Ethical Guidelines on providign psychological services in response to disasters Flashcards
What are 4 ways psychologists mightbecome involved in disaster response
- Consultation
- Mentoring other health professionals
- Direct service provision
- Consulting with disaster response agencies
If you offer your services in resposne to a disaster what what is it important to do
- Work through an established organisation that is already working in the region as part of a coordinated response
- Ensure you work an organisation that will maintain community presence in the emergency area
- Transfer skills to local staff so that support and interevention may be implemented beyond your services and if you leave the area
What might be some difficulties associated with confidentiality that may arise when working in a disaster setting
- It may be difficult to get informed consent
- Media pressure to divulge client details
- Confusion over role in that a psychologist might be providing support but not as a psychologist
What are some of the things you should know to ensure competency before workign in a disaster settign
- What is best practice in supporting people affected by an emergency
- Understand common human responses to a disaster
- What psychological services and culturally and contextually appropriate to teh group affected by disaster
- Knowing th limitations of your skills
What must you assess before conducting research in a disastersetting
WHat the potential value and contribution of the research is in future disaster situations and local infrastructure
What must you highlight to a participant when conducting research in a disaster setting
That the research is not treatment. Explain the difference between treatment, relief or humanitarian aid
What must you do when keeping client records in a disaster setting
Clarify who owns and has responsibility for client records before you provide intervention. Who is responsible for long-term storage or future transfer of client information
What is it important for psychologists to model for others
They should manage their emotional responses in way that reflect resiliency and professional bheaviour
How can psychologists engage in self-care whilst working in a disaster setting
Receive adequate supervision and support.
Through awareness of the importance of self-care
What should you do if you can not provide long-term follow up in a disaster setting
Refer to services that can provide this for your client