Equine Neck Flashcards
Bilateral action of brachiocephalicus muscle does…
Flexes neck ventrally
Unilateral action bends the neck….
Towards the active side
When neck is fixed…..
Unilateral action advances the limb
Dorsal br. of accessory n. supplies what muscles & clin sig
- supplies trapezius, omotransversarius, and brachiocephalic muscles
- must be avoided during IM injections
Ventral br. of accessory nerve supplies
Sternocephalicus m.
Location of ventral branch of accessory nerve
Ventral aspect of parotid gland
Dorsomedial to musculotendinous junction of Sternocephalicus m.
2 clin sigs of Ventral branch of accessory nerve
- modified forssell’s technique (crib biting treatment )
- biopsy of this nerve used to diagnose Equine Motor Neuron Disease
List top 5 choices for venipuncture (in order)
- jugular v
-transverse facial v
-cephalic v
-saphenous v
- superficial thoracic v
Location of transverse facial vein
- Ventral to facial crest
- Midway to medial & lateral canthus of the eye
List the structures that the cutaneous colli m. protects
- cephalic v
- deltoid branch of superficial cervical a.
- thoracic duct
- caudal deep cervical lymph node
- cd. aspect of jugular v
Why is venipuncture preferred in the cranial half of jugular v
Cutaneous colli m. covers the caudal half
Clin sig of medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes
Deep fascia covers…
Carotid sheath, trachea, and esophagus
The superficial & deep fascia communicate. Why important?
Infection can easily spread
Contents of carotid sheath (4)
- vagosympathetic trunk
- common carotid a
- recurrent laryngeal
- maybe internal jugular v
Why is L recurrent laryngeal n. susceptible to being injured
Bc its longer
Structures the cutaneous colli m. covers
- jugular v
- cephalic v
- deltoid branch of superficial cervical a.
- caudal deep cervical lymph center
- thoracic inlet
Borders of jugular groove
- dorsally: omotransversarius m. & cleidomastoideus m.
- Ventrally: sternocephalicus m.
- medially: omohyoideus m.
- laterally: cranial 1/2=skin & caudal 1/2= cutaneous colli m.