Equine Parasitology Flashcards
What is the most common parasite seen in foals and weanlings?
Ascarids (Parascaris)
What is a major species of large Strongyles?
Strongylus vulgaris
Where do Strongylus vulgaris larvae live?
cranial mesenteric artery and it branches
What can Strongylus vulgaris larvae cause?
may cause parasitic thrombosis and arteritis. blockage intestinal circulation = death
What are some treatments for Strongyles?
Ivermectin, Moxidectin, Fenbendazole
Most adult horses have developed an immunity to ___________.
When is a horse with parasites treated?
when egg counts is >100-200 eggs per gram of feces
What is Gastrophilus sp.?
bot fly of the horse
What is the life cycle of Gastrophilus sp.?
adult fly lays eggs on horse, horse licks and ingests larvae, larvae migrate through oral cavity and end up in stomach
What are some treatments for Gastrophilus sp.?
Ivermectin, Moxidectin
What is Strongyloides westeri?
threadworm of the horse
Threadworm is mainly seen in _______.
What are some treatments for Strongyloides westeri?
Ivermectin, Oxibendazole
What is Oxyuris equi?
How is Oxyuris equi diagnosed?
via clinical signs, cellophane tape may also be used
What are some treatments for Oxyuris equi?
Moxidectin, Pyrantel
What are Habronema muscae and Microstoma?
stomach worms
How does a horse get infected with Habronema muscae or Microstoma?
eggs/larvae are ingested by larvae of horse/stable flies, which serve as intermediate host
What causes “Summer Sores”?
migrating larvae
What are some treatments for Habronema muscae and Microstoma?
Ivermectin and Moxidectin
What are Parascaris equorum?
roundworm of the horse
What can Parascaris equorum cause?
can cause colic in foals and migrating larvae can cause liver/lung damage
What are some treatments for Parascaris equorum?
Pyrantel, Ivermectin, Moxidectin
What are Anoplocephala magna, A perfoliata, and Paranoplocephala mamillana?
equine tapeworms
What is the intermediate host for tapeworms?
pasture mites
What is the treatment for tapeworms?
What are Eimeria leukarti?
coccidia of the horse
What are Dictocaulus arnfield?
lungworm of the horse and donkey
What is the “natural host” of Dictocaulus arnfield?
What can Dictocaulus arnfield cause in horses?
chronic bronchitis
What are Sarocystis neurona?
protozoa that lives in the nervous system and causes EPM (Equine Protozoa Myeloencephalitis)
How are Sarocystis neurona transmitted?
consumption of sporocytes in opossum feces
What are the clinical signs of Sarocystis neurona?
neurological signs
What is the treatment for Sarocystis neurona?
antiprotozoal drugs
What are Bovicola spp.?
biting lice
What are Hamatopinus asini?
sucking lice
What are Microthoracius spp.?
sucking louse
What are Sarcoptes scabiei, Psoroptes equi, Chorioptes bovis, and Demodex spp.?
What is Musca domestica?
house fly
What is Musca autumnalis?
face fly
What is Stomoxys calcitrans?
stable fly