In response to androgens
- Increases with age
- No increased risk for neoplasm
Response to viral infection
- Ex. HPV ⇒ warts
- Viral factors can interfere with host proteins that regulate cell proliferation
- Can be a cancer precursor
- Ex. HPV ⇒ warts
- ↓ cell size & organelles
- ↓ metabolic demands
- Attempt to prolong survival
- May diminish cell function
- May lead to irreversible injury and death
- ↓ size of organ or tissue
Physiologic Atrophy
- Embryonic development
- Shrinkage of uterus after delivery
Pathologic Atrophy
Decreased workload
- Atrophy of disuse
- Loss of innervation
Diminished blood supply
- Seen in brain w/ age
Inadequate nutrition
- Marasmus ⇒ cachexia
Loss of endocrine stimulation
- Uterus after menopause
- Enlargeing tumor compresses normal tissue
Protein and Organelle
Two pathways to clear damaged proteins and organelles:
↓ protein synthesis
- In response to ↓ metabolic activity
↑ protein degradation
Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
- Activation of ubiquitin ligases
- Ubiquitin attached to proteins
- Degraded in proteasomes
- Cells “eats” it own components
- Debris may remain as residual bodies ↑ lipofuscin granules
Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
One cell type is replaced by another normal cell type.
- Reversible change
- Usually in response to stress
- New cell type more able to withstand stress
- Stem cells ‘reprogrammed’ to differentiate along new path
- Signaled by cytokines, growth factors, ECM components
- Promotes expression of genes that drive differentiation
Squamous Metaplasia
- Columnar ⇒ squamous epithelium
- Most common epithelial metaplasia
- In areas of chronic irritation
- Ex. bronchi of smokers
Barrett’s Esophagus
“Intestinal metaplasia”
- Squamous ⇒ columnar epithelium w/ globlet cells
- Due to gastric reflux
- Can lead to cancer
Osseous (cartilaginous)
- Production of cartilage or bone in areas of tissue injury
- Causes:
- Chronic irritation
- Stress
- Tissue damage
- Ex:
- Irritation due to dentures
- Injury to muscle ⇒ myositis ossificans
Cell Injury
Reversible vs Irreversible
- Stimulus
- Limit of adaptive response exceeded
- Exposed to injurious agent or stress
- Deprived of essential nutrients
- Compromised by mutations that affect essential cellular constituents
- Time lag between injury and effects
- Signs of reversible injury takes longer
Cellular Injury
Oxygen deprivation
- Hypoxia, ischemia
Physical agents
- Mechanical, temp, radiation, electrical, pressure
Chemical agents
- Pollutants, poisons, drugs, metabolists
Infectious agents
- Virus, bacterial, fungi, parasites
Immune reactions
- Exogenous, autoimmune
Genetic derangements
- Enzymes, structural proteins
- Nutritional imbalance
- Proliferation errors (DNA)
Reversible Injury
Functional changes
↓ oxidative phosphorylation
- Depletes ATP and glycogen stores
↓ transporter function
- Loss of membrane activity and integrity
- Defects in protein synthesis
- Cytoskeletal damage
- DNA damage
↓ oxidative phosphorylation
Morphological changes:
- Cellular swelling ⇒ due to ∆ in ion concentration and water influx
- Mitochondrial swelling & amorphous densities
- RER swelling & ribosome detachment
- Clumping of nuclear chromatin
- Membrane blebbing & loss of microvilli
- Cytoplasmic vacuoles
Cell Injury
- Mitrochondrial damage
- ↓ ATP
- ↑ ROS
- Calcium entry
- Membrane damage
- Protein misfolding
- DNA damage
Depletion of ATP
- ATP produced through:
- Ox Phos of ADP
- Glycolysis
- ↓ [ATP] caused by:
- ↓ O2 supply
- ↓ nutrient supply
- Mitochondrial damage
- Toxins
Depletion of ATP
If [ATP]intracellular falls to 5-10% of normal:
- ↓ Na/K pump activity ⇒ cell swelling
∆ cellular metabolism ⇒ shift to anaerobic glycolysis
- Depletes glycogen stores
- Produces lactic acid
- ↓ cellular pH ⇒ ↓ enzyme activity
- ↓ calcium pump activity ⇒ Ca2+ influx ⇒ damage to many cellular components
- Ribosome detach from RER & polysomes dissociate ⇒ ↓ protein synthesis
- ↑ protein misfolding ⇒ accumulation in RER ⇒ activation of misfolded protein response ⇒ cell injury & cell death
