Equine Thorax Flashcards
Number of thoracic vertebrae in the horse
___ pairs of ribs
Borders of lung ascultation
Dorsally: line connecting tuber coxae w/ caudal border of triceps along epaxial muscles
Ventrally: line connecting tuber coxae and olecranon process; from 6th, 11th, and 16th intercostal spaces
Cranially: line from epaxial muscles along long head of the triceps m.
Lung biopsy parameters
- both sides
- 7th/8th intercostal space, 3 inches dorsal to line from olecranon to tuber coxae
Liver biopsy parameters
- right side
- 12th to 14th intercostal spaces between line from tuber coxae to olecranon process & tuber coxae to point of shoulder
Location of heart
Mostly on left side of thorax at 2nd-6th intercostal spaces
Basal border of lungs
6th, 11th, 16th intercostal spaces
(Lungs end here)
Diaphragmatic hernias
- caused by rupture of diaphragm (foaling, running, etc)
- occurs mostly on L side in horses
- causes colic
Costodiaphragmatic recess
Space between diaphragmatic pleura and costal pleura
Line of pleural reflection
- from 9th intercostal space to 17th intercostal space
- separates thoracic and abdominal cavity
How to perform thoracocentesis
Place needle 2 in cranial to line of pleural reflection in the 6th or 7th int. space on R side & 7th or 8th space on L side