Evolution & Origins Flashcards
an inherited characteristic that improves an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment
a trait that allows an organism to survive in its environment.
Galapagos Finches
Jack rabbit: fur blends well in desert
artificial selection
when humans control who reproduce
ex. horses (race vs work), dogs, plants
natural selection
the process by which individuals with inherited characteristics well-suited to the environment leave more offspring on average than do other individuals
ex. light vs dark rats, finches, moths
all of the changes that have transformed life over an immense time
descent with modification or changes in the occurrences of genetic traits in a population due to natural selection resulting in the transformation of all life over long periods of time
change in dna
pesticide resistance
a pesticide kills most of the bugs, but there is usually a survivor. That survivor reproduces and usually passes on the trait for pesticide resistance. This is why farmers change pesticides every few years.
antibiotic resistance
Not taking an antibiotic for the allotted period of time will not kill all the bacteria. The bacteria left will reproduce and be resistant to that antibiotic, causing a need for new and expensive antibiotics
peppered moths
Industrial Revolution caused pollution, which led to the environment turning black. At the time there were 2 moths, black and white. The white were surviving before but now nature was selecting the black one, due to its ability to blend into the dark forest.
homologous structures
similar structures in a species that share a common ancestor
have a slight modification
vestigial structures
remnant of a structure that may have had a larger function in a species ancestors but has a lesser function today.
ex. whales w/hipbones
pharyngeal pouch
example of vestigial structure. Still has functions in animals but not humans
tuberculosis (TB)
if don’t take proper antibiotics bacteria can become antibiotic resistant or your bacteria already is and is unable to treat
people who are HIV resistant are missing a CCR5 protein on their cells (the doorknob)
closer to the equator darker skin. Better in environment with sun, but they now lack vitamin D. This can lead to an increased risk of bone problems and perhaps a host of other disease if stay in sunny areas.