- Irreversible damage to mitochondrial & lysosomal membranes ⇒ necrosis
Mitochondrial Damage
- ↑ [Ca2+]cytosol
- O2 deprivation
Types of mitochondrial damage:
- Formation of mitochondrial permeability pore ⇒ failure of ox phos ⇒ ↓ [ATP]
- Abnormal ox phos ⇒ ↑ [ROS]
Release of sequestered proteins from intermembrane space ⇒ apoptosis
- Ex. cytochrome C & BCL proteins that activate caspases
Loss of Calcium Homeostasis
- Caused by ↓ ATP ⇒ influx of calcium
- Key event in cell death
- ↑ [Ca2+]intracellular effects:
- Irreversibly poisons mitochondria
- Inhibits many cellular enzymes
Activation of lytic enzymes
- Phospholipases, proteases, endonucleases, ATPases
- Initiates free radical formation
Denatures cellular proteins
- Can lead to initiation of unfolded protein response
- Activation of apoptosis
Free Radicals
- Have a single unpaired e- in an outer orbital
- Extremely reactive with cellular macromolecules
- ROS are a type of oxygen-derived free radical generated within cells
- Build up if not scavenged and disposed of properly
- Initiates autocatalytic rxns ⇒ propagates more free radicals
Free Radical
Redox rxns during normal metabolism
- Small amount of partially reduced intermediates generated
- Superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl ions
Absorption of radiant energy (UV, X-rays) and ionizing radiation
- Hydrolyzes water ⇒ free radicals
- Activated WBCs generate ROS during inflammation (respiratory burst)
- Enzymatic metabolism of exogenous chemicals/drugs
Transition metals (Fe, Cu) can donate or accept free electrons during rxns
- Can catalyze formation of TOS
- Binding to storage/transport proteins reduces reactivity
- Nitric oxide can act as a free radical
Free Radical
- Inherently unstable ⇒ decay spontaneously
- Cells have non-enzymatic & enzymatic mechanisms to remove free radicals
Antioxidants ⇒ prevent formation or inactivate/scavange free radicals
- Vit E, A, and C
- Glutathione
- Free Fe and Cu
Antioxidants ⇒ prevent formation or inactivate/scavange free radicals
Enzymatic ⇒ enzymes act as free radical scavening systems
- Catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase
Free Radical
Pathologic Effects
Lipid peroxidation in plasma/organellar membranes
- Attack double bonds in unsaturated FAs of membrane lipids
- Generates peroxide
- Results in autocatalytic chain reaction ⇒ propagation
- Causes membrane damage
Oxidative modification of proteins
- Damage enzyme active sites
- Disrupt conformation of structural proteins
- Enhance degradation of misfolded proteins
Lesions in DNA
- Single or double stranded breaks in DNA
- Crosslinking of strands
- Implicated in cell aging and malignancy
Membrane Permeability
Mechanisms of injury:
- ROS ⇒ lipid peroxidation
- ↓ phospholipid synthesis
↑ phospholipid breakdown
- Products accumulate & have detergent effect on membranes
Cytoskeletal abnormalities
- Due to proteases affected by ↑ cytosolic calcium
Results in damage to:
- Mitochondrial membranes ⇒ apoptosis
- Plasma membranes
- Lysosomal membranes
DNA and Protein
- Cell initiates suicide program if:
- DNA damage too severe to be corrected
- Level of misfolded proteins too high
- Results in death by apoptosis
Ischemic and Hypoxic
- Ischemia results from hypoxia due to ↓ blood flow
- Usually due to blockage in arterial flow
- Can be due to reduced venous drainage
- Worsens hypoxia by also affecting anerobic energy generation
- Reversible if oxygen flow restored in time
- Organs respond differently to hypoxia d/t differences in metabolic activity
Organ Response to Anoxia
Cell death will begin in:
- Neurons ⇒ 3-5 minutes
- Myocardia ⇒ 20-30 minutes
- Renal tubule cells ⇒ 30-60 minutes
- Hepatocytes ⇒ 1-2 hours
- Skeletal muscle ⇒ many hours
- CT ⇒ many hours
Chemical (Toxic) Injury
- Direct toxicity
- Chemicals injure cells by combining with molecular components
- Ex. mercuric chloride poisoning, cyanide, chemotherapy
- Conversion to toxic metabolites
- Usually done by cytochrome P-450 mixed function oxidases
- Ex. carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen
___ leads to cell death.
Irreversible cell injury